After Equestria

by Prometheus7

Chapter 5

Firestorm stared, he was going to be the lord of chaos. No matter how many times he played those words in his head the message simply refused to sink in, me? Lord of chaos? Preposterous!

"Is it really Firestorm?" Firestorm blinked and turned to Discord who was smiling smugly down at him from his gold throne. He looked really comfortable sitting on Purplish-Pinkish cushions that plated the seat."Tell me, is it honestly all that mysterious and confusing? Well?" Firestorm went from shock to annoyance faster than light.

"Will you stop talking in freaking riddles?" He roared at the unabashed chimera, Firestorm glared at Discord, he didn't lose his temper often but this stupid ... thing wouldn't explain what the hell was going on! He felt like Discord was taunting him, rubbing cryptic clues in face, clues ( had he had his full memory) would be easily solved. But because his memories were gone, all these stupid hints did was remind him he might never see his family or old friends again.

Never again ... The full measure of his amnesia hit him. I might never see my family again! Firestorm realized, tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the worst part of his amnesia. Not that he would never find or remember his family or friends again (though that still stung,) but that the solution was right in front of him! With a snap of his fingers Discord could restore all his memories back in an instant!

"Don't worry," Firestorm looked up at the chimera who's face showed kindness and compassion. "You'll get your memories back-"

"When?!" Firestorm roared, pain and sadness whelling up in his chest."When will I get my damned memories back? Huh? When?! After I've completed some stupid quest?!" Discord looked thunderous at that,

"Never!" Discord protest fiercely, "I'm not Tia or Lulu, I'm sending you on some stupid quest to get your memories back!" Firestorm gaped in shock,

"B-but aren't you weirdo sprit thingy's supposed to do that?" He inquired his pain and sadness dissipating, giving way to curiosity and even a little fear, not of Discord but that Firestorm may have angered the spirit of disharmony so much that he wouldn't return his memories.

Discord snorted, "like hell we are! I don't do stupid shit like that boy!" he snapped at Firestorm.

"Then when will I get my memories back?" Firestorm inquired curiously, relief flooding his body. He didn't need to go on some idiotic quest to get his memories back after all!

"Right, now!" Discord said snapping his fingers like a hypnotist. Nothing happened. Firestorm stared at the chimera who hadn't shifted from his pose and was glaring at Firestorm over his fingers.

"If this-" Firestorm began angrily but was soon cut off as the world blurred and darkened and he passed out.

Firestorm felt like his brain was melting, information was flooding him his memories returning so fast his brain didn't have time to process them. Then, nothing. He couldn't talk, or walk, or even think. It was like his entire consciousness shut-down ... hell, Firestorm didn't even know if he was still alive! The thought made him panicky.
Wouldn't I know if I was dead? I mean ... there should be pain or something, right? Or I should lose all sense of who I am ...

Firestorm hastily recalled some of the memories he had seen, bit and pieces flew together to make a clear image. Who was he? He was David Blazer an sixteen year old boy starting high-school this year. His family? Firestorms felt sick at the thought of them; a stupid mother who didn't give a damn about him, spoiled step-brothers, and a step-dad who pitied him.

Pitied him ... Firestorm hated being pitied, he hated being looked down on and he hated being made fun of, unfortunately he has to deal with that crap every freaking day! Hatred for his family boiled inside of him.

"You do know you have a choice right?"

Firestorm legs seemed to come back to life at those words, he spun around looking for the creature who had spoken them.

"Come out Discord!" He called into the abyss, instantly the darkness rippled and the draconequus appeared. Firestorm glared at him,

"Are these memories real? Or this another one of your tricks?" he demanded angrily. Discord gasped and feigned offence,

"Why David! I-I'm wounded! " Discord made a big show of placing on hand his chest as if he's been shot. And the other on his forehead. "I'm reformed, remember?"


"Now, now Fire-head no need for profanity!" Discord admonished waving an annoying finger at Firestorm.

"Answer my damned question!"

"Good god boy!" Discord groaned, "you act like I did this to you, you have your memories you know that it was Starswirl who did it, so why are you blaming me?"

Firestorm scowled at him, "You're Discord Lord of chaos-" He began struggling not to use every profound word he know at the draconequus.

"Well, I'm flattered you think of me as the lord of chaos," Discord replied in a flattered voice, "but I am simply the chaos bringer for this universe!" Firestorm's anger gave way to curiosity,

"This universe? You mean ... there are more?!" Firestorm demanded, his chest was swelling with suppressed emotions. Maybe there's a universe where I have a normal life and-

"Of course there are," Discord interrupted, "but unfortunately I have little to no control of chaos anymore so I can't do anything about that."

"Then take you magic back!" Firestorm snapped at him holding his palms up as if to offer his chaos magic. "Take it back and send me to that universe!" Discord rolled his eyes,

"If it was that easy to take or give chaos magic then there would be a universal war for it!" Discord replied, " There are very few ways you can acquire chaos magic, you have to be born into it, or you need to kill the previous avatar or, the former chaos avatar can offer it to you. I can't just take it from you, you need to give it to me! And you don't know how, which is convenient, for me."

Firestorm took a deep breath, "Okay, fine. " he grumbled in a irritated fashion. "Now what do I do?"

"That's simple you go to school,"

Firestorm rolled his eyes, "yeah, I know I need to do that, but what about my choas magic? What's the point of it if I can't use it?"

Discord looked surprised, "but you can use it!" He protested indignantly, "Havent you been paying attention-"

"Yes I've been paying freaking attention!" Firestorm snapped, " you never said anything about whether I can use chaos magic in my world!" Discord stroked his chin,

"Well ... that depends .." He murmured, more to himself then Firestorm. "If there is a lot chaos or disharmony happening at that moment then ... yes, yes you can."

"So, high school?" Firestorm asked, quizzically.

"Yup, of course the scale of the spell you wish to cast depends on the level of chaos and disharmony in the vicinity."

"So," Firestorm began grinning as a mischievous thought came to mind, "I can screw with anyone who messes with me?"

"Not right away, it'll take some time for you to master and control you magic. " Discord said , grinning.

Firestorms felt a little disappointed, "but, with I be able to manipulate chaos if I become emotional? And if I do chaos then I have more chaos magic to do more chaos right? And how come you're giving you're power's to me?"

Discord rolled his eyes, "well, you sure are a curious one! To sum it up, no, it will become harder to control chaos if you become emotional so, don't do that. When you create chaos with chaos magic then it takes time for you to absorb it, however if you are experienced you can absorb it from any form of disharmony. " Discord folded his arms on his chest, "Any more questions?"

Firestorm scowled, "You didn't answer my last question, why are you giving me your powers?"

"That ... is an interesting question, that I will answer right- whoops!" Discord snapped his fingers again, instantly darkness consumed them both.