The Siren Song: Dazzle Dazzle, Little Stars

by Shadowmane PX-41


Three Months Later...

Twilight and Sunset were back in Musician's Delight, changing The Dazzlings once more. They shared glances with each other as they affixed the diapers around Adagio Aria and Sonata's waists. They both knew this had to stop eventually.

They both picked Adagio, Aria and Sonata up together and put them down on the floor. Whilst Adagio and Aria re-shifted back on to their two legs, Sonata was still crawling. She was still trying to walk like her sisters, but that came to no avail. She wasn't bothered by this though, she still enjoyed the feeling of being small and loveable.

"When do you think we should tell them?" Twilight said to Sunset once The Dazzlings were lost in their playtime again.

"Once they get exhausted." Sunset explained back. "Telling them now would disrupt their playing, I wouldn't dream of making them stopping what they feel happy with."

"Well, if that's how you feel, I won't be one to judge." Twilight said, watching as the three Dazzlings played together again.

Adagio and Aria were mainly playing with Sonata, trying to help her start to walk again. First, they showed Sonata the proper way to do it and waited until she could copy it. Sonata tried following the example of her two sisters and ended up making the squatting position before falling onto her diapered bottom once more, getting her to laugh.

"Don't worry, Sonata. At least you got close this time." Aria said, watching Sonata roll onto her stomach and get back on all fours again.

"Given time, you'll be up and walking like the two of us before you know it." Adagio smiled at Sonata, knowing that her time would indeed come soon. "I promise."

"Okay, Dagi." Sonata said, smiling at that clever little nickname she had just invented for Adagio.

The three of them went off in different directions to find something they wanted to play with. Adagio eventually made it over to her little playset of a treetop house and began playing around with the different pieces. Aria had been taking a liking to the world of music again and was seen playing a tiny keyboard, giggling whenever she hit a note. As for Sonata, she took her favourite blanket and began to crawl over to the building blocks again.

"Aww..." Twilight swooned again, watching Adagio and aria playing with their new toys. "They never cease to be adorable."

"Yeah." Sunset said, watching The Dazzlings playing as well. "Sometimes I just wish we could just shrink down to their age and play with them. Even if it would just be for a day."

"Yeah. That would be pretty wonderful, living in a world of innocence and youth..." Twilight sighed in content. "Maybe I should take the Second Life Song back to Equestria and try it for myself someday."

"Me too..." Sunset said, sighing in regret that she hadn't really spent much time as a filly or foal. "Time flies too fast when you're young and happy. Before you even know it, you're all grown up and have to focus on more important manners than just playing..."

"Makes you kind of feel bad, doesn't it?" Twilight said, sympathizing with Sunset on that matter. "When I was in my filly days, I spent most of my time reading books and increasing my knowledge. I never really realized how much fun it could be to actually have toys and other kids to play with."

Sunset sighed. "I wonder if there are any places in this world that can help rekindle you with your childish side..."

"Yeah... That would be wonderful..." Twilight said, sharing in Sunset's thoughts. "It would be nice to actually spend one day as an ACTUAL kid, rather than a studious genius."

"Just crawling around in a world where everything is larger and more colourful than you..." Sunset added on to Twilight's visions.

"Always being loved by someone willing to help you..." Twilight said in pure bliss.

"Only having to play happily with no worries..." Sunset said.

"Such a wonderful life we've both missed out on..." They both said together, knowing that fact was irrefutable. They had spent so little time playing as fillies, that they were now sad that that time had passed.

"Are you alright, Mama?" Sonata crawled over to Sunset, noticing that her once happy disposition had disappeared after all she and Twilight had said to each other. "You look a little sad."

"Huh? Oh, uh no. I'm fine, Sonata." Sunset said, quickly having her expression turn to a neutral one. "I've just got a lot on my mind right now. Nothing for you, Aria or Adagio to worry about."

"Well, OK then." Sonata said, turning back around to get back to her toys. "Don't forget, we're always here for you, Mama. You don't have to be sad anymore."

Sunset and Twilight both smiled again. Even though they couldn't enjoy their childhoods when they had the chance, there was still time for Adagio, Aria and Sonata to enjoy their childhoods before they grew up again.

They both nodded to each other and decided to watch over The Dazzlings as they played, making sure they were happy and safe.

Adagio and Aria had eventually gotten bored of their toys and decided to play Hide-and-seek with each other, with one of them hiding and the other counting. Sunset was there to make sure the counting Dazzling wasn't cheating and to ensure the hiding Dazzling had hidden.

Twilight watched over Sonata, who had taken her blocks and had constructed a small city with them. There were walls to hold off imaginary invaders, cubes to indicate houses and a big construct at the center of it all in show that it was the castle of Sonata's block kingdom.

"Found you!" Adagio said as she tapped Aria, who smiled once her sister had revealed her whereabouts.

"Hehe, good game, Dagi." Aria had also taken in Sonata's clever nickname for Adagio as well and was giggling at how easy it was to say it. "Hehe, that's a much easier name for you, actually."

