
by smxsonic

Prologue (Discord)

Princess Twilight Sparkle flew around her castle, gathering miscellaneous books, notes, and assorted reference guides. Guides to what? Well, the Elements of Harmony, of course. After the battle with Tirek and The Dazzlings, Twilight was furthering her research of the artifacts and how they worked. It seemed simple right? Just pump friendship into them and blast your enemies with a rainbow laser of magic. They’re  stationary now yet they traveled between worlds to blast three sirens with a good times lance and stripped them of their magical singing voices.

Twilight poured over her books and they provided no new information.She read every friendship letter she and her friends ever written.  She read their friendship journal, she even wrote some… Hypothetical friendship letters, most of them involving her friends confessing their undying love for one another, oddly enough. But nothing answered her questions. Time went on as Twilight searched for any clue on how Element redemption worked, eventually she sighed and threw her papers in the air and face-desked.
“You know, I thought you were past all-nighters by now,” A smooth , jovial voice snarked from the darkness, "and you should be more mindful of your furniture."
“ Go away, Discord,” Twilight deadpanned from the pile of papers she buried herself in.
“I’m bored, you seemed to be the only pony up at this hour, and between you and me, Fluttershy’s been keeping me on something of a tighter leash than usual,” Discord Replied as he made a leash appear around his neck and pulled it tight.
“I wonder why.” Twilight replied.
Discord appeared behind Twilight, leaning on the alicorn. Twilight faltering at the sudden weight on her head and them glowering angrily at Discord.
“I mean, I did fall to the dark side. I said I was sorry and let’s be fair, I’m new to this whole friendship thing --“
Twilight jumped up, shifting Discord's weight off her head. She then flew up to eye level with him.
“Hold on... “ She started , looking at the draconequus “That’s right, you are new. You literally didn't know one thing about friendship before we reformed you!”
Discord looked away from Twilight ,“You don’t have to rub it in.”
“Discord, I’m studying The Elements of Harmony right now, and you might have just cracked my research wide open.  Everyone we've used the Elements on  reformed instantly. They all felt remorse for what they've done. You were never given that chance, The Elements just turned you to stone.”
Discord looked back and stared at Twilight blankly for a bit, blinking his eyes.
“And your point is?”
Twilight made a sound that was between a giggle and a chuckle. It disturbed Discord a little bit.
“The Elements thought they couldn't reform you, so they just turned you into stone so you wouldn't pose a threat anymore.”
Discord donned a professor getup and produced a chalkboard saying,“My dear alicorn, The Elements and I are merely on opposite ends of the spectrum. It’s like oil and water.”
Twilight promptly ignored him and went to fetch a sheet of parchment. She took out a quill and wrote:

Dear Princess Luna,

That feels odd to write after writing to your sister for so long. Anyway, I would like to invite you over The Friendship Rainbow Castle.

“I still think you should consider a better name.” Discord interjected, looking over Twilight’s shoulder. She shot a glare at him and contiued to write.

I have come upon some research and you happen to be one of the central subjects. It would be a great pleasure to talk to you about some of the things I have come across. Pleased send me a reply  as soon as possible.

Your Friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight rolled the parchment into a scroll, put her own personal seal on it, and put in in her “Out” box for Spike to send later.
“And what, pray tell, are you going to talk about with Princess Moonshine?”
Twilight looked to the God of Chaos. She flew to one corner of the castle and came back with a book Containing the stained glass depiction of her and her friends fight with Nightmare Moon
“Princess Luna was the first pony we ever used The Elements of Harmony on. I want to ask her how she felt when we used the Elements on her. If I’m right, the Elements induced feelings of remorse, almost like you've let everyone down. Which brings me to you!”Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Discord.
Discord stood in a spot light, wearing a disheveled blue shirt.
“Me?” he toned innocently.
“Let’s be honest, you didn't regret brainwashing us, did you.”
Discord went silent for a moment and then mumbled, “I do now…”
“But you didn’t back then, you didn’t regret anything because you didn’t care what was right. The mere concept of morality was foreign to you. There was no way to make you feel bad about anything.”
Discord crossed his arms, “You’re doing a pretty good job of it now.”
Twilight gave an actual giggle this time . She then flew up to Discord and booped him on the nose.
“I know, you’ve changed, we’re all grateful for that, but looking at how The Elements affect ponies is a complete the breakthrough in how we should use this castle. Thanks, Discord, you were a big help.”
Discord gave a big toothy smile,“Aw, what are fri-“
“Now get out of my castle,” Twilight interrupted sweetly
Discord's face fell for a bit before saying,“Fine, fine, I’m going to brunch with Fluttershy anyway. I make a mean Eggs Benedict,”
Then a mini discord popped in, wearing a revolutionary war uniform and simply yelled “Traitor!”
Discord rolled his eyes and asked “Who asked you?” Before grabbing the mini-Discord and  disappearing.
Princess Twilight Sparkle allowed herself a small chuckle at that, Before returning to her studies. Awaiting the story of Luna's redemption and reintegration.