//------------------------------// // Screams of Laughter, Prophesies of Magic and Friendship // Story: Blood of Harmony // by BloodHive1998 //------------------------------// Warning: the first half of this chapter includes graphic depictions of blood, some minor torture, insane Pinkie, and 'ponies' eating ponies. I personally doubt that this warning is necessary, but just in-case Lunar Fire moved silently as she followed Pinkie to Sugar Cube Corner, she didn't need to be spotted. Pinkie was leading a Stallion that had showed up in the dead of night into the place, nopony knew he was even there. When the door closed, a light-blue outline symbolized Pinkie's position. I love demon marks. Lunar thought. She used her fire-like demon magic to teleport into the bakery in silence. "Come on." Pinkie said to the stallion as she lead him to a rug on the ground. In usual Pinkie style, Pinkie threw the rug in the air, opened a hatch that was bellow it, and then brought the stallion in. Lunar followed, ignoring the fact that the rug had been floating in mid-air for the past eight seconds, far longer than it had any right to. As she entered after Pinkie and the stallion, the rug fell, looking as if it had never been moved. Lunar followed the two deep into the basement, where she began hearing the sweet cries of pain and agony associated with a pony being tortured. Once she got into the actual basement, she saw a scene that made her smile sadistically. Bodies lay strewn across the floor, some seemed stuffed with something other than organs. Body organs were lying on tables. A dress sat in the corner with several cutie marks making up the general dress and several dismembered wings sewn onto the back. 'Life is a Party.' was written in blood on one wall with several other dark phrases on the others. The floor was stained red with the blood of countless victims. The air smelled of death and gore, making Lunar drool at the sweet smell it created. Lunar's eyes fell on the stallion tied up to a wall, he was the one screaming, with Pinkie, covered in blood, standing right over him. "I'll be right back, I seem to have ran out of knives." Pinkie said as she walked out, not even seeing Lunar. Lunar noted that Pinkie's eyes were glowing red, an indication of a soul that was demonic in nature yet pony in truth. She also noticed several nives embeded in different parts of the stallion, causing blood to drip down from the wounds. "Please, help me!" the stallion cried out when Pinkie was out of hearing range. Lunar chuckled as she approached, looking over the stallion. He really wasn't much, though she noticed that one of his wings was lying on the ground, bloody and blood from the point of former attachment was spraying onto it. Pinkie wont mind if I take a little bite, would she? Not giving it much thought, Lunar leaned in towards the stallion's good wing, as if she was going to pull of the ropes, and bit down on one of the more delicate parts of his wing, her sharp teeth easily pierced the skin as she ripped a chunk of flesh off before walking back to a corner and proceeding to eat the meat while listening to the stallion's screams. The blood made a wonderful sauce, as did the ambient fear that was around the piece. This, coupled with the cries of pain and fear from the stallion, made Lunar feel like she was in a fancy dinner, even though it would make most ponies sick. "M-monster!" the stallion yelled as Pinkie came back in, looking shocked. "Yep." Lunar finished off her small meal without care and looked at the confused Pinkie Pie. Lunar just smiled at Pinkie and headed for the door, stopping and ripping another chunk off the stallion's wing, causing bright red blood to spill over the stained floor and enticing a scream of agony from the pony, before stopping at the door. She said "I like what you've done to the place, and this pony is simply delicious." then walked off. While Lunar walked, she pulled out her own notebook and wrote down, in very frightening and very vivid detail, what she had seen then added Pinkie's secret at the end. I hope she'll let me have a bite next time I come over. Night Wind looked around the library part of the castle, she had been looking for Twilight, but she forgot all about it when she entered the huge library. She was reading through books faster than her target could ever manage, absorbing the information with a hunger almost matching her hunger for emotion. She was currently looking through the book of prophesies that had been in a thick glass case with a magic barrier around it. Strangely, she had been able to pass the barrier. Hmm, 'The Daughters of Harmony' this sounds interesting. she thought when she turned to that prophesy in particular. When the Shadow demon rises, when the Elements fail, six fillies shall rise above the rest. One of forbidden love, one of ancient corruption, one of the devil, one of betrayal's wrath, one of the curse's power, and one of madness' reach. When these six come together in honest friendship, bringing the bearers with them, the demon of shadows shall fall and shall never rise again. After that, there was a lot of blank space. Night realized, with some shock, that the blank space contained six magic signatures, three of which were familiar to her, though she couldn't quite place them. She scanned the signatures a few times to see what she could gather. The first was a Changeling signature and involved the title 'Daughter of Friendship'. the second one was similar to a Pegasus, but there seemed to be something uncontrollable about it 'Daughter of Kindness'. The third seemed to be a Demon, or rather it was the only being she knew who would have a signature that seemed so evil 'Daughter of Laughter'. The fourth was definitely a Pegasus, but the signature wasn't bound to a body, it was a ghost 'Daughter of Loyalty'. The Fifth was an Earth Pony, a powerful one at that and one that seemed cursed (indicated by the darker feel of the edges) 'Daughter of Honesty'. The last one was odd, the signature was a real magic signature, but it held an artificial note to it, likely either a golem or an Android (considering the recent discovery of Androids) 'Daughter of Generosity'. Okay, let's see. The Changeling could be anyling, or rather it could if it didn't state 'forbidden love' so that would be almost any hybrid, but I only know myself as a hybrid and the signature is familiar. The second's hard to tell, i'll need to check Shadow's signature though since, again, the signature is familiar. The third, well, that's likely Lunar, she's the only demon I know of and her personality fits closely to the signature's level of darkness. The other three, I'm not sure, I've definitely felt them in passing, but that's it. With her general plan laid out, Night got ready to leave, until she heard hoof-steps. Night flew into the air and hid on a shelf, teleporting the book back to where it was originally, but not before magically copying the prophesy onto a piece of parchment and slipping said parchment into the folds of her tail bow. Twilight soon walked in with an angered expression and some blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She was soon pacing in annoyance. "I can't believe he had the nerve to use Cadence!" Twilight yelled angrily as Black Magic began leaking from the corners of her eyes and swirled around her horn. Soon, the Black Magic dyed down, replaced by a powerful fire-like magic that was her normal magenta. Demon Magic. Night observed. Twilight suddenly fired a powerful demon spell at a target that had appeared, incinerating the target and charring a small section of the crystalline floor. Night Wind watch with shock as ancient Alicorn runes lit up along Twilight's body, her eyes were encased in a magenta glow, with lighter coloring where her pupils and irises would be, her teeth visibly sharped, her feathers sharped, and claws shot out of her hooves (three claws each). An aura of darkness seemed to descend on her after that. Night watched as twilight summoned several targets and began firing at a rapid pace, destroying the targets and bits of the floor in the process. Night had gathered enough and teleported out. When she reappeared, she was at the entrance to the castle and in her normal disguise. Night wrote down what she had learned and then flew off to her mini-hive, where she dropped the disguise, to await the day her and her two friends would meet back up and share the secrets that they had learned. Unknown to her, or to any of the three fillies, they had each been watched and the ones that had watched knew their secrets, but that was fine, they had no intention of revealing them.