//------------------------------// // Entry #50 // Story: Human in Pony's clothing // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// Yay, I’m back in the EQ world, this time some siren things have taken over the school and brainwashed it…just another day in the office. Of course Sunset Shimmer if friendly now and damn is she perceptive to have caught on like that. She may of just earned brownie points with me. So I can’t help but notice Starswirl is starting to screw us over as well as Celestia. What? Like you’ve never thought of that! A magic spell book that screwed the Element’s destinies over, sending those sirens into another world that can be accessed by a mirror! Real smart StarSwirl, bloody like Celestia you are. When are the ponies gonna learn? You have to solve your problems here and now or ponies pay for it later because of you indecision or delaying the solving of the problem. Don’t get me wrong, I like Celestia as a pony but has she passed too many enemies onto the Elements from 1000 years ago, just how many of these villains from 1000 years ago are waiting for their opportunity to strike? Seriously though, she needs to learn to solve her problems. Us humans know this best, don’t leave these bloody terrorists alive unless you got a use for them and it’s gonna end up once that use is done they’re dead anyway. Leave them alive, they start becoming your worst enemy, then you start that syndrome where you start leaving them alive on purpose just to continue fighting each other...it's better off to not be that way. So Pinkie Pie lives in a normal house instead of Sugercube Corner in this world, oh and Maud is around too. She’s a rock solid girl let me tell you that but I wonder if she has earned a few looks about Boulder though, the way she goes about the pet rock is a little unsettling. Equestria was reasonable and it was the sister of Pinkie Pie so it was acceptable, here...yeah... So I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to get some air and I saw Spike in his dog form sitting out as well…may as well talk to him. “Hey Spike, couldn’t sleep?” I greeted the dog “Yeah, stupid fleas and stuff that comes with the dog, the tail I can live with, but the fleas, they’re murder!” Spike said as he scratched a spot “Sounds like something my old Beagle would say if he could talk, he hated those fleas like nobody’s business, that much I could tell” I said “Yeah…so…we’re on another adventure…” Spike said after a bit “I guess we are, personally I just want some quiet time” I resigned myself to the fact of this fact “So you and Firefly can do the you know?” Spike asked with that look. “Er…” I started awkwardly Cheeky motherfucker, of course I’m gonna do the…you know… “Can I tell you something?” I hear Spike ask me suddenly “You just did, mate” I joked with him “Ha ha, this is important and promise not to tell anyone?” Spike looked at me seriously “I Pinkie Promise” I did the motions for the promise with the devil himself. “Last night…I dreamed, it was of me putting my…boy parts into Rarity’s…girl parts” Spike explained awkwardly Oh my…fucking ballsacks on a fishstick! Spike was totally dreaming of Sex with Rarity! HOLY MOTHERFUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BATMAN! BREAKING NEWS: Spike dreamt sex with Rarity! SpikeXRarity gods are pleased! “Wow…that’s…natural” I said “Natural?” Spike asked “Oh Spike, still so naive sometimes. That dream you had was natural for all males to do it, Humans do it, Stallions do it, Dragons do it, any male of a race does it. That my dear boy is fantasizing of Sex with Rarity” I explained Oh dear lord that does not exist, am I giving Spike the talk? “Sex…with Rarity? Eww…” Spike pulled out a tongue in disgust “Maybe to you now, but when you get older, that will be all you think about, it sort of give you pleasure, trust me Spike, guys want nothing more in life than to stick their “Boy parts” into a girl’s “Girl parts” and do Girls want nothing more for that to happen cause it feels pleasurable, when they decide to have a baby/foal, they go all the way so to say and...yeah...that's how it sort of goes...” I explain more Oh dear god is this awkward! How the fuck do the parents do this? Do they gain magical explaining powers or something cause I really wouldn’t mind it right now if I had those powers along with the Anti-Cockblocking powers. “What do you mean pleasurable?” Spike asked curiously “That’s for something when you’re older Spike, well a couple years older” I said “But I’m sixteen! Though I may not look it, I am as mature as Adult ponys are but it won’t be until I’m in my 30s that I’ll grow out of this baby phase.” Spike complained Is he really complaining? Some humans would kill for an extended childhood…damn you wasted youth! DAMN YOU I SAY!! “Listen, it’s time we got some sleep and do me a favor. About these dreams and fantasies, it would be wise not tell another soul about these, it’s often frowned upon in any universe and it’s one of those things you don’t talk about. Maybe Twilight as your sort of Surrogate mother will learn of this as mothers naturally do. But not anyone else and that includes Rarity” I advised “I will remember that” Spike said “And if you ever need something only a guy can handle, come find me but not when me and Firefly are at home…doing stuff, hell, I need some guys to talk to. All my friends are females, Big Mac is too into his farm work and too quiet to be talking, The Doctor is off god-knows-where, Thunderlane has his own band of ponies, and yeah…” I trailed off "One more question: do you think I have a chance with Rarity?" Spike asks Part of me says yes on that one, part of me says no...I don't want to get his hopes up but I don't want to sound like I have no confidence in him. "Spike, I really don't know as I spend time with my friends, but you must ask her soon or else she may finally find someone or you wish you had asked sooner. If you truly love her, I say you ask her out" I said "Thanks Lightning, you're a real bro in this world of girls" Spike said Why is it that all my friends are female? Well you can’t say I can’t get some chicks, High school me would be jealous…uh the High school for real me, not this one right now through highly bullshit means. “Goodnight Lightining” Spike says as he yawns “Night Spike” I said back Tommorow, there will be music, lots of brainwashing and counter-magic style music…I don’t get this world at all. Then again as a certain Draconequus once said "What fun is there in making sense?"