//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: School orientation // Story: Twilight's years at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns // by LotusRaven //------------------------------// (All numbers in brackets are for http://www.dolldivine.com/mlp-fim-pony-creator.php Got to advanced tab and enter the number in the box) 1 day prior to the orientation... ______________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight Velvet and Night Light parents of Twilight Sparkle, Twilight will be starting school on 10th August, there will be an orientation on the 3rd of August from 8.30 am to 10.30 am in the school, although it is not compulsory to attend, I highly recommend that Twilight be acquainted with the school before her semester starts. If she has decided not to attend, you must go to the school on 4th/5th August to collect Twilight's school supplies, she would be given her school supplies at the orientation if she attends. As I'm extremely busy, Twilight will be schooled as a normal student on weekdays and I shall personally teach her on weekends. Princess Celestia of Equestria ______________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight Sparkle's P.O.V Oh no! Today is the 2nd! The orientation is tomorrow! I'm not prepared! What am I going to do?! Oh no oh no oh no! Author P.O.V. Sensing the panic coming from her filly, she immediately said that she had absolutely nothing to worry about, an orientation was just for her to know the school better. "No need to fret dear." After seeing that gentle smile on her parent's faces, Twilight felt much better, telling herself to try to make some new friends at the orientation and get acquainted to her new surroundings for the next few months. Day of orientation Twilight felt a hoof on her cheeks, disturbing her peaceful sleep, she tried hiding under her blankets but these hooves just won't give up. ".... or you'll be late." LATE?! Late for the orientation?! Twilight jumped out of her bed and raced to the kitchen, gobbled down her breakfast and nearly charged out of the door, only to realise that it was only 7.55 am "Calm down little one! You have plenty of time to get to the castle, but we can go now if you want to." After 20 minutes of walking they finally arrived at PCSGU's main foyer. When Twilight saw a group of unicorn fillies around her age, she gallops off to join them, leaving her father in the dust. The teacher at the front, who later introduced herself as Miss Daisy, told Night Light that he may leave and then told Twilight to take a seat on the floor while waiting for the rest of the foals. Twilight sat down next to a dark green filly with a curly light purple mane. (252S0001004E873DFFC49D0090100BB96UN183700010000081DB9CFE7D7DFE08107F3FCC004CB2) "Hey, I'm Ivy Blossom, what's your name?" "I'm Twilight Sparkle. So you must be great at Magic huh?" "I'm alright, I only know simple levitation spells." Confused, Twilight asked about her entrance exam, only to be shocked by the answer. "Those examiners had me levitate a piece of paper for 10 seconds for my entrance exam, what did you have to do?" "They had me hatch a dragon egg!" They looked at each other with bewildered expressions on their faces. "Hey what's new?" Asked a voice from behind them. "Who are you?" They asked, seconds apart. The light pink filly with a straight neat white mane said "oh I'm Peachy, Peachy Charm. You?" (2B2S000100FEC7F8FFC49D00901FE63FAUN183700000000051FFFFFEFFD4FE05107F3FCC004CB2) "I'm Ivy Blossom and she's Twilight Sparkle." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile with the teachers and the principal, Mrs Devin The principal appeared from the side of the foyer and whispered to Miss Daisy, "has she arrived?" "Yes, that purple filly with blue mane, Twilight Sparkle." "Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight looked away from her friends and trotted toward Mrs Devin. Mrs Devin's voice turned into a low whisper, "I see that the Princess has sent you the letter?" Twilight nodded with a semi-confused look. "So I trust that you know you will only receive lessons from Princess Celestia on weekends only?" "Yes. But I heard from my friend that their entrance exam is only a levitation spell, why did I have to hatch a dragon egg?" "The Princess requested it, if you did not pass that test we would have given you the levitation spell for you entrance exam. Any more questions?" "Oh, um no, thank you." After that, Twilight trotted off to join her new friends. As Twilight neared her friends, they had a curious look on their faces, as Twilight was within hearing distance, they immediately bombarded her with questions. "What did she tell you?" "Why did she take you so far away?" "What did she ask you?" Twilight sighed at all the questions "Well... Mrs De-" "Come on little fillies and colts, we have to begin our tour of the school." Miss Daisy shouted suddenly. "Well you see, after I passed egg hatching exam, I sort of lost control of my magic and-" "Woah, that's pretty cool!" Ivy and Peachy cried out. "Yah, so I levitated all the examiners, turned my parents into cacti plants and turned the hatched dragon gigantic... that it tore a hole in the ceiling..." she ended with a rueful smile. "Wow! Then what happened?!" Ivy was extremely thrilled, listening to this story. "I guess Princess Celestia saw the dragon through the roof and came over, the second I felt her hoof touched me, all the pain disappeared and everything was returned to normal." "Fillies and colts please listen CAREFULLY!" Twilight and her friends looked up "Please collect your uniform