//------------------------------// // The Everfree House // Story: Blood of Harmony // by BloodHive1998 //------------------------------// The three fillies left the CMC's clubhouse about ten minutes later and headed into the Everfree. "Why don't you like ponies touching your vines?" Lunar asked as she examined the sharp thorns on Shadow's vines. "I don't like ponies being scared when they feel them, I don't even really like others seeing them." Shadow replied as her vines retracted into her back, a shy expression on her face. The three walked in silence after that. Several trees or bushes would part as they came close. Shadow was quite, which wasn't normal for her. After about eight minutes, Shadow brought her vines back out and wrapped them in her preferred places along her body, wings, tail, mane, and legs. Most would have been in a lot of pain with the thorns stabbing into their body the way the thorns on her vines did, but she only felt comfort from it. As she walked, Shadow Vine closed her eyes. A lay-out of the Everfree around her lit into view behind her eyes as she let herself relax and just feel the ambient magic the forest held. The direct feeling of it had always been like a blanket to her,warm and soothing, even though the magic was wild and unpredictable to others. Night was lost in her own thoughts as well, mainly the fact that she had managed to stop her friendships from crumbling around her. She noticed that Shadow was walking with her eyes closed and, if she wasn't mistaking, the vines around Shadow's body were looser and seemed to show her relaxation. Night thought about getting her friends attention so she wouldn't run into anything, but she thought better. Shadow was literally the daughter of the Everfree, it was unlikely that she'd do this without knowing what she was doing. Night wished she had a way to just relax, but she sadly didn't. Her thoughts wondered, as they often did, to when she had ran away from both her hives to escape the anger of the members of each. She had been severed from the Hiveminds rather quickly after her escape, which left her alone in her mind, something often considered the worst kind of torture a Changeling could go through. Lunar, like her friends, was also lost in her own mind. She was happy that she had told somepony her secret, since it was hard to bare it alone for so long. She was actually still a little shocked to find that her two friends weren't real Pegasi either, at least, she was pretty sure Shadow wasn't considered a Pegasus. She glanced at the calm flames that were her wings, it had been a long time since she was out of her illusion in front of another filly or colt and she had to admit that she understood how Shadow felt about her vines, since Lunar felt similar towards her real wings. Her thoughts wondered to the powerful demon that she had ran from, she had changed her entire appearance countless times, but would it really be enough to stay hidden? After an hour of walking, the group came to a stop, with Shadow finely opening her eyes allowing the purple mist to resume flowing from them. After a moment, several trees fell through the ground and a house began rising from the cleared area. "Wow! How'd you do that?" Lunar and Night asked in unison. "I didn't, I just asked mom to." Shadow replied as the house fully rose and they looked at it. The house had black wooden walls with fires burning at the top, thorny vine wrapped around the entrance and the sides, and a blood red ring had lit up around the entire thing. The three fillies entered peacefully, getting a look at the inside. Inside, the house was even more demonic, the black walls held veins of lava, fires burned here and there, ancient Pegasi runes were drawn along the walls in the golden blood of Pegasi, books on ancient magics lined the walls and each had spiked spines. Along the floor, if one looked from above, was the ancient Pegasus rune that was the name of the Everfree Forest. "Mom likes a demonic setting." Shadow said as a timberwolf cub came running in. Shadow explained that the cub was named Razor and was her pet. Her friends, predictably, were shocked to find that Shadow had a pet timberwolf. A mare came in suddenly. She looked similar to an Alicorn. Her coat was black, it seemed to draw in the light around her; her mane was made entirely of black vines with light blue thorns; her wings were bat-like; her horn had blood stains on it; her teeth were sharper than anypony else's, with fangs folded against the roof of her mouth like a snakes; her hooves ended in four sharp claws each, though the claws were currently folded to look like hoof guards; her eyes glow red with the pupils shaped like four pointed stars; her eyes leaked the same purple mist as Shadow's; she had similar vines as the ones that made up her mane and tail coming from her back and wrapped around her similarly to Shadow's own; and her cutie mark was a blood red heart with vines wrapped around it and drawing blood. Needless to say, she was terrifying. Despite her appearance, Shadow ran up and hugged her, saying "Hi mom." when she did. "That's your mom?" Lunar asked with a bit of shock, it took a lot to scare a demon like her, but Eternal River was doing just that. "Yea. Mom, these are my friends Lunar Fire and Night Wind. Lunar, Night, this is my mom Eternal River." The two other fillies just stared in fear at Eternal River. After a while Shadow got an idea and shot into the air to get in-front of her mom, asking if her friends could stay over for the night. Eternal agreed kindly and the three headed for Shadow's room. Shadow's room was about as demonic as the rest of the house. It had the same black walls with lava flowing in them; several vines that matched the vines she had were along the wall; the floor was covered in Pegasus runes; her bed was mostly average with a spiked headboard and fire coming off the corners of the bed; there was a huge shelf on one side of the room that had several books of different kinds on it, though there weren't many books Lunar or Night had heard of. "Come on girls, we should start having some fun." Shadow said happily.