//------------------------------// // Big Brother and old Babysitter Return // Story: The Girls of My Life // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// One afternoon at Twilight's place, Twilight, Spike, and the girls were sitting in the living room waiting for something. What they were waiting for was the return of Twilight's brother Shining Armor and his girlfriend Cadence. Rainbow was lying on the couch with her legs sticking straight up, as she moved them around as if she was peddling a bike, "How much longer?" she complained. "Soon, Rainbow Dash." Twilight answered in irritation. "But you've been saying the last hour." the jock girl continued to complain. "She wouldn't have to if you wouldn't keep asking every ten minutes." Applejack replied, feeling equally irritated by her complaining. "She's got a point, Rainbow." Fluttershy admitted, and cowered feeling she shouldn't have said that. Pinkie who had been looking out the window saw a car pull up into the snow covered driveway, "There they are!" Pinkie cheered, as everyone sat up and looked outside seeing two young adults step out of the car and come to the door. Entering the house was Shining Armor and Cadence. Shining Armor had cerulean colored eyes, and his hair was a combination of cerulean, sapphire, and dark phthalo blue. His attire included red sneakers, gray pants, and a black t-shirt with the symbol of a blue shield with a pink star in it at the bottom side of his shirt, covered by a black winter coat. Cadence had light purple eyes, and her hair was a mix of violet, rose, and pale gold, with a blue bow in it. Her attire included pink knee high boots with black soles, a blue skirt, a white shirt with a blue horizontal stripe in the center with the image of a teal colored crystal heart with golden lacing on it covered by a pink winter coat. The two put their bags down, and removed their coats. Shining looked to the group and smiled, "Hey, guys, we're back." "Shining Armor!" Twilight cheered, as she ran over and embraced her older brother. "Twily, I missed you, kid." Shining said, as he gave his sister a playful noogie. 'Shining Armor; Twilight's older brother. Before Twilight met the girls, he was about the only one she saw as a friend. Her Big Brother Best Friend Forever, or BBBFF so to speak. Though he was also like my big brother as well, whenever I need some manly advice on stuff I didn't want to discuss with me dad. After high school he went off to college where he aims to get a degree in Criminal Justice so he can become a police officer.' Spike narrated. Twilight turned to the older girl, as her smile brightened more and hugged her, "Cadence!" "Twilight." Cadence giggled. The two broke their embrace and started doing a little dance with a chant to go with it. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hands and do a little shake!" the two laughed, and Cadence looked over seeing the others, and giggled, "There are my girls," Spike cleared his throat, and Cadence giggled again, "And my little man." 'Cadence; our old babysitter. She was also a neighbor close to our street who always watched over us when either of our parents were out. She loved all of us, but Twilight was especially close to her when she started dating Shining Armor. She and Twilight even have their own special handshake.' The girls and Spike ran over hugging the two, until Spike was left, "Spike, how's my little buddy?" Shining asked, as he ruffled the young teens hair. "Doing great, and it's good to see the both of you again." Spike said, until he found himself embraced by Cadence. "And it's great to see you too." Spike blushed, but knew he couldn't feel like that about her since she was taken. "So how was the drive here?" Applejack asked. "Wasn't so bad once we got away from the snow showers." Shining explained. "But it'll eventually be finding it's way here." Cadence put in. "Then that means more snow to play in!" Pinkie bounced up and down. "Still as energetic as always, Pinkie." Shining chuckled. "Hey, are yall hungry?" Applejack asked. "Boy, we are famished." Shining answered. "It's been an hour since we last ate." Cadence added. "Well come on, let's make some lunch." Twilight said, as the group went for the kitchen. Later on the group was in the living room enjoying a few frozen pizzas and sodas, while catching up on lost times. Shining spoke to Spike, "So Twilight told me and Cadence about your amnesia episode." "It had to be awful without your memories." Cadence said in worry. "It was hell." Spike answered in fright from how the girls told him things were. "But luckily you