//------------------------------// // True Harmony // Story: Blood of Harmony // by BloodHive1998 //------------------------------// The tension in the library was, in Night Wind's case, literally thick enough to cut. The element bearers were almost all there, minus Pinkie. None of them looked at each other and none of them could see the SSF as they hid behind a series of bookshelves. Lunar was to Night's right, chewing on a severed wing she had found somewhere; Apple Bloom was right next to Lunar, just looking bored; to Night's left was Shadow, playing some game against a Timberwolf she had brought; next to her was Scootaloo, who was absently toying with her Spiritual Magic; and finely, Sweetie Belle was at the end, looking through thousands of holographic images and apparently chatting with one of her Android friends. "I'm here... wait... what are you doing here?" Pinkie asked angrily after bouncing in with a tray of cupcakes on her back. After the usual argument, Shadow stepped out from behind the bookshelves, followed by her group, and shut them all up back slamming one of her vines into the ground. "Enough! Now, we brought you here for a reason, so listen." Shadow said, her voice having more of an eerie undertone than usual. After everypony quieted down, and Lunar finished her wing, Night spoke up. "Now then, we know the elements didn't work on Black Shard, this is because your friendship is falling apart. I read in the elements guide available in this library that the Elements of Harmony are powered by Friendship, which means that when friendship fails, so do the elements. We've brought you all here to rebuild your friendship, as me and my two friends had to do a few weeks ago. So, any questions before we continue?" Night asked. "Yea, why's Bloom an' er friends here?" Apple Jack asked. "Because they aided us in finding the very secrets that likely keep you all here, and they're helpful in other ways." After a moment of silence, Lunar spoke up by saying "No more questions... good. We've found that keeping important secrets from each other can cause friendships to begin crumbling. In-fact, we've sent a letter to Princess Celestia with this lesson. So, we're going to give our secrets, then you all are going to tell each other yours, not simple ones, but rather your deepest and darkest secrets (which we already know.)" with that, Lunar and her friends dropped their illusions and proceeded to give their stories. When she finished, Lunar walked over to Pinkie and grabbed a few cupcakes, which had been baked with pony. "Your turns." Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle all said in unison. Twilight went first, being the one most interested in friendship. Twilight entered the form Night had seen before speaking. I likely have the most interesting. I found this body, dead, one night. the filly's parents didn't know just yet and I was running from something (I don't want to explain what just yet). So I decided that I'd do the family a favor and hide at the same time. I took over the filly's body, she was long dead, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I disapprove of demons taking over living ponies' bodies. I've stayed in this body since it was a year old, I have no intention of leaving. The other part of my secret is something I don't really like, but I will wait until our battle with Black Shard before explaining. Rainbow Dash followed by pulling out a blood stained lab coat and putting it on before speaking. You can call me a monster if you want to, because I am. You can call me insane, because it's true. Hell you could call me a murderous, psychopath, I am. I don't kill for joy though, I kill to preserve Cloudsdale's reputation. I work at the very factory that killed Scootaloo, though I was unaware of her death until a few days ago. I'm the Rainbow Factory manager by the way. I started after my first Sonic Rainboom so you know. Of course, you'd want my reasoning, well think about it. If a Unicorn loses their horn, they often choose to die (It's literally an option for them after the surgery). If an Earth Pony loses their legs, they have the option as well, even Pegasi have it, but we find it to be better to let them feel like they're at least a little helpful by using their blood to make rainbows. Fluttershy stepped up then, dropping her shy act and returning to her true form. First I'll say, I've always been a vampire, I just hid it to have friends, I even came up with the shy act. I'm actually one of the guards at the Vampiric Empire. I think you can guess why I run off every now and then. My animals also know the truth. When you, Twilight, cast that spell, it revealed my true form and threw my instincts all over the place. I'll also say now, since I'm allowed and she wont protest, that Rarity is also a vampire, one I turned. Apple Jack had a similar story to Twilight, leaving just Pinkie, who's mane and tail had deflated by then as she spoke very evilly. Oh my story is the best. Murderer, monster, demon, devil, beast, lunatic, maniac all of them describe me perfectly. Unlike Dashie, I kill for the fun of it, I cut their destinies off, I turn the parts into dresses. I love to cut them up while they're alive, it's just so fun. You should see my lovely basement, all the guts all the gore. I love it, I love the screams of agony as I slowly kill my victims off, sometimes, I even take a bite from them. The best part though, is the fact that now I have a partner, if Lunar agrees of course. Pinkie was laughing demonically, her red eyes glowing in the bright light, while she gently caressed a dagger she had pulled from nowhere. After everypony had revealed their secrets, the elements formed around their bearers' necks, but they were different. Twilight's had demonic symbols around it, as did AJ's; Pinkies had blood veins running along it; Dash's had the Rainbow Factory logo etched into the lightning bolt symbol; Fluttershy's (Which was now her bat cutie mark) and Rarity's had sharper edges like the latches to an old cape. Suddenly, the elements began glowing and shot beams of their respective colors at the six fillies in the room. What happened next to all twelve was spectacular and strange at the same time.