
by ReubenHarvey

Ponyville Tales - Chapter Two

Ponyville Tales - Chapter Two

Morning rolled upon Snow, its bright light beaming down upon him. Snow pulled himself out of bed.Heading down the first flight of stairs for the bathroom and his morning routine. Once he was freshened up he clipped on his new black fitted apron that read Manager on it above the Coffee Pots logo and headed down to the store to open up and set up for the grand opening.

Once down he unlocked the door and before him were two young ponies that he recognised from their resumes as his new employees. The first a young mare by the name of Petal Rose. She was obvious the younger or the two, and small for an earth pony. Her coat was a light pink and her mane a flushed Rose red matching her tail. She greeted snow with a nervous smile locking her purple eyes on his for a moment. The older stallion, a pegasus, went by the name Blue Skies. He apart from the wings, was much like Snow in height and build. Blues coat was a light grey and in complete contrast his mane was the brightest of shiny aqua blues matching his tail and eyes. Though he smiled and greeted Snow with a half hearted “hello” Snow could tell he was less than pleased about being here.

“Look alive you two, your aprons are set out on the counter put them on and get to work helping me set up these chairs ready for seven.”

Snow barked orders like a pro given that it was his first time in a position like this. Following the pair as they grabbed their aprons and quickly pinned them on. Watching them almost as if he were timing them, testing them on their speed and performance. As they began to set up tables outside Snow continued.

“Once we are done out here i'm taking you both inside and i want you to both show me how to use the machines and the till” Snow said quite assertively. Gaining a nod and a chagrin from the two worker bee’s.

Once he had tested the two he quickly summarized that while Blue was better with a till & Petal had the know-how with the coffee making processes.

“Petal, you and I will be working the machines today. That puts you Blue on the Cash register, Both are equally important jobs and must be done with the utmost of care. I am also going to work the floor today taking drinks to those who have to wait as well as sit down orders. However don’t get too comfortable you two because tomorrow your roles will be reversed. So pay attention to each other and watch how its done.” Snows Final announcement made the pairs faces go from nervous smiles to worried ones.

“And finally” Snows words bringing the two to attention.

“Relax. While i expect you both to work hard it’s okay to get stuck and confused, and if you do take a breath and try again. And if you are still stuck just give me a wave and i will correct you. I dont expect you both to get it perfect on the first day.”

Snows final word let sighs of relief out of the pair. He then motioned them over to the coffee machine where Snow had prepared three delicious coffees to drink before the opening, now only minutes away. Once the trio had finished up he had them follow him outside where a crowd of ponies had began to form. This sight even made Snow a little nervous. He lined up himself and his workers in front of the store and gave a smile to the crowd. Before he could speak up he was blinded by a flash of light. He had his picture taken.

“For the cover of the town paper” he was told. Thinking to himself

“I guess a new store is big news in a small town” Snow then stepped forward and Greeted the crowd.

“Mares and Gentlecolts. I am proud to welcome you to the Ponyville branch of The Coffee Pots Coffee house. If you could form an orderly queue and please be patient. I would like to now officially open the store.” With that he flipped the sign to open gaining a small cheer, and he and his employees stepped inside, each taking their positions.

It was a very busy morning rush and the three were working harder than they knew was possible. Snow was amazed at how many ponies could fit in one town, let alone his store. There were a few slip-ups from his employees. Petal making the wrong order and Blue Ringing up a total bill of one thousand bits. However each time The two made a mistake they took Snows advice, took in a breath and relaxed. Apologising for there mistake and correcting it, without need of calling for Snow once. This gave Snow some much needed confidence in his employees abilities. While working he noticed many ponies congratulating his employees of their new found jobs more so Petal than Blue. However a very fast talking pink mare gave him a large hug and said things too fast for the average pony to understand. The same mare as well as many others tried to welcome Snow to town and start up conversations. But each time he passed them over and explained he was too busy to talk. He felt bad for being so rude but he just couldn't handle making friends right now, too much work and to many off feelings from the move.

The opening rush lasted well into the afternoon. and it wasn't until a few hours from closing time that things started to die down enough for the three ponies to relax. It was then that Snow began to do his trademarked sing and dance as he makes a coffee routine. Gaining a few odd looks from his customers. However Snow was far less embarrassed about this as he had been doing it absent-mindedly for months back in Manehattan, and had gotten used to the odd song and dance with an audience now. He in fact didn't even notice them any more.

