//------------------------------// // Where it all began... // Story: The Last Real Pony // by Silver Centurion //------------------------------// Before we begin, I would just like to leave a message for everypony out there, especially for the ones like me. The 'traditionalists' as we're called by the techies. (And if you don't know what techies or traditionalists are, you haven't been paying attention to ... well everything really.) I know what you're thinking... I'm just some crazy pony that wants to live a backwards life. But let me tell you right now. That's not how it is. I'm not crazy. I'm not backwards. But then again for most ponies reading this you wouldn't understand any of these things I call emotions now would you? That's what I thought. So, getting back to what I am saying, I am here to share my story with all the other ponies out there who are isolated from each other. Well let me tell you. You're not alone. I'm here. And so are countless other ponies. There is no need to fear. We fight this battle together. I am Orion. And this is my story. Around the time I was 6, I began becoming aware of the world around me. Now mind you, I was, and am, an excellent reader and loved to read about olden' times when tv's and computer's didn't exist. I learned about how the elements of Harmony had been passed from generation to generation after Twilight Sparkle and her friends. How colts and fillies used to go to school and read off of things called books. Life was simple. I don't know why, but for some reason, that's how I thought life should be lived. Turns out, other ponies thought otherwise. Ah, the day it all began... I was just a small colt. Hadn't even gotten my emblem yet. Those were the good ol' days. But that quickly changed. My hooves lightly tip-toed on the hard wood floor of my house as I made my way down the long hall which housed my entire families' bedrooms. I continued down the long hall, being as quite as possible. My dark navy blue coat blew gently every time a gust of wind would come in from the single open window at the end of the hallway. Slowly but surely I made my way past my own room, after which point I stopped for a quick second to glance at my black digital watch. 12:35. I knew it was way past my bedtime, and if I was caught I would be severely punished. My parents were very strict and would accept no less than the absolute best from me. They also expected that I behave and listen to them. Now I had done so, doing my best to be there little genius. But recently I had heard some strange noises coming from my parents room when I went to bed. Every night I heard them. I would even stay up just to hear them, every day at exactly 12:35. As I remembered the noises, and the past few nights, I was shocked back to reality as the same noises I was thinking about began. I had to hurry. The usually only lasted a minute or two. And it was already 12:36. Figuring that now that the noise had started i didn't have to be as quiet. Realizing this I walked at a steadily increasing pace down the hall, being careful to miss the creaky planks. I dodged a plank to my left as I came up on my parents room. I was less than a hoofstep away from the edge of my parents' slightly ajar door, which let through a soft reddish orange-glow. Figuring that my parents had just turned their special lights on, I took no heed as the assault of whirs and clanks continued. I took a deep breath, brushed my light blue mane back and closed my eyes as I tucked my wings in. As I exhaled I opened my medium blue eyes and stared at the door intently, as if eyeing it like a wild animal. And then... I poked my head out just enough so that I could see inside with one of my eyes. I dared not open the door any farther for fear of being spotted. What I saw both intrigued, and shocked me. There, standing by a bedside dresser was my father, Star-Gazer. But that wasn't what was peculiar. As I watched him, he sat down in an odd position and then pushed down on both sides oh his flank, and with one quick motion both sides just... detached. I watched the spectacle in horror as he placed both oh his cutie marks in a small container filled with a strange green viscous fluid. At this point I was nearly ready to just walk away and forget the whole thing as if it had never happened. But I didn't. Instead I continued to observe as my dad turned sideways and I was able to catch a glimpse o f his flanks from which he ans removed his cutie marks. As far as I could tell he wasn't in pain... he didn't even have any flesh showing. His flanks were perfectly normal. I pondered just what he had done as I caught a last glimpse of his flanks, I realized something. There were no cutie marks on them. But how? How is that possible. As my father slipped under his covers beside mom, i shied away from the door, blinking my eye once or twice to moisten it "Whoa..." I mumbled as soft as I could as I tip-toed my way back to my room. But as I did so, I began to wonder if there were other ponies like Star-Gazer. But at the same time I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I managed to sneak my way into my room and close the door ever so gently. I creeped over to my bed and slid underneath the covers as quietly as possible and shifted onto my side. As I lay there with my eyes closed, I knew one thing was certain. For better or for worse. Things were about to change.