now, all have been sorted according to your name, so if your name starts with an A please head to the front, if your name starts with a Z, please proceed to the back. Go on now!" The students all went in different directions to find their names on the plastic covering their brand new uniforms. There were only 3 bags of school supplies at the T section, including Tango Popfizz and Tesha Lavendar. Then she saw her own name, she picked up her bag, which was seemingly larger and bulkier than the rest of the bags. "After you get your bag, you can go to the cafeteria to have some breakfast if you want." Twilight looked around, trying to find Peachy and Ivy, they were sitting with another filly "Hey can I join you guys?"Twilight asked. "Of course Twilight, by the way, this is Waterfall Heart, she has her cutie mark too! OHOHOH continue the story Twilight!" (242S0001009ECDFEFFC49D0090100BB96UN183700000000021009C9B210DFE02107F3FCC004CB2) "Where was I?" "When the Princess calmed you down, everything returned to normal." Waterfall looked confused and ask what was going on "don't worry I'll tell you everything later." "Well... I calmed down and the Princess, luckily, didn't look angry, she told me I was talented and asked me to be her personal protege... Then I earned my cutie mark for magic." "You're the Princess's personal protege?!" they all said at once. "Uh-huh" Twilight nodded modestly. "So why are you here then, shouldn't you be at the castle?" inquired Ivy "Well the Princess is extremely busy, so I'll only study with her on weekends." They sat there for the rest of the break, chatting about their lives and any other topic that pops up. "Alright little ponies! Assemble here to continue the orientation, now we will get to know your teachers. Now come along." They found out that Miss Daisy, was their form teacher and also their magical arts. Mrs Fern, their Math and Science teacher, Mr Lotus, their Equestrian Language teacher (a.k.a. their English teacher) ,their PE teacher was Mr Ruby and (using the cliche saying) last but not least, Miss Caydranth, their History teacher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "See you guys on the 10th! Bye!" shouted Waterfall to her new group of friends. "Bye" they all shouted together. "I see you've made some new friends?" said a deep voice. "Dad! And yes, I made some new friends, Ivy, Peachy and Waterfall. They're really nice." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second Twilight got into her room, she opened her bag of school supplies and looked at all her books. Spells for Level 1 Mathematics for Primary 1 Course Book and Activity Book Science for Primary 1 Course Book and Activity Book History for Primary 1 Course Book and Activity Book Equestrian Language for Primary 1 Course Book and Activity Book There was also a large collection of Daring Dobooks and inside the first book of the series, was a note; ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dearest Twilight Sparkle, I found out that you love reading and I got you this. Hope you like this series. Princess Celestia ______________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile with Ivy Blossom "Mother! Guess who I became friends with!" "I hope it is somepony worth your time. You are part of high society, I do not want you messing with riffraffs like those ponies over there," pointing to Twilight and her parents. "Well actually, it is that fi-" "I WILL NOT HAVE YOU MESSING WITH PONIES OF THE LOWER CLASS! I EXPECT YOU TO ABANDON YOUR FRIENDSHIPS WITH HER IMMEDIATELY!" her mother shrieked, loudly enough for Ivy to get intimidated, but softly enough for nopony else to hear her. "Mother, it is not what you think, that filly is very special!" "Unless she is of high society or have any connection to the Princess, she is nothing in my eyes." said her mother unenthusiastically. "That filly is Princess Celestia's personal protege. Is that special enough?" Her mother's eye lit up and she grinned, "The Princess's PERSONAL PROTEGE eh? Well good job Ivy Blossom, this is the kind of fillies you should be friends with, maybe that way you can become Princess Celestia's student yourself, or become in someway connected to the Princess. Which reminds me, why aren't you Princess Celestia's personal student? I expected nothing less from you, you have disappointed me once again Ivy Blossom. We will have a talk about this later. Let's go home" Ivy just groaned. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile with Peachy Charm "Mom! Mom! I made friends with some fillies today! There was one filly that was really special, her name is Twilight Sparkle!" "Oh? Have you my dear? I am just so proud of you for making it into this school, so who is this Twilight Sparkle?" "She is Princess Celestia's personal pro-do-jey!" "What's a 'prodojey'?" "I think it means her personal student." "You will definitely be the one to become of high society!" As the Peach Farm on the outskirts of Canterlot came into view Peachy told herself that she would be the one that pulled her family out of the lowest rings of society in Canterlot. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile with Waterfall Heart "How was your day kiddo?" "It was pretty good Dad, made a few friends and got my books" "Tell me about your friends" "There was... Ivy Blossom, Peachy Charm andddddd OHOHOH, this filly named Twilight Sparkle, she the Princess's personal student!" "Wow, good friends you have huh?" "Yeah, they are pretty great..." ______________________________________________________________________________________ None of them could wait for the 10th...