//------------------------------// // Two heads are better then one // Story: Chaos Crisis: Discords of the Multiverse! // by Mega NewWays97 //------------------------------// Anthro Discord took a drink of his glass. He gave a smile. "It begins." With a snap chaos was unleashed. He was waiting. It didn't take long however for Celestia and the elements to come to him. The princess and her champions saw Discord sitting there a smile on his face. "Sup." He simply said. "Discord I knew it wouldn't last." Rainbow dash said. Discord didn't seem to be listening. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." He said. He stood up and with a smile. "Oh I see you have the elements... nice... to bad I already won." Discord said laughing. The elements where now confused by this. Didn't they have the elements of harmony? "You kidding right? We have the elements with us what could..." Celestia was interrupted by a few flash's showing the other Discords. They all smiled at her each one with a chaos at the ready. ".... oh." Celestia said she suddenly felt like this wasn't going to end well "Like it I found went traveling though the multiverse and found other ME." Anthro Discord said. "Yeah your doomed." Alicorn Discord said with a smile. Anthro Twilight refused to except this. "Your lying just because there are now more then you..." Colored flopped Disscord shut her up as a zipper closed her month. "Yeah we already defeated each of ours elements.... you have no hope!" He said. The group readied a blast of chaos. Celestia moved back. "I re...." In a blast the Chaos energy overwhelmed them all as the explosion spread Chaos across the planet. With a laugh the main six where stoned Celestia was trapped on the moon, and the elements where broken turning into dust. (The royal palace... or whatever it is now) A victory party raged as the Dicords partied at there victory. "At last they are done! We are free, free." Eris said with happiness. The Discords danced along with the ponies who they totally did not threaten with muscle Discord to dance along. Alicorn Discord had a thought. "Hey you know I bet there are thousands no millions of us out there in the multiverse needing or help." The Alicorn Discord said. The Discords looked at him. Anthro Discord gave a snap. "Yeah we can do each of them a favor, we can spread the good word of chaos across the Multiverse!" He said. The Discords looked at him. Inspirational music started to play. "History has long showed us that when Discords come together we can do anything, we defeated the elements like a few hours ago in each reality." He held his hands out. "Lets show those ponies the magic of Chaos!" He said as siren songs could be heard. The Discords joined up. "On three, one, pie, Q, seven, three." They disappeared. (New reality) This realities main six had just defeated Discord. The twin headed being had fear on his face as his magic was soon gone. However above the city a portal opened up. "What is that?" This dimesions Twilight asked. Jumping down as the alliance of Chaos. "Chaos is here!" Colorflopped Discord said. "Chaos is here? What is that?" Eris asked. "Our chech phrase you know." The colorflopped Discord said. "I like it." Alicorn Discord said. "Me too." Muscle Discord finished. "What's going on?" This twilight asked. Anthro Discord gave her a smile. He then saw the twin headed stoned Discord. "Why all you done was for nothing of course." With a snap the stone was shattered and this realities Discord was freed! "I'm free... on my chaos other me." The heads said as one. "Quick the elements... ahhh." Muscle Discord grabbed her element in his hands. "I don't think so." Him, Alicorn, and Eris overloaded it with chaos magic and he smashed it. "Oh no." Twilight moved back at this. "Well now twin heads its all you." Anthro said. The twin heads eyes where on fires of revenge. "Thank you." He had the most wicked smile ever. (one hour later) The six ponies where tossed across the world and they where turned to stone. The princesses where now sent into outer space in a orb. The Discords laughed at this. "So mind telling me what's going on?" The twin headed Discord asked. "Well we are traveling the multiverse to spread Chaos... free each Discord... and defeat those ponies." Eris said. Anthro Discord walked up. "Its ok if you want to join or don't." He said. The twin headed monster smiled. "Lets do this."