//------------------------------// // Day #3 - Manehattan // Story: JAGFest 2014: Equestrian Masquerade // by RockStarMLP //------------------------------// An afternoon train ride from the grounds below Cloudsdale took the Team JAG Band and all their accompanying friends to their next destination. During the trip, Twilight and her friends told the band about what the next couple days would be like there, nopony more so than Rarity. Stories were told about the largest metropolitan city in Equestria, with it being the capital of all things fashion, the sights and monuments that makes the city stand out, the cultures and livelihoods of ponies there, and much more. It was all intriguing, but the one thing that could equal it all was coming within seeing range of the very city in the late evening. Just before the night had begun, the travelers and main core of JAGFest had arrived at the infamous city of Manehattan. And just minutes after Celestia’s sun traded places with Luna’s moon, the city was in full activity with the third day of the Equestrian Masquerade. Every road and street corner had something to help celebrate, and all the businesses one could imagine left their front doors open to welcome ponies into their worlds, whether it is the infamous acting of Bridleway, some of the city’s finest food services, or anything imaginable. If any place was voided of so much attention, it was Maredison Square Garden, the city’s largest venue for almost any event imaginable, and tonight would be for the festival’s main event, and their host/opening act. Nopony was in there because of last second details being done by the venue’s staff, especially since word of the small incident in Cloudsdale the other day found its way there. It was towards the end of the morning when the large group of band mates, Mobians, ponies and dragon were planning to check out the festival and give the newest first-time visitors a tour when a luxurious-styled taxi pulled up to their hotel. Twilight, her family and three additional guests were invited to a private event at the Museum of Pony History – or MoPH, according to Pinkie Pie – as an attempt to apologize for the less than respect towards royalty the citizens showed her during her previous visit for Fashion Week. It was a part of Twilight’s royal title that she was still uneasy with, as it separated her with her friends during a nice occasion such as JAGFest. After insisted by her friends, she took Tails, Cosmo and Yugi with her, Nyx and Spike into the taxi, and the six went to the event, not before agreeing with everyone to meet for a preshow dinner at a restaurant near the concert venue, a place called Elements of Culinary. /)∞(\ The group divided into a few smaller groups to check out the city’s festivities, along with seeing the sights of the metropolis closer for the first-time visitors. Rarity, who had been to the city the most, led a group that included her little sister Sweetie Belle, Rouge, Knuckles, Gohan and Dan through the main fashion district of Manehattan. For some, it was a nice display of Equestria’s variety of fashion tastes, while others did not find it so appealing themselves, but for two, it was like walking through paradise. Both Rarity and Rouge enjoyed every single site and display there was, although the former was much more professional as she mingled and conversed with both fans and entrepreneurs alike. She even got to see Coco Pummel again, who had become quite successful on the Bridleway costume scene and starting to work on clothes requested by pony elite. As for the former, the bat had her eyes fixed on the more ‘valuable’ aspect everything put on display. It was worst when a jewelry shop was sitting at a street corner where the fashion district met the music district, with Maredison Square just up the road. A line for the arena had already built so long that it reached the intersection, ponies of all kinds talking about their excitement and what they heard from those who attended the previous two JAGFests already. When Gohan and Dan began to converse to some of the ponies in line, the others were at the jewelry store as both Rarity and Rouge decided to take a closer look at the fine gemstones, although one was getting too close for others’ comfort. “Of all the stores we had to find during this trip, it had to be one with gems,” Knuckles complained, mainly to himself. “You make that sound as if it couldn’t be anywhere that can be worse,” commented Sweetie Belle, who overheard the echidna. “You’ve never had to deal with Rouge when around… well, all this,” he said, motioning a hand towards all the surrounding jewels. The filly looked up to him with a deadpanned face and replied “Trust me, she can’t be worse than Rarity when it comes to…” “Well hello, gorgeous!” The two’s conversation drifted over to Rouge, who had her eyes locked on a very particular gem. It was one that took a very familiar emerald shape, and having a beautiful ocean blue color that made it look as if it was actually a gem filled with water. The bat’s eyes