//------------------------------// // Chapter 1:Class Trip // Story: Spike Shield:An Unusual Pegasus With An Unusual Friend // by cssalpha //------------------------------// My name is Spike Shield. I am an orange pegasus with fairly large wings. I have a red and black spiky mane and tail. I am seventeen years old and a junior high school student. My cutie mark is a red shield with black spikes on the front. I am a fairly patient pony, but have a very low tolerance for bullies. I try to give everypony I meet a chance to get to know them. For my junior high school class trip, we are going on a school trip to a Unicorn Advanced Spell Testing Facility or UASTF for short. The reason we were going to the UASTF was because most the junior high schoolers are unicorns and got to pick where the class went that year. During the trip at the beginning, we saw spells that were being improved and around noon we saw spells that were being smoothed out. We are getting ready to leave and one of the security ponies asked if we wanted to see a brand new, never tested before spell. The teachers at the school said yes and so we delayed leaving for another ten minutes. During the spell, we stood behind a magic reflection shield as a precaution, there were some spells that reflected off the targets earlier and so they put up a shield to protect us from them. A unicorn stallion, that had a steel colored fur coat and a crimson red mane and spiky tail, came to the front of the class and spoke to us. "Okay everypony, I know you want to get out of here but I just wanted to test out this spell with an audience. I asked my supervisor and he said go for it so, here we go." The unicorn stallion informed us. As he prepared his spell, the security guard put up another magic reflection shield around us. I was at the front because nopony was actually interested in his spell, but I was. In all actuality, I thought I would not like this trip, but I was completely enjoying myself and was thrilled to see all of the spell, more so than most of the unicorn students. As the class waited to see what the spell would do, I was off in my own little world, wondering what it would be like to be a unicorn. In my mind's eye, I saw myself fighting of dragons using a magically enchanted sword, fighting off manticores alone, and getting all the mares of my dreams. Unfortunately, I am self-conscious and remember, I'm not a unicorn. So I can't do anything that would get me to be popular. Some times I wish I was popular, but I'm not a popular pony in school. I'm more like one of those ponies that sit in the background and wait for things to happen. I'm snapped put of my daydreaming by the unicorn announcing, "I'm ready to cast the spell now. I have a general idea of what is going to happen. The target will be transformed into metal. Of course there is a very very slim chance it could go wrong and cause massive damage to the target." I barely heard the last part of what he was saying. He fired off his spell and we watched as it approached the target, which was a duplicate of a pony's skeleton. The spell flew through the air moving fairly fast, yet slow enough to cast a shield spell or dodge it. It moved with a fluid motion, like water flowing through a slightly bent tube, moving gently up and down,until it made contact with the skeleton. Then, the crap hit the fan. As soon as the spell hit the duplicate skeleton, instead of going into it, it bounced off and came right toward the shield. Me and another student noticed this and looked at each other. The other student, who was a unicorn stallion, said to me, "At least we got a shield between us and that spell." Right then I knew something horrible would happen. I just was not sure what it would be. I give him an are you serious look as I ask, "You know, one of the first things we are taught in science class was DON'T tempt the universe, right?" "Oh, buck me!" He exclaimed, while throwing himself to the ground. I jumped in front of him and spread my wings as far out as possible as a precautionary measure. I watched as the spell approached and connected the shield. It paused at the shield, then it shocked everypony present as it passed through the shield. After it had pass through the shield, the first pony it encountered was me. I just stood there, still in shock from it passing through a magic reflection shield. I came back to my senses, just in time for it to hit me. Just before it hit me, I wrapped my wings around the front of me. When it hit my wings, there was a massive flash of light and I was knocked off my hooves. When the light faded, I got up off the floor and looked around. Instead of being at the front of the class, I was now at the rear. Looking at the group now in front of me, I see several of them staring at me like I should not be standing there. Other ponies are giving me a what just happened look. While they are just staring, I'm wondering why I'm not steel. Remembering my wings being hit with the spell, I instantly spread my wings to look at them. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be any changes or damage. I looked curiously at the unicorn who casted the spell and asked him, "What happened?" "I don't know. When I cast the spell, I thought that it would turn the target to steel. Either the spell failed or we would not be talking with you right now. But since it was a first time cast spell, I'm going to have to ask you to go get checked out at a hospital for your own safety," the unicorn spell caster said. "I have now idea what that spell would do to a living organism. Get a full body magic scan with a blood test just to confirm that nothing happened to you." "Okay. I'll do that as soon as possible. Thank you for your concern in my safety. I'll Let you know as soon as I get the test results back." I say to the stallion. With that final piece information, the school left the UASTF to go home. At home I look, at a mirror to see if anything changed on me. My hair was still spiky as always, my fur was still orange, my eyes were still orange, and my wings lost a few feathers due to the spell, but they will grow back in a few days. When my eyes reached my cutie mark, they widened. My cutie mark now included four blue spheres of light, one above my mark, one below, and one on each side of it. I stared at my mark, hoping that my eyes were playing tricks on me. But the more I stared at it, the more it sank in. That spell did do something to me, but I have no idea to what extent. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor's office to see exactly what that spell did to me.