//------------------------------// // Seeking Advice // Story: The Face Behind the Curtain // by OmegaFanfiction //------------------------------// Chapter Two - Seeking Advice "Hey, I've got an idea!" Octavia looked at Vinyl. "What's that?" "How about we do the performance together? You on your cello, and me with my wubs! How about it?" Octavia looked at her cello, and then back at Vinyl. A huge smile appeared on her face. "That would be amazing! Thank you so much, Vinyl!" She rushed up to Vinyl, hugging her tightly. "You're the best!" Vinyl hugged her back. "I know I am." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over 24 hours had passed since Octavia left Vinyl. Vinyl was still sitting on the sofa, cider bottle in hand. But why she was still there was something she didn't know. She was just remembering the times when they actually got along. The times when they were only fillies, messing around and having the time of their lives. Those were good memories. "Please, Tavi. Just come home for once..." Vinyl managed to say. It was the first time she spoke since the day before. A couple of minutes passed, and Vinyl finally had the strength to stand up. She knew what she was doing. She was off to find the girl who had the answer to all of her problems: Twilight. She knocked on the library door, and a few seconds later, Twilight appeared. She was always there when Vinyl had a problem, and had never failed to cheer her up. "Hello, Vinyl! How are you, today?" Her smile was gentle, and Vinyl couldn't talk for a while. That smile... was was very similar to Octavia's. She couldn't hold back the tears, as she fell into Twilight's arms. "It's Octavia... *sniff* She stormed out after an argument or something, and I haven't seen her since!" She tried to continue, but her words turned into wails, her emotions taking over. Twilight patted her on the head. "Come on, Vinyl. It wasn't your-" "But it was! I kept on interrupting her when she was practising the biggest concert of her life! It's all my fault!" Her tears rolled down her cheeks faster than ever before. "There there. Let's get you inside. We can have something to drink, okay? That'll calm you down." Vinyl looked up at Twilight, her tears now stopping. "A-Alright. Thanks, Twilight." Vinyl came inside, and sat on the sofa. Twilight made her a cup of tea, and sat opposite her. "Now, tell me what happened. From the beginning." Vinyl took a sip of her tea, and looked up at Twilight. "Well, Tavi was practising for her concert, so I decided to join in with my wubs. And that's when she sorta flipped out, ya know?" Twilight shook her head. "Right. Have you searched for her at all?" "No. I came to you first because you've helped me out with stuff before. I can trust you." Twilight smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. Anyway, do you have any idea as to where she might be?" Vinyl thought for a few seconds. "Well... Knowing her, I would think she'd be at the Music Hall. She goes there sometimes to practise without being disturbed." "Then why don't you check there?" Vinyl stood up and smiled at Twilight. "I will. Thanks for the tea, Twilight. I'm heading to the Music Hall now. See ya!" "Goodbye!" Vinyl then started to make her way to the Music Hall, a small smile on her face. But one question lingered in her head: Will Octavia forgive her?