//------------------------------// // Chapter 3S: Frustration and Resoluteness // Story: The cards of Equestria // by LGHeart //------------------------------// “GAAHH!” With an immense sense of anger boiling up I grabbed another book and started flipping through it. This one was about ancient magical items believed to be from the prediscordian era. “Why can't I figure out where I've seen that damn card is from!” My nostrils fumed in irritation, making smoke rise as I clawed my way through the book looking for the information I sought out. Having not found the information yet again I added the book to the growing pile next to me. Placing my hand on the temples of my head in agonizing frustration I knew I was missing something, but what was it. That damn card was so familiar to me, but I didn't know why. There was just something that really irritated me about it, almost like it was highly important for me to remember. The sound of the front door opening and closing. After a moment of silence a voice called out into the corridor. “Spike are you up yet?” “Yeah Twilight.” I reply quickly knowing full well that my irritation had seeped into my words. Hoof steps grew louder as, undoubtedly, Twilight walked closer to the room. She stepped by the door for a second, probably not thinking that I would be in the library area of my own volition. But she stopped in her track as she probably noticed me out of the corner of her eye. “Spike!?” Twilight said as she turned in place to look at me. “Why are you sitting in the library reading all those books?” If I didn't know any better I would have taken offense to the statement. “I'm doing some research Twilight. Just call to me if you need anything, alright.” Twilight seemed utterly speechless, it was almost as if a timber-wolf took her tongue away. She seemed taken aback as if somepony had just slapped her across the face. “uh, um, okay. Just come talk to me if you need anything, I'll just be, uh. . . going over to Fluttershy's home.” I bury my face into another book and start skimming the content looking for the information on that stupid card. “Sure what ever Twi.” Being to busy with what I was doing I didn't notice when Twilight left, but it was obvious that I was alone once some time passed and not a sound could be heard. Well except for the sound of books moving in and out of place. Slowly my frustration began to build again, until I couldn't take it anymore and threw the books across the room. “Celestia damn it all!” I yelled as smoke and fire began to slowly shoot out of my nose and mouth. “Wait a minute . . .” I say as an idea struck me. Face palming so hard that I partly make myself slightly dizzy, “that's my answer, Princess Celestia!” Moving as quickly as possible I put all the books back to there proper place, and start running back to Twilight's and my room. Quickly I gather the parchment and quill and start writing. Dear Princess Celestia, This is Spike writing to you. I would like to make a small request, if at all possible. Could you please send over any copies of books that involve mystical items, or old magical artifacts? Maybe even mythological artifacts if possible. The reason I ask such an odd request is because Twilight and I found a rather curious card the other day and I have the most irritating feeling like I should know what it is. I had saw Twilight inspecting the card late last night after I saw the room she entered stop glowing. I had been so tired that I had dismissed it as nothing, but now I'm not to sure. I will understand if you dismiss this letter, but could you please consider it. This has been driving me crazy and I would at least like some help if at all possible. From, Princess Twilight's faithful assistant Spike the dragon! Taking one quick look over the letter I felt confident that it would do the job. With swift practiced movements, caused only by years of doing this, I rolled up the letter sealed it and sent the letter to Celestia in a puff of smoke. With a relaxed sigh I let myself calm down a little. I was riling myself up so much that I hadn't realized the day was half over until I had send that letter. Maybe I was making this out to be more then it actually was, but for some reason I could not let this be. “This must be how Twilight feels sometimes.” I say finally understanding how she could feel so stressed sometime. Deciding to take a moment to breath, I start heading to the kitchen to grab a snack. Thankfully I still had my hidden stash of gems Twilight didn't know about. Oh it made my mouth water just thinking about all the rubies, emeralds, topaz, and amethysts. Walking into the kitchen I double checked that no one was near. Satisfied that I was in fact alone, I walked over to the to left side of the kitchen, right next to the sink and coffee pot. Carefully placing my hand on one of the tiles that covered the kitchen. Carefully I slip one of my claws in between the seems of the tile and lift it to