couldn’t turn away from such an exquisite find, taking her an extra minute to notice that Rarity had walked up beside her to look at the diamond herself. “My goodness, what a marvelous jewel there. Such a refine cut and color, and the light reflects off of it so nicely. Oh, the ensembles I could design around this thing alone would be magnifique, a lot of repeating colors mind somepony, but still magnifique," Rarity said, falling for the jewel’s beauty like the Mobian bat. “Forget your fashion statements,” Rouge said, a hand reaching towards it. “This would look great sitting around my neck or on my finger. All I need to do is-“ “Keep your eyes off,” Knuckles interrupted, grabbing her arm with his hand. “Did you really think you could try and snatch up a diamond when we’re here for a peaceful visit? I don’t feel like being kicked out because of you.” Rouge scoffed, whipping her arm out of the echidna’s grip before replying “You’ve got some nerve, redhead. Who said I was planning to do that? Who said I didn’t plan to ask how much it was?” She then thought to herself, and kept in her mind, the exchange rate Equestria would have to establish with Team JAG, considering how their monetary system worked. The two unicorn sisters didn’t like what was going on in front of them, having heard of their ‘infamous’ blowouts from Tails and Cosmo in previous conversations. Where Sweetie Belle stepped back, unaware that the front door was opening for others to enter, Rarity got between the two Mobians with her magic and tried to divide them before who knows what could happen. “That’s quite enough, both of you,” she scolded. “I may be aware that you don’t always get along, not everyone can, but I won’t allow that during your visit here. I think it’s needless to mention that all our friends can say the same, so it would be appreciated if you both calmed yourselves and put a halt to your unmatched views.” She then recollected herself into a more calm state as both Knuckles and Rouge just stared at her near dumbfounded before staring back at each other, and then dropping the subject with silence. “Now, that’s much better,” said Rarity, and she got the attention of the store’s clerk. “Excuse me, good fellow, I was wondering if I could bother to ask you about that jewel you have here.” She pointed a hoof to the gem of topic. “Sorry sweetheart, that one was preordered. It’s already sold,” said the clerk, who had a heavy Manehattan accent in his voice. “In fact, she’s just walked in.” “Well if it ain’t Miss Rarity,” said a familiar voice. Rarity’s head snapped around to see that the pony in question was none other than the Pony of Pop herself, and the opening act and host for the concert that night, Sapphire Shores. She was in the company of another pony, a white unicorn who was well known on the DJ circuit of pony music, and an invited guest of Sapphire’s to perform together later on. “I was wondering where I would find you, and I should have known it was in one of the finest jewelry stores in town. Got your eyes on my newest gem I see?” “Oh, well, yes, I mean, I was, that is,” Rarity said, in attempt to speak a full sentence. It wasn’t always that a pony like her would run into their most prominent client in the random hours of the day. She paused her speaking in order to recollect herself once again and say clearly “It’s so nice to see you again, Sapphire.” “And same to you, Miss Rarity,” Sapphire replied. Introductions were then made, mainly between Sapphire and her friend with Knuckles and Rouge, and a small reintroduction for Sweetie Belle as certain events of the past created a ‘random’ encounter. Soon the group shifted into conversation about the special jewel Sapphire bought, which she explained was partly inspired by her headdress’s dolphin, and that it was the perfect size to be used as new jewelry for both performance and personal decoration. She also mentioned how it was one of the rarest gemstones in all of Equestria, said to be a one-of-a-kind if another wasn’t discovered elsewhere. Eventually, all the talking worked its way to having Sapphire pick up and leave with the gem, the entire group walking out of the store and noticing the even longer line for the concert venue. That’s when the other musician with Sapphire Shores, Vinyl, decided to ask a little question. “So, I heard you guys got a pretty sick DJ?” /)∞(\ “THANK YOU, MANEHATTAN!” Sapphire Shores had just completed her performance in front of the sold out Maredison Square Garden. The Team JAG Band was kind enough to offer her, her backing band and performers full use of their stage, including the more advanced technologies, for their own performance, and it truly helped make her performance all the more spectacular. It also helped out her special guest musician, who managed to become very familiar with the band’s DJ setup. As an endless sea of ponies cheered and stomped for the Pony of Pop, who had performed an extended second encore, time was running low as it was about time for the main event, so the performing host began to