got your memories back!" Pinkie smiled, as she pulled Spike into a hug while behind him, and nuzzled his face. Spike blushed, as his cheek was rubbing against Pinkie's, and spoke to her, "Pinkie, not in front of Shining and Cadence!" he whispered loudly to her. "Mm, let them look." Pinkie replied, still nuzzling with him. Shining was laughing his ass off, while Cadence held in a giggle, but suddenly saw Twilight and the rest of the girls glaring at Pinkie. Twilight pulled Pinkie away from Spike, "I don't think my brother and Cadence want to see you nuzzling Spike like some kind of stuffed animal." she said dryly. "Well if Spike were a stuffed animal, I'd like to wish he were a gator like my little Gummy-Wummy." Pinkie cooed, while Spike feeling flustered turned his head to avoid having any of the girls see him. Shining seeing how this was playing out with Spike, his sister, and each of her friends knew there was something more going on. He stood up and spoke, "Hey, Spike. Why don't we go talk in my room, and leave the girls to themselves?" he winked. Spike catching what he was going for answered, "Ok." he stood up and the two boys left the living room. Cadence spoke, "I'm gonna grab another slice from the kitchen. Twilight, wanna join me?" she asked. "You bet." Twilight agreed, as she followed the older girl to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, Cadence spoke to her closest female friend, "So, how're things going with you?" "Doing great," Twilight answered, "Couldn't be better?" "And how're things with Spike?" Cadence smiled slyly. Twilight did a double take before answered nervously, "What do you mean?" "Don't hide it, Twilight," she continued, "Shining Armor and I have always known you and the rest of the girls loved to dote and fawn over Spike." "Yeah, so?" Twilight asked, hoping Cadence didn't go further. "So, I know how much you and the girls love him. And that scene back there said it all," Cadence teased, much to Twilight's embarrassment, "Come on, Twilight. Is something still happening?" Twilight sighed, "Yes. The truth is, the girls and I have really grown fonder over Spike than we used to be. In fact, we all love him." Cadence gasped, and let out a squeal before hugging Twilight, "Oh, my little girl's all grown up." she teased. "Cadence, please." Twilight said, as she got out of the older girl's embrace. "So all six of you love him?" she asked, and Twilight nodded, "Wow. You girls really have moved up on the love scale. Back then you six threw yourself at Spike because of how adorable he looked," she decided to tease Twilight some more, "And looking at him now I can see how all six of you are enamored by him. Why if he was a few years older and I wasn't seeing Shining Armor." Twilight quickly stopped her, "All right, Cadence. Please." she pleaded. Cadence giggled, "Sorry. But I can see the problem you're dealing with. With all six of you vying for Spike's attention it puts you in a difficult position." "You're telling me." Twilight nodded in confirmation. "And does Spike know about this?" Cadence asked curiously. "He does, but so far we haven't been too pushy with him, and managed to find alternative solutions so it wouldn't escalate to arguments," Twilight explained, "And we have all enjoyed doing activities with Spike together, but I worry how long it'll last and if I might have to go against my friends backs and try to take Spike for myself." Cadence nodded, "Classic love drama. It always escalates into something very heart shattering." "Cadence, what should I do? What should any of us do?" Twilight asked desperately. Cadence answered, "Well, it's unfair of me to take sides since I care about all of you equally. But as your brother's girlfriend I will say this. Don't force yourself upon Spike too hard or put him in a too uncomfortable position. Just go for him in your own way. And if he doesn't choose you then perhaps it wasn't meant to be." Twilight didn't feel comfortable with her last warning, but smiled knowing the rest she said was all true. She hugged Cadence, who returned it, "Thanks, Cadence." "Always a pleasure, Twilight." Cadence replied. Meanwhile, upstairs in Shining Armor's room that was decorated with rock star and sports posters. Shining spoke as he plopped onto his old bed, "Oh, I missed my room. And judging from the state of things, Twilight's been keeping it tidy, hasn't she?" "You know Twilight." Spike answered. "Duh," Shining said, as the two laughed. Shining sat up on his bed and spoke, "So, how's life going for you?" "Couldn't be better. How about classes for you?" "Quite stressful