//------------------------------// // Codex: Penguins // Story: Lost In the Stars // by Crabs_of_steam //------------------------------// Codex>Library>Races>Penguin Penguins, the bane of galaxy and its inhabitants. A greedy and malicious race feared by all the other alien races. But, to humans like me, we’re more speechless than scared. To me, seeing a penguin pilot a saucer was very shocking, maybe more shocking than watching a Hylotl and a Floran having a conversation without the Hylotl being stabbed, that kind of shocking. Not to sound racist but back where I came from, Penguins are nothing more than zoo animals. They were so different, so unique and bizarre. I had to find their world planet, and I did. Following numerous rumors and directions I flew to the home world of black and white pirates. I entered their home system, mindful not being caught. I followed the coordinates given to me to find a planet completely shrouded in dark clouds. I was confused at the sight of this but I continued anyway. Below, where I thought I would see an arctic tundra, there was instead a massive dark ocean. I checked the planets temperature saw that it was 32 degrees Celsius. There was no snow or ice, just an ocean with nothing, except for a lone mountain. This mountain was so large and tall that the view from the inside of my ship couldn't capture the entirety of this mass of rock. On the sides of the massive mountain were massive smoke stacks puffing blind smoke into the sky. In the mid-line of the mountain was a massive square hole carved into the mountain where Penguin saucers docked bringing with them their loot. Why would they still live there? No snow, it was hot, the planet they lived in now has long lost its luster. Is that why they pillage the Milky Way, so they can just stay in this barren water world? I was about to leave this planet and cursing the stubborn inhabitants that live there, but suddenly I saw a trio of saucers. I was about to panic until I noticed they were attached together carrying a large device in the center of them. I stared silently preparing to move in case of anything. The device then began to suck up the black clouds. Light began to pierce through the gap and began to light up the planet. Then like magic the machine began to shoot out white snow. I have to say that Penguins sure are a resilient race. They don't give up and they fight for themselves. And despite being ruthless brigands, I still can't help but laugh when I see them with plasma weapons trying to melt my face off.