//------------------------------// // Souls of Loyalty // Story: Blood of Harmony // by BloodHive1998 //------------------------------// Scootaloo walked into the holding area of the Rainbow Factory, no fear, or really anything. "Hello Absentia, I trust you're ready for your shift." Dr. Atmosphere asked as he hoofed Scootaloo the ripped and blood stained hoodie she had gotten when she made the deal, Absentia was her identity when she was working, none of the ponies that did her job used their real names. "Ready as always, got any special requests?" she asked as she slipped into the hoodie and her entire body became transparent, including the hoodie. "Nope, just make sure those failures are nearly scared to death." Scootaloo nodded as she seemed to vanish from sight, her hoodie following, well... it looked that way to any semi-sane pony, though Atmosphere could still see her (seeing as he had lost his sanity years ago). Scootaloo walked along the the same path she had taken a year ago when she had been here because of her failure to pass her flight exam, as with every time she was on shift, she didn't bother opening doors and just walked through them. Some of the absolutely insane ponies gave her crazy smiles as she walked, this wasn't much of a surprise, she was the best ghost they had, too bad she'd never get a cutie mark, most likely. Scootaloo soon took her usual spot in the factory's processing bay, thinking back to when she had opened her eyes after Dr. Atmosphere had caught and killed her. He had acted kind and asked if she had any friends that'd miss her, to which she answered 'yes' when he heard that he had told her that she could sign a 'soul contract' and she would be able to be seen and heard by normal ponies. He had then offered her a contract with the factory to aid them how she could until the factory collapsed, which she had been reluctant to do. Hide Atmosphere, however, had explained that it would help her get use to being dead, never aging, and never getting her cutie mark (though he had admitted that he wasn't really sure weather or not she would never be able to get her cutie mark). He had also explained that they actually only had six other's that had accepted and so if she did, then she would only come in once a week, since ghosts never get sick (at which time her main job would be to scare the fillies and colts as much as she could without giving them heart-attacks). After an hour of persuading, she had finely agreed and signed the contract, which she literally wouldn't be able to even think of defying. Soon the failures came in, she recognized some of them, this wouldn't phase her though. Ponies would be right to call her an emotionless monster. After the usual speech, which she ignored, she went to work. Scootaloo walked over to a random filly and leaned down before whispering "You know, it's actually fun to be ground up." into the fillies ear, her voice, though, sounded hollow and empty with an eerie echo to it. The filly spun around fearfully as Scootaloo laughed manically, she had no emotions so faking insanity wasn't hard. Eventually the filly calmed down, though others were terrified by that point, Scootaloo made sure of it. Scootaloo walked in front of the filly, gently brushing her tail along the filly's side, before stopping in front of her and using her spiritual magic, which was basically Necromancy, to hang herself from chains with her lower torso non-existent and her spine visible, with several organs on the ground, and a lot of blood. It looked extremely realistic (as if she had just had her lower torso violently ripped off), her hoodie had also become shredded in places as if she had gone through the grinder, since this was exactly what Scootaloo had intended. Scootaloo then let herself phase into visibility in front of all the failures. She just smiled before saying 'help me' in a voice that had a gurgling sound to it since she was now choking on her own blood (not that she had to breath), which poured out of her mouth. The failures all screamed, which Scootaloo put her chained hooves to her head from, this caused one to be nearly severed, the bloody bone visibly the only thing holding it on. The fillies screamed more. "This is going to be you soon, please stop screaming." Scootaloo's head then fell off as the chains around her neck tightened, her head said how much that hurt before she vanished again and put herself back together, listening to the terrified failures brief screams before they all went dead silent. After looking at the failures, who were all frozen in terror, for a moment, Scootaloo flew up to Dr. Atmosphere and watched as they were killed off one-by-one. Half an hour later, Scootaloo was putting a large amount of bits into her saddle bag, which had been left at the entrance to the chamber. "That was wonderful Absentia, you literally scared them so much that they became statues. I swear that that batch of spectra is bright enough to light up all of Tartarus!" Dr. Atmosphere said excitedly. "Just doing my job." Scootaloo said as the manager walked in, her features obscured by a full body suit and mask. "I take it Absentia worked today?" the manager, who sounded familiar to Scootaloo, asked, likely having seen the spectra that had been produced. Then again, Scootaloo was pretty sure she could still see it glowing behind the walls. "Yes she did! She froze those worthless failures and put on such a bloody show in doing so! I wish I could take a picture, but she wouldn't show up on the image!" Dr. Atmosphere was spinning insanely while cackling like the maniac he was. "Well Absentia-" the manager said as she removed her mask, revealing none other than Rainbow Dash, "I gotta hoof it to you, you may have been a failure in life, but you're a master in death, I've never seen Hide this happy before." she finished, looking in the direction she thought Scootaloo was, though she was terribly off. "Dash, you're the manager?" it was times like these that Scootaloo missed being able to feel emotions. Scootaloo phased into full view then as she took off her hoodie and hung it up. "Wait, Scootaloo? You're Absentia?" Rainbow asked. Scootaloo nodded as she pulled on her saddle bags, quickly apologizing for lying and saying she had passed her test. After that she explained that she had to get to the abandoned house she lived in and put her stuff away and mentioning that they'd talk about this later. As Scootaloo walked off, she pulled out the notepad she had brought and wrote down what she had no doubt was Dash's secret.