A Changeling Through Equestria

by DeadEcho

Journey through dodge city

I walked outside and then I was stopped by Craig.

"If you're going to be going out there just be careful."

I nodded and continued on. As I looked across the horizon I started to see a city. It wasn't very big but it was still a city. I walked towards it but then I had realized that my previous attempt of entering a populated place had gone awry.

I tried to transform and orange flames starting to cover me but when I looked at myself I was still well... me. I sighed as I continued my slow,treacherous walk. Who builds a city in between a mountain anyways.

I devised a plan to get through the city. I would just hide in the shadows until I could get out. I picked a bush and waited for the ponies to move then I quickly moved alongside the bush. Just then I heard a bright, cheery voice.

"I'm just saying that they should make chimicherrychangas!"

I peeped my eyes out of the bush I was in and I saw a pink pony with a pinker mane bouncing cheerfully. I then saw her body twitching along with her tail moving erratically and ending with her jumping. She really needs to lay off the caffeine.

I saw a purple one ask the pink one what was going on.

"I really don't know. I've never had my tail twitch that much before."

They started to walk toward where I was hiding and I started to get nervous. Luckily they were only talking. I could't move or I risk capture. I then felt a tickling in my muzzle. The tickling grew stronger and stronger and even though I tried to hold it in, it forced it's way out.


Great... I just had to signal my location didn't I? The purple one went to my bush. I tried to crouch down to make myself a hidden as possible. It didn't work.


I was then covered in a purple aura, unable to get away. I could just barely move my own body. She pulled me in and took a good look at me.

"What is a changeling doing here? They were all defeated back a couple of days ago."

I tried to look around again and what I saw was kind of frightening. A blue pegasus looked like she was going to beat me up, the marshmallow was looking at me with disgust, the orange one was looking at me a confused look, the yellow pegasus was hiding behind her own mane and finally the purple one was giving me a scrutinizing look. I decided to speak, maybe I could clear things up.

"Umm... hi?"

"Oh my gosh, it talks!" said the purple one.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You're a changeling. Changelings don't talk. They can't talk."

"Can you let me go?"

"Why should I? You haven't given me a reason to yet. For all I know you could be evil."

I could kind of understand where she was going, me being a changeling in all. Still it was currently better then the griffons. They attacked me on site. I looked around again and I saw the cityfolk were gathering around me. Some had confused faces while other had angry faces. A few of them were just indifferent to me.

"Spike, take a letter."

"About what?"

"About the changeling. I don't know what to do with it."

"Hey! I'm right here you know."

I saw the purple one tell the dragon to take a letter. I think his name was Spike. She was telling him to write a letter to Celestia. The queen always told us to beware of her. Celestia defeated her twice before so who knows what she would do to me. I saw "Spike" breath green fire on the letter and it being sent away. A few minutes of silence and "Spike" burped up a letter.

"Ok girls, Princess Celestia told us to meet her in Canterlot along with the changeling. She will decide what to do next."

I saw everyone else nod and they started to walk towards the train station.

"All Aboard!"

The purple one forced me onto the train along with the others. Everyone screamed and a pony ran into the purple one. The unicorn's magic was disrupted and that gave me a chance to escape. I didn't really care where I teleported it would be now or never. I focused my magic and the purple one along with the rest tried to stop me. Right before they touched me I was gone. I slowly waited for me to go back to reality. As the bright white flash of light faded I saw I was in a creepy, dark forest. I looked around and I saw an old, dilapidated castle. The sun started to go down so I decided to seek shelter in it. I would focus on getting out tomorrow when I can get some rest.