Blood of Harmony

by BloodHive1998

Secrets Revealed

Sweetie Belle flew as fast as she could, having activated her wings, to the clubhouse, she had just learned that Rarity was a vampire and it was the day of the meeting mentioned on that note her and her friends had found in their clubhouse almost a week ago. Soon, she landed at the front door and walked in, finding three fillies she didn't recognize and both her friends, who were staring at her.
"What?" Sweetie asked, then she thought of something and spun her head around, finding that she forgot to disable her wings. "Oh, damn, I thought I remembered to shut those off. Well, seeing as we're learning other ponies' secrets, we should just get our own out there as well, but later." Sweetie added as her wings folded in on themselves and then entered a series of hidden panels, making it look as if they never existed. She then sat down next to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, sitting across from the other three fillies.
"So, which of you three put your names on this, wherever it came from?" Shadow Vine asked as she pushed the piece of paper towards the other group of fillies. On the paper was the following:

Pony name: hint towards there secret/Filly Investigating
Twilight Sparkle: randomly running off, strangely demonic when angered/Night Wind, The Forbidden One
Fluttershy: randomly changing to a much darker and stronger personality/Shadow Vine, The Daughter of the Everfree
Pinkie Pie: screams coming from bellow Sugar Cube Corner, Cakes know nothing about it/Lunar Fire, The Devil Child
Rainbow Dash: Often disappears for weeks at a time with excuse of going to Cloudsdale/Scootaloo, The Factory's Soul
Apple Jack: Randomly runs off, strangely dark when angered/Apple Bloom, The Dead's Child
Rarity: Random times of extreme anger and seemingly feral nature/Sweetie Belle, The Shadow of Life
Meeting at CMC Clubhouse Friday at noon (right after CMC leave for crusading)

"That was ma' idea, we were curious 'bout are sis'." Apple Bloom said. After a little talking, everpony revealed their true selves, dropping their illusions or telling their secrets.

When I went to take my flight exam a year ago, I failed. Failures aren't sent out of Cloudsdale though, they're sent to the Rainbow Factory, where they're ground up and their blood is used to make the spectra that creates rainbows. Anyway, I staged a rebellion when I learned this while there and I nearly escaped, but Dr. Atmosphere (A high ranking worker) managed to catch me and kill me. I woke up about four hours later to find that I was indeed dead, of course, I was devastated since I wouldn't be able to seen my friends or idol again (Actually, they wouldn't be able to see me). Dr. Atmosphere explained the concept of 'Soul Contracts' (Which are basically a contract a ghost can sign to allow them to interact with the living world at the cost of having to do whatever the contract states, so you know, I literally can't even think of breaking the contract) to me after that and offered me one in the very factory that killed me. I wasn't sure for a while, but I eventually decided to sign it. There are seven of us ghosts working to scare the failures in that factory (Fear makes the spectra brighter) so I only ever have to work once a week, the pay's good though. Literally, I was there yesterday and I walked out with about four hundred bits. We're paid based on how good the quality of the spectra extracted by the failures we scared is.

By the time Scootaloo had finished her story, her entire body had become transparent and her eyes had begun glowing with an orange light, there were actually a few books floating from her power.

Well, about three years ago, I entered the Everfree with Twilight. I'm sure all of us know the legends of the cursed village known as Sunny Town. Well, I followed Ruby (the filly that the town killed, which brought the wrath of Everfree down on them) into the town and I nearly died there. Mitta (Ruby's old friend, who was under a slightly different curse) stopped me at the gates to the town, when I was escaping from them, and explained that I wouldn't be able to run fast enough to make it out alive, to allow my escape and to save me though, she gave me a weaker version of her own curse. I can still get a Cutie Mark and I don't have fangs like the others do. Unfortunately, I still need to feed off the ambient magic a pony emits when performing there special talent if I want to stay 'living', I don't really think it can be called living though.

Apple Bloom dropped her illusion during her story.
"Oh, that's interesting, I've never actually been to Sunny Town at night, but mom says it'd be fun to fight them off, of course, she's the Goddess of the Everfree (the very one that cursed them to begin with) so I don't really know how I'd fair in that place." Shadow said as one of her vines wrapping around a juice box she had brought and brought it to her so she could take a sip.
"I wonder how a cursed pony like those in Sunny Town would taste." Lunar said with a distracted gaze.

Let me start by saying that the real Sweetie Belle died of a head injury near the Android capital (Yes, we have a capital). Anyway, this was way before she ever met ya'll. I was walking through the streets when she landed (apparently, she had a strong magic surge and it blew her about five-hundred feet in the air (She was already near the capital when that happened). Anyway, she landed in front of me, barely alive. We talked for a brief moment and I explained that I was an android (seeing as she would be dead and wouldn't reveal anything). When I told her that she had absolutely no chance of living, she asked me to take her place, which I did since I was needing to gather intel on the current state the pony race was in. When she died, I hid the body and went to sleep in the same place and position she had landed in. Rarity found me and, do to the head injury the real Sweetie sustained, I was able to pass my lack of memory of anything off as amnesia. I was also able to 'convince' the doctor that it was permanent. So, I'm still the Sweetie Belle you all know. That's also why I wasn't as enthusiastic about going Android hunting. We're ponies too you know, yet we're treated like we're evil just because we were created by some mad scientist.

Sweetie Belle had projected the entire story with a projector she apparently had. She was crying slightly near the end though.
"Sorry Sweetie, we didn't know, then again, I didn't know Scootaloo was dead and she didn't know I was cursed, so I guess it makes sense." Apple Bloom said.
"'When secrets are kept, friendships begin to shatter. When secrets are revealed, true friendships only strengthen.' That is the lesson that lead to this entire idea, speaking of which, we should get to that." Night Wind said, pulling out her notepad and the others' notepads before casting a simple copying spell and puting it all on a single sheet of paper, which she then scratched after reading the first few lines of Lunar's.
"Okay, I'll start, Fluttershy's a vampire." Shadow said, she had seen stranger.
"Hey so's Rarity." Sweetie added.
"Pinkie's got a semi-demonic soul... you should have seen the sight of her basement, all the blood, guts, organs, and bones. The amazing dress of cutie marks that she had. I actually took a bite out of her victim at the time, he was so good and had so much blood." The other four fillies became sick from Lunar's vivid description, especially when she pulled out photos.
"Dash is a killer two, actually, it turns out that she's my manger." Scootaloo, who didn't feel sickened by the images or description, said.
"Okay, well it turns out that Twilight's actually a demon." Night said calmly.
"So's Apple Jack."
A few minutes later, Sweetie Belle and Night Wind wrote several letters, and sent them.