Octavia's Jazz Side Episode 1: Meeting The Band

by Storymage

Meeting the Band/Group (Last Chapter)

Octavia yawned as she woke up.

Octavia sat up in the bed and looked around wondering how she got in to the bed.

"Vinyl?" Octavia asked looking besides here no one was there.

"This isn't like Vinyl to be out of bed this earlier" Octavia thought to herself.

Octavia start worrying and wondering if she even came home last night.

Octavia went to the kitchen and was in shock to find Vinyl making her breakfast.

"Morning Tavia making your favorite eggs,biscuits and a daisy salad" Vinyl said putting everything she just named on to the table.

"Wow thanks Vinyl" Octavia said smiling as she sat down.

"And your the only pony who I will ever cook for" Vinyl said as she nuzzled Octavia.

Octavia blushes and nuzzled back.

"You need a big breakfast anyway for your first practice today" Vinyl said.

Octavia stopped nuzzling Vinyl and her jaw dropped as she looked at the clock.

"I have to go Vinyl before I'm late!" Octavia said running into Vinyl and Her's room grabbing her bass and despairing out the door.

"No kiss?" Vinyl asked as Octavia passed her on the way out the door.

"Fine just a quick kiss" Octavia said as she stopped and kissed Vinyl on the lips for a few seconds before she broke the kiss and ran off.

"Bye Vinyl I'll be back later" Octavia said as she ran straight for the studio.

"Bye" Vinyl said.

"Man she is a good kisser when she gets home she's mine!" Vinyl thought to herself as she closed the door.

-Few minutes later-

Octavia burst into the studio doors then she ran straight to the room she was in yesterday.

"Sorry if I'm late" Octavia said as she came in the room.

"Your not late its only 9:25 your kinda early anyway the others are waiting in the practice room" Hot Joe said leading her out the room.

"The room were about to go to is the room you come in every morning alright"? Hot Joe said.

"Yes Sir" Octavia said.

"Its just Hot Joe" Hot Joe teased as he opened the door that had the number on it "#350".

Hot Joe and Octavia walk in to the room and Joe closed the door behind them.

"Hey team here is your new bass player" Hot Joe said moving out of Octavia's way so she could see.

A white stallion walked to Octavia and was about to say something before Hot Joe cut him.

"This Flex the Saxophone player of the group" Hot Joe said.

(White mane,Deep red eyes,White fur and he is a Unicorn who always where's his black fedora)

Hot Joe walked over to the other three that were all sitting down near them.

"This is Magma the drum player" Hot Joe said

(Yellow mane,Green fur, Green eyes and he is a Earth pony)

"This is Griff the electric bass player" Hot Joe said.

(White and black striped hair, white fur, black eyes and he's a Griffon)

"And last but not least This is Octavia Story the piano player" Hot Joe said.

(Black mane,Yellow fur,Blue eyes, she's a mare and is a Pegasus)

Octavia blinked when she heard the last name.

"Octavia Story?" Octavia asked confused.

"Yes and Everyone this is Octavia your new classical bass player" Hot Joe said.

"Have fun I'll be back later to check on all of you" Hot Joe said as he left out the room without another word leaving both of the Octavia's confused.

"So anyhow I'm Flex, boss tired to explain but I think he is way to happy" Flex said putting his hoof out.

"Octavia" Octavia said shaking his hoof.

"So your our new bass player not what I expected but I would love to hear you play that me help you with that" Griff said grabbing Octavia's bass off her back.

-cough cough-

Octavia Story walked over to Octavia and said.

"So our names are the same that like out of this world pretty random but its going to get confusing so you can just call me Mage everyone else does".

"Alright" Octavia said.

"Hey get over here we need to do some practicing like now people Magma said hitting his drumsticks together.

Octavia got a weird feeling in her stomach that made her feel funny not knowing what it was she just that it happen.

Alright everyone lets do a piece everyone might know Mage said.

Alright! The others shouted as they started to play the song.