With a little spin Snow hits his chair at a two seater table near the counter and leans back sipping his coffee. not spilling a drop in the process, still humming to himself. This process earned him applause from only one pony who was watching for two reasons; one, most of his customers were dumbfounded or unimpressed by this act of insanity & the only mare to notice was a grey and yellow mare. Who once she had finished looking at him in awe slid over to his table with purpose and introduced herself.

“Hey. I am Ditzy Doo. But most ponies call me Derpy on account of the eyes.” Ditzy explained pointing a hoof at her head, before extending it out in friendship.

This took Snow by surprise. After taking a seconed to pause and stair at the mare he took in a breath and taking her hoof, introducing himself.

“Names Snowgleam, Ditzy. Its nice to finally get to talk to some pony.” Snow said as he shook her hoof.

“You’re new in town right. The manager?” Ditzy said cocking her head slightly.

“What gave me away?” Snow laughed.

“Your apron says manager.Plus I haven't seen you before. Although I feel like i know you already. You haven't even been here two days and you’re already sending mail. And before you ask I am the mail mare.” She said laughing at his half confused face.

“So whos the mare?” Ditzy asked

“W_What makes you think its a mare?” Snow said unconvincingly, falling over his own words.

“I read your mail” Ditzy said with the straightest face possible for a wall eyed mare. Taking the poor snow once again back in shock.

However Snow being a little quicker than the average stallion. Soon came to a relaxing conclusion.

“Hang on a minuet. If you read my mail, then you would know who the mare is already. right?” Snow said slyly figuring out her trick.

“So it is a mare then. I thought it would be, no pony sends that much mail unless its for love” Ditzy said laughing at snows dumbstruck face.

“She tricked me, i thought i was being cleaver figuring her out and i ended up giving it away all by my self.” Snow thought to himself facehoofing hard.

“Ughh, okay you got me it is a mare. But we, we aren't in love.” Snow says looking away guilt on his heart for the way he left things.

“Really? You message her a lot. But i wont press, we have only just met after all.” Ditzy said, in an attempt to remove the uneasy atmosphere.

“Thanks” Snow smiled a little again.

The two chatted away and laughed.. Snow really felt he had made a friend here in his new home. Even after snow felt he should return to work, Ditzy stayed and kept him company for a while chatting and laughing at his dance moves. She made Snow comfortable, and even though they had just met he knew they would be friends.

As the end of the day came around snow waved of his last customers and finally his friend. Ditzy insisted that she come again tomorrow and the next day for coffee. Though snow insisted that perhaps she not stay quite so long the next time round.

The two became fast friends over the next few weeks. For every letter that snow sent Ditzy would become more and more curious about what it was exactly, the two could talk about if it wasn't a distant love. She became so curious in fact that she attempted several forms of bribary to try and pry the secrets out of her new friend. In the first few days it came in the form of and array of muffins. But when that tasty torture failed, Ditzy did something more terrifying than ever. She used her own daughters sweet and innocence to try and bribe the young stallion into confessing. To no avail however.No matter the cuteness the conversations of Snows past were to remain that way. In the past.

Though Snow had been in ponyville for many weeks now he hadn’t had a chance to go out and make friends, though he had seen and met so many ponies, he rarely had the chance to actually talk to them, nor did they often want to talk to him. After all to them Snow was just a manager, there to serve and provide tasty treats and coffees. But despite how lonely this made him feel Ditzy made him feel better. She always knew what to say to cheer him up. She infact had come up with a way to solve his problems. A way that would mean he could keep his job but have the time to go out and see the town he lived in. Meet some ponies.


With a bit of tweaking in the work rotor and some clever jiggery pokery with the way customers orders were handled. He managed to create 4 free days in a row where he could be free to do what he pleased. Without working his employees to death in the meantime. And come tomorrow his first free day would be upon him.

The concept of free time threw Snow off. Even as he lay his head down to sleep he just couldn't figure out what he would do. Before he moved his free time would be spent with Sketch, but now he was alone. How would he spend his time if he's alone.

If only he knew what tomorrow would bring him maybe he would have stayed in bed. Perhaps made a different choice. one that would have lead him down a different path.

Morning came. Shining its cruel light through Snows window once more. Again as per the norm for him now. He rose and headed for the bathroom, for his morning routine. It wasn't until he opened up the store he realised that it was his day off. Letting in his employees and helping set up for the morning rush, Snow pondered what one does with a day of.

Even as the customers started to roll in snow just sat at his usual table drinking coffee. unsure of himself and what his future should be. he didn't get much chance to ponder however. because with a white and green flash he was knocked over. a creamed muffin landing squarely in between his eyes.

“Oh my gosh i am so sorry” an unknown voice said, a little giggle in her.

“You can keep the muffin though.” the voice laughed.