//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon // by SuperChaosKG //------------------------------// Princess Luna was really bored. She was inside of her bedroom watching My Little Humans but it wasn't keeping her interest. No, Princess Luna much preferred if she had something better to do. However, she was done with all her royal duties. Night court was still 4 hours away. She made sure all her stars were correct and she made sure that her sister did not manage to troll her today (though there were 3 close calls.). As such, Luna wanted some entertainment. "Tia!" she called "Yes, sister?" said her sister as warped into the room. "What do you do when you're bored?" Asked Luna "Well, I like to-" "Which doesn't involve trolling, sister." "Oh. Well I check the monitors-" "What monitors?" asked a curious Luna. "NEVER YOU MIND! I check them and see what mess my student and her friends got themselves into. It's usually entertaining. It's like a TV show!" Slowly, the devious princess of the night started to formulate a plan. "Sister, is your student special in any way?" "Let's see... Element of Magic... librarian... bookworm... desperately wants mate but won't get one... Nope, not special at all. Just insane magical prowers." "Did you just say prow-" "Yes I did." "... Never Mind." said Luna. "Is it hard teaching a student?" "Oh no." said Celestia " I just have to review her progress in the magic of friendship. I don't have to do ANYTHING else." And then Luna launched her bombshell. A bombshell that would change everything. "Can I have a student?" "Oh!" blurted Celestia "Um... I don't think so. You, um, don't know any unicorns that are very powerful. I don't think you CAN find one. But, tell you what. The next time there is an insane amount of magical prower-" "Power" "Whatever, you say, Luna. - Magical prower, than I'll allow you to have him/her as your student." Celestia thought to herself Because of her banishment, Luna doesn't know its been YEARS since a great surge of magical power! She'll NEVER find a student! Oh, this is a great troll! And so Luna waited, hoping for surge of magical power to alert her to her new student. But who could cause THAT? ________________________________________________________________________________ Trixie Greta Powers Lulamoon was running for her life. It was not an unfamiliar event. After all, this WAS only the tenth time she was being run out of town. This time, she didn't even say anything before a riot started and she had to flee. She was not surprised at this, considering her reputation. Yes, Trixie's reputation. Trixie remembers it like it was yesterday. The day Trixie was run out of Ponyville. Ever since then, Trixie's performances always ended up getting her run outta town. Every single BUCKING time. It was getting ridiculous. But Trixie will guess that soon, she will inevitably be caught and get hit by rocks. Again. Trixie's thoughts were mellowed as the mob started to gain on her. She quickly ducked into an alleyway. If she was lucky, then they would run past her and she could escape. After all, that's how it worked in the movies. It didn't work. "There she is!" said a stallion "GET HER!!" screamed another. "No!" shouted Trixie. "Stay away from Trixie, you fiends! She's warning you! She has more magic than you could ever imagine!" Trixie's cries started to sound more like begs. She closed her eyes and waited to get beat on. ________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, in Ponyville "Ya sure about this, sugarcube?" said a orange mare with a blond mane and a hat. This was Applejack, element of honesty. "Sure, no problem! This Rainboom is SURE to make to Wonderbolts notice me!" said another mare. This was a cyan pegasus with a mane of many colors. This was one of Applejack's best friends, Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and town daredevil. "Ah'm just sayin'," said Applejack, "that a Rainboom from that height might be dangerous. Ya might not be able to stop in time!" Rainbow Dash completely disregarded this. "Pfft. This is nothing! Okay, Ready, Set, GO! "Wait a second, sugarcube!" But it was too late. Dash was already headed to the ground. Just before she splattered, she quickly changed her angle. The momentum created a rainbow that simultaneously broke the sound barrier. It was a Sonic Rainboom, a large one that even spread to Fillydelphia. "Ya think they saw it?" "Probably not, sugarcube, but I'm sure somepony else did." said Applejack, comforting her friend. ________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, in Fillydelphia Just as Trixie was about to get seriously hurt, a bright rainbow with a loud crash appeared in the sky. This somehow awakened something in Trixie and she suddenly exploded in a cloud of blue magic creating a surge of magical power. The surge temporarily blinded the angry mob. Trixie had absolutely no idea what was happening and could only watch as her new power "expanded" the back alley. ________________________________________________________________________________ Back at Canterlot Castle, "Sis, I have to tell you something." said a smirking Celestia, knowing full well that she finally trolled her sister today. "What is it?" asked Luna "I lied. You're not really going to-" Suddenly, both sisters felt... something. It was like an earthquake, yet only then could feel it. It was the sound of something crazy happening in Everworld. Something that hadn't happen for years. "Do you feel that? It was a surge of magical power!" said Luna, excitedly. "What are you saying?!" yelled Celestia. "Dear sister, I think I just found my new student." And before Princess Celestia could stop her, Luna teleported near the spot of energy. "But.... But... But." sputtered the trolling sun princess. The guards heard screaming and cursing for 20 minutes as she raged at the unfairity of this Everworld.