The Keys of Reformation, Sonata in C

by Red_Feather

Measure Two

By the time Sonata had finished her shower she could practically taste the nachos. She quickly dried herself off and threw the clothes Sunset had given her on. She took a moment the check herself in the mirror, a small smile gracing her features.

“Aria is wrong, I’m not weird looking. Actually, I think I’m pretty cute.” She grinned and waved to her reflection. Mirrors, one of the world most mysterious things. She fixed her hair and exited the bathroom. The smell of melted cheese and tortilla chips hit her like a wave, earning another grin from the girl as she walked with a happy spring in her step. As she entered the small kitchen she could help but watch as Sunset carefully made the plates, having not noticed the other girl’s presence yet.

“Voila, the perfect plate of nachos.” Sunset nodded, putting her hands on her hips and grinning. She picked the plates back up and turned around. She jumped a bit when she saw Sonata, not used to having someone else in her house. “Oh, uhh, there’s not a table because I usually just sit on the couch and eat.” She said sheepishly and handed Sonata her plate.

They both walked to the couch and sat, Sunset reaching for the remote and turning on the television. The two ate quietly, the only noise being the news channel. It stayed silent even after they had finished their meal, neither one know just how to start a conversation. Sonata was the first to speak.

“So, how do you think the others are getting along?” She inquired. Sunset shrugged, a small smirk on her face.

“Knowing AJ I’d imagine that Aria’s probably getting put to work. A lot of it, at that.” She chuckled and shook her head. Sonata smiled, the mental image of Aria working on a farm making her laugh.

“Actually, apple farming sounds fun. Anyway, I assume I’m going to be sleeping on the couch?” She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Sunset shook her head.

“Nope, you’re going to sleep in my room, and I’ll be on the couch. What kind of host would I be if I let you sleep out here?” She scoffed and stood up. Sonata opened her mouth to protest but quickly shut it when she was given a stern look.

“Alright, alright, but you’re being too kind. I wouldn’t have guessed that you’d trust me this much. It’s a bit weird.” The blue haired girl shrugged and stood up to follow Sunset to her room.

“Well, I guess I see myself in you. We both tried to rule the school and manipulate them for our own benefit. Wow, that sounds so cliche and makes us sound like monsters.” Sunset chuckled and nervously opened the door to her room. “Sorry about the slight mess. I wasn’t able to put my music stuff away.” The mention of music made Sonata frown and absentmindedly lift a hand to her throat. Even if their gems were healing the fact that they broke meant that their voices wouldn’t be the same. They’d be weaker and it would be harder to hypnotize people. Not that Sonata wanted to do that anymore.

“It’s alright. You’re more organized than I am.” She laughed, “Well, goodnight. I’m beat!” She grinned and saluted Sunset. The other girl chuckled and went to the closet to retrieve an extra blanket. As soon as she left Sonata fell backwards onto the bed, a sigh escaping as she closed her eyes and thought.

Sonata was determined to change and she knew this. She was going to be a good person or… Well, she couldn’t really think of an ‘or’ right then, but she knew that she would try her absolute best to be a good person. She could only hope that the other sirens would want try as hard, too.

One major problem stood in the way of her ultimate goal: Sonata didn’t know how to be good.  Do good people do things a certain way and say specific things? Maybe Sunset and her other friends knew the answers and could help. Sonata shook her head.

“Why would they want to help me? I’m their enemy.” She said out loud, a sad look on her face. With another shake of her head she reminded herself that Applejack and Fluttershy were forgiving enough to help and forced herself to smile. There was no use moping around when there was sleeping to be done! She sighed again and stood up to pull the blankets back and crawl into the bed. As soon as she was comfortable she closed her eyes again and quickly fell asleep.


Just outside the door to her room Sunset Shimmer was leaning against the wall. She hadn’t gone to set the blanket on the couch yet. Instead, she had decided to think for a bit. She wondered why she was being so generous to one of the girls that had threatened the harmony. One of the girls who had mocked her a day before the Battle of the Bands. Did Sonata really remind Sunset of herself? It was true that they’d both made big mistakes by trying to rule the school but honestly, that was were the similarities ended. Maybe there was a different reason that Sunset wanted to help out that she couldn’t quite place. She knew that she wanted to help, though.

It shouldn’t matter why I want to help, I guess.  She thought to herself and smiled, I’m going to help Sonata and the other two sirens turn themselves around. Maybe I can help myself a bit, too. So, with that thought firmly planted in her mind Sunset walked to the couch and made herself comfortable. It wasn’t until she was nearly asleep that she realized she hadn’t changed out of her day clothes. She groaned and stood up, slowly walking to her room. Being as quiet as someone who’s half asleep could be Sunset carefully pushed the door open a little more and walked over to her closet. She looked towards her bed and couldn’t help but smirk a bit.

You know, under different circumstances I would be congratulating myself for getting a girl in my bed so easily. She thought before grabbing a pair of sweats and shirt and leaving with as much stealth as she could muster. She walked into the bathroom and changed, throwing her old clothes into the hamper by the door before noticing that Sonata failed to do so. She sighed and did it for her. Finally, she could sleep and in the morning go to school knowing that she was helping someone. That was always a good feeling in her book.

Sunset stumbled back to the couch after turning off all the lights. She was asleep as soon as she pulled the blanket around herself, giving one last smile as she drifted off.