make her introductory speech. “You were all very wonderful tonight, ponies, but I think you are MORE than ready for the MAAAIIIIIIN event of the night! JAGFest has been a big hit – I know, I’ve seen it up close for myself – and now it’s time we…” As she made her speech, the entire Team JAG Band had gathered together backstage for their annual huddle. As promised back in Cloudsdale, Nyx was permitted to stay and sit on up of Tails’s shoulders and head as the band began to hype themselves up, agreeing to leave with Cosmo when the huddle broke and meet with Twilight and everyone in the venue’s private seating, for the royal guests. It was also decided that, since he was starting the last couple huddles, the fox would do so for each show across their Equestrian Masquerade. “Listen up, guys,” Tails said with pride and admiration, “I think it’s safe to say we all learned something about this city and everypony who lives here. When Nyx, Cosmo and I were at the private event with Twilight, we met many new friends there, most of which of higher culture who were intrigued about who we were, and what we do outside of playing music. This shows me that Equestria is getting to know us better and better, and I want to keep that same relationship building. Tonight, Manehattan gets a dose of how we do hard rock, heavy metal, and, for Aelita’s night to shine, dubstep.” The pink-haired Lyoko warrior nodded and decided to add “I look forward to it. I met that other DJ before, and she’s got some great work of her own. Looks like there will be a little more to tonight that any of us have thought.” Tails just smiled and nodded, followed by everyone else in the group. “We got our three phases mapped out, a good rehearsal in earlier, and the stage all warmed up and ready to go,” he added, and then looked up to Nyx and ask “Are we ready to go?” Nyx turned her head back to where Phineas was at the main control panel, and Ferb dropping out of nowhere from above. They both gave a thumbs-up to the filly, who turned back and looked down on the group and informed them “We’re ready to go! Everybody, hoov- I mean, hands in!” A couple members of the group, most notably Cosmo, chuckled at the filly’s near ‘mistake’ in pronunciation, and threw all their hands into the center to pile them all up in one stack. “This is it, guys. Third show for JAGFest’s Equestrian Masquerade. Third show showing ponies what we got to give for music; what we got to give for unity! After tonight, they’re going to start calling Manehattan the pony city of rock & roll! Pony Rock City on 3. 1… 2… 3!” “PONY ROCK CITY!!!” /)∞(\ TWILIGHT’S POWER AWAKENS – William Anderson/audio introduction WHERE ANGELS DARE TO ROAM – Kill Devil Hill/Yugi YOU THINK YOU KNOW – Device/Gohan/Ron on rhythm guitar, Dan on keyboards/samples HONOR NEVER DIES – Hatebreed/Jason/Dan on rhythm guitar “WHAT’S UP, MANEHATTAN?! WELCOME TO YOUR TURN FOR JAGFEST!!!” Dan yelled, addressing the audience of Manehattanites first. They cheered long and loud in excitement, as any fresh crowd would, but it didn’t last too so that Dan could continue talking. “We are very honored to be here at Maredison Square Garden and spend the night rocking out with everypony we could cram in here. We’ve got a lot of great surprises for you tonight, and we’ll start things off with this special rendition of a classic song. Let’s get back to getting tonight REALLY started with Metallica’s hand in remaking a little song called… ‘You Really Got Me…’” YOU REALLY GOT ME [THE KINKS] – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar/Dan on extra rhythm guitar and Ray Davies vocals YOU’RE COMING WITH ME – The Agonist/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Yumi on acoustic guitar intro I’M NOT JESUS – Apocalyptica/Jason/only with Tails, Dan, Ami and Yumi on cellos, Kim on drums THE SPEED OF LOVE – Rush/Yugi/Tails on keyboard/synthesizer “So, Manehattan, are you having fun yet?!” Yumi called out, to which her reply was a cheer as great as when Dan spoke earlier. “Are you ready for some more awesome rock and metal?!” The second response was much greater than the first, something that made Yumi grin. “Alright, then we have a real treat for you next. To do this, and explain a little more about tonight’s set, I need you guys to welcome by best friends Ami out to the stage…” She motioned the crowd to cheer louder and louder, some of which began to stomp their hooves, until Ami ran out with her own microphone in hand. The two shared a fist bump before the pink-haired musician began to talk to the crowd. “First off, I want to thank everypony who came out and filled this place beyond capacity tonight!” she yelled, pausing for just a moment to hear the audience respond once again. “Now, onto business: tonight’s set, like all our shows during our Equestrian Masquerade, has three segments. The first one, which we are in now, consists of songs that we played during our rehearsals before certain shows for months at a time, and for you guys, we’re playing songs we rehearsed before our very first show