//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The nightmare // Story: Five nights at Pinkie's 1 // by Chamomile Tea //------------------------------// Before Pinkie fell asleep, she recalled the words of Foxy in her head clearly. Then, she fell asleep, in a sudden way, Like, when you just completely turn off. Pinkie drifts to sleep. She woke up.. Everything was dark, the gentle lights at the end of each hall, the blood streaming down, where was she? She looked around, the halls were dark. She saw something coming from behind her, then, it stopped, she looked away and it moved faster. Where was she? She closed her eyes as she heard loud mechanical footsteps coming her way, infact it was more of a run, it grabbed her and ran, and ran. Eventually it put Pinkie down "P-please.. D-don't kill me, I'm sorr-" She opened her eyes and noticed 'the fox' was standing right infront of her "H-hello?" The pirate fox spoke. "Ay, Y-y-y'e be seekin' a w'uay u't A'h see? T-t-t-th' t-trick b' Pinch y'erself, y'e b'e dreamin'". Pinkie stared. "W-why are you helping me? Shouldn't you be killing me?" Foxy looked down "I woul' nev'ar hurt'chi. I dun' wan't'a be like'th oth'ars." Pinkie looked sad. Even if it was just an animatronic fox.. "I feel sorry for you.." Pinkie spoke up. "A-ay, Mattie, that b' real ni'ce a' y'a t'a ol' Foxy. Bu't'cha bet'st's be goin' 'er y'er dream's w'l cum'ta life." Pinkie nodded and woke up.. slightly teary in her eyes. Without that Foxy, oh what was his name? Hmm.. ah, Foxy! Yeah, without Foxy, Pinkie didn't know what would happen, she looked outside, something was in the dark Ponyville lamps. They barelly lit up the figure however. She couldn't even make out it's shape, she roughly saw the shape of a bear, but one thing she did know, THAT wasn't a pony. She just simply shrugged it off, thinking it was a hallusination, before she did go to sleep, she checked again, it was gone. "Just me.. heh.. Going nuts, He he, Pinkie's going nuts, am I now? heh" She then laid her head, and went to sleep. Pinkie woke up, in a deep, dark tunnel. Well at least it seemed like that. It was a really strange tunnel, marked with the same wall designs as from 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' except, it was a long, infinite tunnel. Pinkie pie started walking down, sort'a scared of what may or may not happen, by now she was too scared to even figure out if it was a dream or real. After walking a bit she felt something standing on her tail, Pinkie, like normal, tripped over, than looked up horrified to realise Bonnie was standing on her tail. She, Bonnie, started choking her choking Pinkie. It felt too real to be a joke. Too painful to pass the clock. Too weird for just a toy. I mean really, How the HELL do these animatronics move? I swear t'a God back when they where made, animatronics could only move from the torso and up! This couldn't be real. This couldn't be! IT COULDN'T! *Clang from a frying pan is heard* Pinkie woke up, slowly shaking her head, and at an attempt to rub her eyes. Her hands were stuck, she could hear loud footsteps carrying her. After managing to open her eyes, she noticed everything was pitch black, except for the light glowing stars to, where ever she was, the stars seemed to resemble toy stars. Y'a know? Those glow in the dark stars? For kids? And adults alik- Okay, I won't do that STUPID joke. She was still awake, no doubt about that, and she wasn't in any harm except the metal-ish hands holding her, making it sort'a hard to breath, but other wise she was okay. "W-where am I?, and w-why is i-it so.. Dark?" A happy sounding voice replied with "W-w-well y-your in F-f-freddy F-Fazbear's P-pizza! I-i-it's your o-ol' P-pal F-f-f-fr-reddy!" Pinkie Pie froze.