"Yeah, I'm still gonna call her Adagio, if that's OK with you two." Sunset said, reminding Aria of Adagio's real name as well.

"It's alright, Mama." Adagio said, smiling as Sunset looked down on them again. "Ari and Sonny can call me whatever they want to, as long as it's not hurtful."

"Those are some really clever nicknames, girls." Sunset said, tussling their abnormally long hair once more, getting the two infant Sirens to coo happily as her luxurious fingers brushed through their hair.

"Aww... Thanks, Mama." Aria blushed as she put a finger on her chin.

"Alright then, I'll help you get started on your next game." Sunset said, kneeling down to Aria. "Now then, this time, you'll be counting, Aria. Meanwhile, your sister, Adagio has to go and hide somewhere."

"Ok, Mama." Aria smiled as she shared more eye-contact with Sunset.

"Alright, Adagio. You have to run and hide whilst Aria here is counting." Sunset reminded Adagio of the rules as she got behind Aria and covered her eyes with her hands before shutting her own eyes. "OK, Aria. You can start counting now."

"One... Two... Three..." Aria started slowly counting upwards, enabling Adagio to hide during this count-up. Adagio used her tiny legs to move, instead of slowly crawling like Sonata would. She giggled softly once she had found her hiding spot, inside a costume wardrobe, where Aria would hopefully never find her.

"Hello, Sonata." Twilight said, looking down upon the magnificent building block kingdom Sonata had created with her own two hands. "That's a nice looking place you made."

"Aww, thank you, Auntie Twilight." Sonata said, making sure her blocky wall had been reinforced by slightly straightening the wall in some places where it was a tiny bit off. "I even got some little dollies to act as the townsfolk." She said, putting some of her favourite dolls into the city she had made.

"Wow... You've really been working hard at this, haven't you?" Twilight said, admiring how well-crafted the kingdom was, even if it was just made out of building blocks. "There's houses, roads, even a castle at the heart of it."

"Yeah. I wanted to make a pretty kingdom for a pretty princess. Like me!" Sonata said, wearing her blanket as some kind of regal robe before she addressed Twilight again. "And my first order as the new pretty princess, is that everyone should bring me a pacifier each, as fitting tribute!" She decreed, picking up a nearby rattle and brandishing it like a scepter of royalty.

"Yes, your majesty!" Twilight said, playing along with Sonata. She found a pink pacifier nearby and handed it to Sonata, who instantly smiled before inserting it into her mouth.

Sonata spent the next five minutes suckling on the amber nipple of the pacifier, whilst also tending to her building block kingdom at the same time. Twilight looked at Sonata and saw a perfect little girl who looked completely stripped of all of her past evil.

"Hehe, look! Aria and Dagi are playing again!" Sonata smiled as she removed the pacifier to address Twilight again before she put it back in her mouth.

Twilight looked at Aria and Sunset, who were trying to find Adagio, who was hidden in the costume wardrobe and giggling softly to herself every time Sunset and Aria passed by it.

"They sure look like they're having fun together." Twilight said, looking at Sonata once she looked back at Twilight. The two of them both knew what was coming next...

"Auntie Twilight, I wanna play with Dagi and Ari!" Sonata said, as happy as could be. "Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Pleeeeease?" She made puppy-dog eyes for added effect.

"Let's wait until they're finished first." Twilight said, moving next to Sonata and kneeling down once more. "It looks like Adagio and Aria are playing Hide-and-seek."

"Okay, Auntie Twilight." Sonata said, putting the pacifier back in her mouth and sucking on it again to pass the time.

"Where is she?!" Aria said, starting to huff a little to the fact that Adagio wasn't anywhere to be found. She'd checked everywhere, under the crib, in the basket, even in the toy box. "She's starting to make me a little cranky."

"Hehe, they'll never find me in here." Adagio said, hiding in one of the soft little outfits inside the costume wardrobe, smiling a smile of victory as it sounded like Aria and Sunset were about to give up.

"Wait! Did you hear that, Aria?" Sunset said, picking up on Adagio's light and muffled, yet audible voice. "It sounded like it came from the costume wardrobe..."

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Come on!" She said, toddling over as fast as she could to the source of the noise and waiting patiently for Sunset to catch up.

Once Sunset was there, she opened the doors and found Adagio, napping in one of the small and poofy princess dresses inside. She stirred a little once her eyes were met with the light again and adjusted them quickly to find Aria and Sunset there at the door.

"Found you!" Aria said, her cheery disposition returning once more as Adagio climbed out of the wardrobe and back into Musician's Delight. "I gotta admit, Dagi. You're really good at hiding."

"Thanks..." She said, blushing at that comment. "You're pretty good yourself."

"Well, it looks like Aria found Adagio at last." Twilight said, informing Sonata that she could join in the game. "Do you want to join in their game?"

"Absolutely!" Sonata said, quickly pushing herself off of her bottom and standing up without even realizing it. Once she did notice though, she gasped before squealing happily. "Look, Mama! Look, Auntie Twilight! Look, Ari! Look, Dagi! I'm walking!" She said as she took a few steps forward and managed to keep her balance.