with all the work they give us." Shining admitted. "I can imagine." Spike said, trying to sympathize with him. Shining nodded, and decided to cut to the chase, "So I see you and the girls have been getting along even better as of late." "Yeah. The girls and I have been living it up like never before." he admitted. "I can see. But let me ask you Spike, how're you all in the romantic way?" he pried. Spike turned to him in shock, "What're you saying?" "What do you think I'm saying?" Spike felt nervous, but knew he couldn't hide it, "Ok. We've been doing great there too, but the truth is the girls are seriously getting it bad for me." "Define bad?" Shining inquired. Spike knew he couldn't tell him the real juicy stuff like their secret activity up at the principals cabin, so he told him what he could, "Well, I've gone on multiple dates with them together and individually these last months." "Go on." Shining beckoned, as he got comfortable. Spike continued, "Well, with every date or even casual hanging out, each of them keep wanting to get closer and closer to me." "Even Twilight?" "Especially Twilight," he answered, "And to top it off, I actually received my first kiss from Twilight." Shining eyes widened, "Come again?" "That's right. At my last birthday, Twilight gave me my first real kiss." he confessed. "Whoa. Twily's really stepped up. Do the other girls know about this?" "Good lord no," he answered, "She did it when we were just alone. But you know, I got kisses from the other girls later on. None of them know each other kissed me." "Whoa, I need some oxygen here," Shining chuckled, much to Spike's discomfort. He finally stopped laughing, "Sorry, go head." "Well, even though they seem fine enough when we all hang out together and do stuff. Sometimes I can see it in their eyes that they wish it was just me and them individually." "And how do you feel about this?" Shining asked the big question. "Well, I love them all each for different reasons." "Well, I can see what you mean by that," Shining admitted, "Each of them have their strong points, and their own flaws. There are only certain things you can do with each of them individually." "Exactly. I'm just worried something might happen to our friendship." Spike worried. "Well, Spike. You and girls friendship has stayed this strong for so many years. I'm sure you'll work through it somehow, some way." Shining said. "I hope so. Because I'd hate to think of our friendship ending all because of me." Spike said in worry, until Shining patted his shoulder. "Hey, remember if you need someone to talk to I'm here. Even when my winter break is over you can still talk to me about this." Spike smiled, "Thanks, Shining. I really appreciate this pep talk." "So do I. But out of curiosity, who would you choose if it came down to one?" Shining asked slyly. Spike looked nervous and a bit flustered, "I-uh, I don't really know." "Don't know, or don't wanna say?" Shining leaned in. Spike started getting more nervous by the minute, as Shining was prying it out, before the boy answered, "No comment!" he bolted. "Hey, come here!" Shining raced after him. Shining chased Spike downstairs, until the boy ran to the living room where Cadence and Twilight returned too with the others. Spike smirked, and jumped over into Twilight's embrace, much to the brainy girls' surprise, "Help me, Twilight!" "Spike, what's wrong?" she asked, wondering what was going on, as were the others. "Shining Armor's picking on me!" Spike cried like a child. Twilight and the girls turned to the older boy with frowns on their faces, "Shining Armor, what're you trying to do?" Twilight scolded him. "You come back for winter and this is how you treat Spike?" Applejack asked in disappointment. "That's so mean." Fluttershy lectured him. "Very-very-mean." Pinkie put in. "That's not what a gentleman should be like." Rarity huffed at him. "Yeah, don't be such a jerk." Rainbow finished. "No, I wasn't..." Shining tried to explain, only to be cut off as the girls surrounded Spike and comforted him. "It's ok, Spike." Fluttershy pat his head. "Big mean Shining Armor won't pick on you with us around." Twilight added, while she and the girls coddled him. Shining and Cadence saw Spike give the older boy and smug look, while the girls were unaware. Cadence looked at Shining who sighed, while face palming, "Just like when we were younger." Cadence giggled knowing full well Spike used to do this to Shining as a child. And it always worked for him whenever Spike wanted the girls to fawn over him some more, or to use as a way to get Shining Armor off his back.