here in Equestria earlier in the year. Here’s a song that we’ve barely been able to play live before. We hope you like it as much as we like do, and it’s called ‘Abracadaver.’” ABRACADAVER – Treyarch Sound/Ami with Gohan lineup/Gohan and Tails on rhythm guitars, Yumi on screaming/creepy vocals, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer, Kim on symphonic guitar STAND HERE WITH ME – Creed/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar THE HANGMAN’S BODY COUNT – Volbeat/Gohan + rhythm guitar WIZARDS IN WINTER – Trans-Siberian Orchestra/instrumental with Yugi lineup/Yugi and Ron on rhythm guitars, Tails on co-lead guitar, Kim on extra bass guitar, Ami and Yumi on violins, Dan and Aelita on keyboards/synthesizers WISH I HAD AN ANGEL – Nightwish/Yumi with Jason lineup/Jason on rhythm guitar and male vocals, Tails and Ron on keyboards/synthesizers ABSOLUTE ZERO – Stone Sour/Jason/Kim on rhythm guitar “Alright, are you ready for some heavy metal hip hop right now?” Gohan called out, taking his turn to speak to the ponies that cheered and stomped loudly in excitement. “Well for the last year we’ve been playing this song a whole lot, especially with one of our newest recruits to the Team JAG Band. So, with Ron helping me out on this one, I want to see everypony on the floor jumping in the air! ARE YOU READY!” He barely let the crowd respond before he gave the band the cue to get this going, which involved four hits on the cymbals by Jason before the song began. MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT [LL COOL J] – Five Finger Death Punch/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Ron on Tech N9ne vocals STAND UP – All That Remains/Jason/Kim on rhythm guitars and backing vocals with own voice IT’S THE FEAR – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on co-vocals with own voice WORDS DARKER THAN THEIR WINGS – Alter Bridge/Jason + lead guitar/Ash on co-vocals as well as rhythm guitar [ONE MINUTE INTERMISSION] MY NAME IS SKRILLEX – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples FIRST OF THE YEAR (EQUINOX) – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples THE DEVIL’S DEN – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples “Get those hooves in the air, everypony!” Aelita cried out from the DJ setup, and her request was answered with an additional roaring cheer. She then went on to say “Welcome to the second part of the show, where we play a short set of songs by bands that greatly influenced us individually, and tonight it’s my turn to show you what of the guys that’s inspired me the most; Skrillex! Is everypony ready to enjoy a little dubstep party tonight?!” Perhaps the entire audience, including a good majority of everyone in the private area, yelled a long and loud “YEAH!” in response, perhaps the loudest the group has heard since the Masquerade began. It was no secret that DJ ponies had some of the biggest success in Equestria’s music scene, but to show the respect for another who appreciates the craft made the entire band feel very respected and happy. Aelita got things back in action as she said “Come on, everypony! LET’S. GET. DOWN!” WHAT IS LIGHT WHERE IS LAUGHTER – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples REPTILE – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples SCARY MONSTERS AND NICE SPRITES – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples BANGARANG – Skrillex/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples/stage blacks out and new figure appears on stage as pony silhouette DUBSTEP DISHWASHER – The Living Tombstone/only DJ Pon-3 on turntables/programming/samples VINYL’S BAD DAY – MandoPony/only DJ Pon-3 on turntables/programming/samples WITH YOUR FRIENDS – Skrillex/only Aelita and DJ Pon-3 on turntables/programming/samples/transitions into next song LOST IN THE ECHO (KILLSONIC REMIX) – Linkin Park/only Aelita and DJ Pon-3 on turntables/programming/samples/extended outro of Linkin Park’s ‘Blackout’ bridge [ONE MINUTE INTERMISSION] NEON KNIGHTS [BLACK SABBATH] – Anthrax/Ash/Tails on rhythm guitar ACT OF GOD – Fear Factory/Gohan/Dan on keyboard/synthesizer HEROES OF OUR TIME – Dragonforce/Yugi/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keytar IMPERIUM – Machine Head/Jason + rhythm guitar “YOU STILL WITH US OUT THERE?!” Yugi yelled out. He stood on the stage’s high back riser with a Flying V guitar, standing stage right with Gohan and Jason down the line with their respective instruments as they heard the crowd cheer and stomp loudly for them. “You better be with us, because we just entered the third part of the night’s set, where we play a different song by different bands for you guys to enjoy. Every set like this is different, and no city will have the same band lineup heard twice, meaning what you hear tonight will NOT be repeated, Manehattan!” Then, without another word said, Yugi broke out into a quick guitar solo, more specifically the intro of the Megadeth song called ‘Burn!’ Following that, after hearing Ash bash a cymbal four times, the next song began… ALONE – Bullet For My Valentine/Yugi + rhythm guitar EVOKE – After Forever/Yumi with Ash lineup/Ash on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer BROKEN HANDS – Lamb of God/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar DOWNFALL – Exodus/Ash/Yumi on rhythm guitar LET IT GO – Adrenaline Mob/Jason/Ron on rhythm guitar FOREVER – KISS/Yugi + acoustic guitar When the previous song ended, the Master Four left the stage, and Tails took their place with a warm welcome from the audience as they cheered and applauded for him, going on moments after he positioned himself at his microphone stand. He enjoyed such admiration from the crowd, but yet did they know that the bigger treat had yet to take place. When the crowd’s cheering lowered enough for him to speak and be heard clearly, he took his turn to have a conversation with Manehattan. “Earlier today, my best friend, myself and a very close friend of ours were invited to join your Princess Twilight and her family to a private gathering, where we met several distinguished ponies from throughout your city, a few known all over Equestria. I mentioned one of the names of our closest friends from your world, from the little town of Ponyville, and she was immediately recognized so positively for what she had set out to do in order to chase after her dreams. It was incredible to know such ponies who excel at what they do and have their work establishing that success, especially considering how Manehattan is the fashion capital of your great land. For this next song, we need the help from that very same pony; a pony who is the best fashion designer I’ve ever met here, with a great singing voice to boost. To the new Manehattan friends of Team JAG, for ‘Art of the Dress,’ I introduce to you our dear friend… Rarity!” ART OF THE DRESS – My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Rarity with only Tails on lead guitar, Kim on bass guitar, Ron on acoustic guitar, Ami on drums, Aelita on keyboard/tambourine 20 PERCENT COOLER – Alex S./Dan with only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples WE’RE NOT GONNA FALL – Daughtry/Gohan/Kim on rhythm guitar, Ron on acoustic guitar, Aelita on keyboards IT’S THE ONLY ONE YOU’VE GOT (ACOUSTIC) – 3 Doors Down/only Tails on lead vocals and acoustic guitar FALLING TO THE GROUND – EarlyRise/Ami with Jason lineup/Jason on piano/keyboard, Ron on acoustic guitar “You still have some energy left for us, my friends?” Jason asked the crowd, who responded with great cheers once again. He stood before the center microphone stand, holding his hands onto it as if he was using it for support, where in reality it was used for display. “We still got a few to go, but before we do, I want to give a quick shout-out to Sapphire Shores and DJ Pon-3 for helping make tonight a whole lot better than we thought it would with their roles on this stage. Go ahead and make them some noise, Manehattan.” He paused for a couple moments so that everypony could do so, and the recognized ponies, sitting with Cosmo and Twilight and the others, waved out as a stage light and camera focused onto them, putting them on full display on the background screen. “There’s a classic rock song back where I’m from that we only get to play so often. It’s from a band that has established themselves as one of the driving forces of a little genre called grunge, much like how Tails described our friends earlier. We only got so much left in the set tonight, but let’s continue things with this little song, simply called ‘Jeremy…’” JEREMY – Pearl Jam/Jason/Ami on rhythm guitar END OF THE BEGINNING – Black Sabbath/Ash UNHOLY – Black Veil Brides/Dan with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar and solo ALL THAT I GOT – Tremonti/Ash + lead guitar SHADOWS IN THE FLAME/VISIONS – Judas Priest/Yugi/Kim on rhythm guitar, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer, Tails on acoustic guitar BURY ME IN SMOKE – Down/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar ENCORE: FASHION SHOW – William Anderson/audio instrumental BIG BLUE WAVE (REMIX) [HEY OCEAN!] – Aviators/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples “MANEHATTAN, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!” Ash cried out to the crowd, all while Aelita was playing her own samples and the entire audience of Maredison Square Garden making noise, stomping hooves and showing their spirit. “We had a blast playing for you guys tonight, and we can’t wait to come back. We’ve got one more song for you, before we get some rest and head out to Vanhoover. This is our last chance to rock out together, SO LET’S MAKE THIS COUNT! FOR MANEHATTAN, FOR TEAM SONIC, FOR PRINCESS TWILIGHT AND ALL HER FRIENDS AND FAMILY, THIS SONG… IS CALLED… “’A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES!!!’” A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES – Linkin Park/Ash and Dan on co-vocals/Tails on lead guitar, Yumi on bass guitar, Aelita on keyboard/programming/samples, Jason on turntables/double-length outro jam