reveal a little hole filled with a variety of gems. Grabbing a fist fully of gems I went out of the kitchen and started eating a few gems. Little bits of broken gem hit the ground as I walked and ate. It felt kind of good to just relax and calm my nerves a little bit after stressing about that card so much. After walking back to Twilight's and my room I decided to pull out a comic book and start reading. Looking through my little shelf of comics I pick out one of my favorites and started flipping through it. Suddenly I felt something burbling up from the pit of my stomach. It was a familiar feeling I knew quite a bit about. Quickly I put my comic book of to the side so that I don't accidentally burn it. Almost instantly I burped and flames shot out of my mouth. The fire swirled around for a moment before becoming a parchment with Celestia's royal seal on it. Right at that moment Twilight walked through the open doorway just as the letter fell to the ground. “Oh hey Spike, is that a letter from Celestia?” She quickly levitated the letter to herself and opened it up, she took only a glance before turning it away. She looked to me and gave the letter back, “This letter is addressed to you spike. Do you know why Celestia would be writing to you?” Nodding I began to explain that I asked her to send over some extra books to help me with my research, but I kept my mouth shut about what I was researching. No need to worry Twilight about something that may not actually be anything. I open the letter and start reading. Dear Spike, I will be shipping copies of those books you asked for to you. They should arrive in just a day or two. Twilight had told me about the card you found. She has her own suspicions about this card. I told her to keep an eye on it just in case. If both of you are suspicious of this card, it has me slightly worried, please be careful when dealing with it. Also you may want to talk to Twilight about what Discord may have said about the card. I myself could not recognize it as something important, but I figured discord may. He is much older than even I, so could know if the item in question is dangerous or not. Sincerely, Celestia After a moment of silence and a couple of rereads I turned to Twilight. Several questions were running through my mind at once but one had me slightly more confused then the others. “You were able to talk to Celestia without going through me?” Twilight who was reading a book turned to me questioningly. She closed the book and placed it on a near by table with her telekinesis magic. “I have a spell that allows me to communicate with her, but only if we're both near some body of liquid at the same time. Meaning it's not always reliable like with your fire, but it can still get the job done if those conditions are met.” “Oh!” I say feeling like that would have been a good thing to know about a long time ago. “Well then I have just one more question for you.” Twilight's eyebrow twitched up a little in confusion, but she gestured for me to continue. “What did Discord say about the card we found?” For a moment Twilight seemed taken aback by my question. She started swaying from side to side slightly. She bit her bottom lip lightly before she turned her eyes away from me. “how did you know about that?” she asked, probably trying to avoid the question. “Celestia told me. Now it's your turn to answer my question.” Reluctantly Twilight sighed and turned to face me, although she kept her eyes facing anywhere else but at me. “Discord said he didn't recognize it, but he could tell that it was a powerful magic item. Not only that but he also it used a highly advanced built in spell matrix that follows a certain set of commands. Other then that he was completely unsure of what it could and couldn't do. He just told me to keep an eye on it like Celestia said.” “So,” I say letting puzzle pieces fall into place in my mind. “This thing is even outside of Discord's knowledge. Meaning that it could be even older than him.” “And if that's the case,” Twilight says jumping into the conversation to help me. “it could be more dangerous then we know.” “But,” I say as lift up the letter Celestia sent to me. “We may actually have some record of what it might be. I know that the card seems familiar, so that must mean at some point I had to have read about it.” Twilight perked up a bit, “Which means we could possible identify what this card actually is and if it really is dangerous.” “Exactly!” I shout with a slight smug happiness. “We just have to be careful and wait to see if I can find the information once the books I requested get here. Then we should have everything we need to determine if the card is dangerous and/or can be destroyed if the need should arise.” “So,” Twilight says as she looks to me. “What do we do until than?” I sigh and look Twilight dead in the eye. “We go about our business as usual, carefully watch the card, and wait. That's about all we can do right now.”