The song

by MagicalEntaty

the accident!?

like they always say
when life gives you lemons make lemonade.

Twilight's hove's pounded on the pavement as she ran, it was sunset, a blood red sunset. This was surprisingly fitting seeing how if she stopped or slowed down she may find herself in a pool of red. Laughter echoed up the street with soft clicks of there hove's, it was silent yet it was the loudest, it felt as though it was pounding into my ear's, stabbing at them like ice picks! Twilight had to get home before they get her, old buildings flashed pasted as she ran the plain red brick buildings that would crumble at any moment.

Twilight came upon a fork in the road looking both ways for something, Anything that was familiar. There was nothing but buildings and garbage, she was lost, but she had no time to find her way they were close behind her. Bolting down the closest road she ducked into an ally hitting a discarded can that gave off an echoing clatter as it hit the wall near it. Twilight's legs started to feel like lead, she couldn't keep it up much longer she had to rest, she had to hide. She noticed a building it was just like all the others but it had it's door open, that's where she can hide. Squeezing under the boards she slipped inside and hid in the shadows hoping that they wouldn't look in there.

Using her long dark purple hair to try to hide the rest of her body, curling into a fetal ball and waited, her hands wrapped around her legs fingers digging into her light purple coat. For once Twilight was happy she was small because it was much easier to hide. A noise reached her ear, and it was something she wanted to stop!


The sound of hooves on cement reached her ear and it was coming from outside, they couldn't have found her unless they used tracking magic and Twilight knew for a fact that they couldn't because she was the only pony in school that could cast it, so how! She was so coughed up in her own thoughts that she didn't realize the sound was getting louder, and closer. Somepony grabbed Twilight by her tail and pulled her out of the corner, it was Diamond Tiara and her "friend" Silver Spoon, the smiles on there faces were as cold as ice and the look in there eye even more so. Diamond had a pail pink coat and a pail purple and wight mane and tail. Twilight's tail wrapped around her hand as Silver picked something off the ground, two pieces of wood and she looked at me with dead eyes "thought you could get away did ya." she handed a pieces to Diamond as she let go of Twilight's tail, she pulled herself to her feet she wanted to run again but they had her cornered. Diamond and Silver were 16, four years older then her, she was 12 years old today and they told her that this was her "gift" what ever was going to happen she wasn't going to like it.

A wight hot pain smashed across Twilight's face knocking her to the ground again there laughter sounded that of the devil. Twilight pulled herself to her feet again when another snap of pain rang through her body, coming from the back of her head, as she crumbled to the ground she saw her two attackers circling her like they were lions on the hunt and she was there pray, there prize! They didn't wait for Twilight to get up this time as they start to beat her brutally, Twilight curled up into a ball and covered her head, tears coming out of her eyes like rivers, she just wanted it to stop! Twilight looked outside it felt like someone was watching her trying to see what she dose next, but no one was there. Something worm and wet was starting to come out of Twilight's mouth and nose, she couldn't look at the cruel faces of though's that will most likely be the last people she would see so she closed her eye's. Everything grow still and silent, she still felt the hit's but they weren't as bad any more and from the darkness she heard a melody, it was the song that she heard in a dream when she was younger.

In the night the the time will come.
Hear her voice upon the wind,
The Queen vanished but come and see.
Her life shall come and bring us back.
Out of the shadows we are freed.
Here comes our young Queen.

"SHUTUP!!!" Diamond yelled with out realizing it she sang the song aloud, Diamond started to kick Twilight in the gut, her hooves turning Twilight's insides to goop. If Twilight didn't know any better she could have sworn her body was made out of pain. At that moment, she didn't care she gritted her teeth and did her best to get away from them before they beat her again. Diamond laughed "and where do you think your going?" Twilight saw her lift the wood and was about to bring it down on her head. At that moment the melody of her song rang through the vary air freezing Diamond and Silver in there tracks all the shadows in the room came to life and started to tare the building down on top of them all three of them. It would have buried them all alive but the shadows grabbed Twilight's battered body and moved it somewhere that she would be safe and looked like she jumped out of the way. Diamond and Silver were held in place by the same shadows as they were crushed under mountains of ruble. And Twilight, she felt as if somepony was trying to pull her someplace but couldn't as the world around Twilight faded to black.

The first thing that came to Twilight when she woke up was pain, echos of pain though her body. Her eyes fluttered open to see a pure wight room with one wall made of windows through it you can see an equally wight hall, I tried to get up but a hand grabbed my shoulder "don't get up yet you still need to heal," the voice was caring. I lay back down and look to see the holder of the voice, I see a man in a wight lab coat his coat was a dusty orange and he had brown hair, a horn rested on his head above his glasses. "I've got to check your heart to make sheer everything's alright?" he takes his stethoscope from around his neck and presses it to her heart for a few seconds "all right, your healing up quite nicely considering." with a shrug of his shoulder he started to walk away. 'Wait what dose he mean?' Twilight thought to herself then all the memory's came blasting back the chases, the attack, the song, even the shadows crushing Diamond and Silver, Oh God! Everything caused Twilight shot up "WAIT, Diamond and Silver what... are they okay?" the doctor looked back at her.

"I'm afraid not. They were found and it was too late for them and you were found there barely alive we got you here and into surgery." he used his magic to levitate my chart as he marked some things down on a clip bored. "When you got here half your bones were broken and you had a lot of internal bleeding no one though t you were going to make it the night. You had a great deal more injury's then they did but you seamed to have a stronger will, which I believe is what saved you." he smiled at me a kind warm smile but there was also sadness he wasn't telling her something. When he left Twilight looked at her hands like she had expected them to... change, she shook herself mentally, she felt different but it wasn't like her body changed, more like something outside. Twilight felt safer like there was somepony watching over her to keep her safe like the shadows did the evening before... maybe it was the shadows. Her thought was interrupted her parent's walking in carrying a bag there faces were as cold as stone as they walked up to me and I could tell in that one moment just what they were thinking "How dare you do this to our family name we're proud unicorns and you go out and pull this!" she meat there blank look's. her father put the purple bag next to here bed "all your stuff is in there, and an infinite charm spell on it. And from here on you are not part of our family, after what you pulled last evening..." Twilight couldn't let him finish she let all her rage the built up for 12 year's finally come out!

"Wow dad! Just WOW! I nearly die and all you worry about is your image!"
her father glared "now you wait rig..."
"NO! You wait and I hope you can hear me this time because I try to tell you this everyday but you don't care! When was the last time you payed any attention to your children!"
"Now Twilight, we... love you and Shining, even the newest member of the family but doing something like this for atten..."
"OH MY GOD!!!! I didn't like I told you yesterday and the week before and forever, Diamond and Silver last night they hunted me down and attacked me! The building falling apart saved me! But do you care, nooooo, you only care about the name we hold, so I am GLAD not to part of your "loving" family anymore! Hey maybe I can find Shiny or Cadence, maybe make some friends. I don't know but now I can live."

Twilight's father turned on his hooves and left fallowed closely by her mother. She over heard that the orphanage was going to come and get her in the morning so that night she grabbed her stuff and left.