"Yay!" Both Adagio and Aria cheered Sonata on, walking up to her and giving her a big hug, to which she was happy to return. After all this time as an infant, Sonata Dusk was finally back with Adagio and Aria on two legs. The three of them looked each other in the eyes and saw only happiness inside.

"Congratulations, Dazzlings!" Twilight said, as she and Sunset applauded the three of them. "You're back on your feet, literally!"

"Such wonderful little girls you've become." Sunset said, smiling at the three of them. "I'm so proud to have you all as my children."

"Thanks, Mama!" They all said, beaming with joy at Sunset's statement. They all knew it, deep down, they'd done something wonderful.

"Now then, I'm just going to grab some things from downstairs, then I'll be back. Alright, sweethearts?" She said as she made her way over to the door once again and walked through it.

"Okay, Mama." They all said before sitting down in a circle and playing pattycake with one another, leaving Sunset to go get what she needed.

Sunset left Twilight to look after The Dazzlings whilst she went down the stairs to pick some things up from the storage closet in the living room. Three colourful plastic bowls with small rims, accompanied by a big chart with The Dazzlings' faces on them.

Sunset smiled at what she had found and new that now was the time. She picked the three rimmed bowls up in one hand and put the chart in the other. She then walked back up the stairs with the chart and rimmed bowls in her hands.

Once she got back to Musician's Delight, she saw The Dazzlings finishing their game of pattycake with each other as she put the bowls down by the door and put the chart on the wall above the bowls.

"Apples, cheese and cinnamon buns, we're The Dazzlings and we wanna have fun! We can be friends with everybody, just play with us and you will see!" They said in a rhythmic tone as they patted each others' hands. Once they finished their rhyme, they all giggled happily.

"Are we having fun?" Sunset asked when she let The Dazzlings calm down a little.

"Oh yes, Mama. We're having lots of fun!" Adagio said, smiling as she laid eyes on Sunset once more.

"Well, I don't mean to butt-in and drag you out of your fun, but there's something we need to discuss." She said, getting the three of them to walk over close and sit down in front of her. Once they were sat, Sunset sat down so she and The Dazzlings were at an equal height with one another.

"Me and Auntie Twilight have been talking together during your playtime, and we think that now you're getting older, so maybe we could try something different." She said, explaining something to the three of them.

"Oh? What is it, Mama?" Aria said, looking a little puzzled at that statement.

"We've noticed you've been wetting yourselves much less now that you're almost three." Twilight sat down next to Sunset, adding on to what she had been saying. "We were thinking that maybe this would be a good time to potty train the three of you."

"Potty... Train?" Sonata said, looking clueless as ever.

"Tomorrow, we'll be giving you training underwear instead of diapers." Sunset began again. "These bowls here are where you can go if you start to feel like you're going to pee or poo."

"This chart on the wall will monitor your progress." Twilight said, showing them the chart with their faces on one side, and a full grid of the week ahead where things would be written. "If you three can make it the whole next week without wetting yourselves with your new pants, you can start wearing them instead of diapers."

"For realsies?" Sonata asked once she'd finally put it all together. "No more diapers?"

"IF you can go the week without peeing or pooping in these new pants." Sunset reminded her of this fact. "The same rule applies for your sisters as well."

"Don't worry about it for today, though." Twilight said, picking the three of them up, putting them back in the crib and tucking them in for the night. "You've played an awful lot today, and you probably want to get a lot of sleep before you wake up for your big training days tomorrow."

"Is this really the last time we'll be sleeping in diapers?" Adagio looked up with puppy-dog eyes at Twilight and Sunset. She didn't want to make such a big transition this early in her life, and wanted to stay in diapers forever.

"That all depends, Adagio." Sunset said, kissing her on the forehead. "It comes as a surprise to have to transition from diapers to pants like that, but I'm sure you're not the only one who feels this way..."

"She's right, Dagi." Aria said, turning her head so Adagio could see her sweet smile. "Even I don't wanna stop wearing these comfy diapers. But I'm still happy with whatever decision Mama and Auntie Twilight decide for us."

"Don't worry about it now, Dagi." Sonata said, yawning a little in her usual high-pitch. "Let's just let Mama and Auntie Twilight sing us to sleep for the night..." She said as her breathing became really shallow all of a sudden.

"Thanks, Ari. Thanks, Sonny." She said, yawning as well as she snuggled into the soft blankets of her crib, waiting for Sunset and Twilight to sing them off to sleep.

Twilight and Sunset sang the lullaby they'd been given once more, making The Dazzlings' eyelids droop gently. Adagio, Aria and Sonata all still loved this song, it made them feel at peace with one another. It also gave them even sweeter dreams when it ended.

Twilight and Sunset saw the three Sirens slumbering once again, lightly cooing happy thoughts as their dreams overtook them. They both smiled and quietly walked out, to let them get some sleep in private.

"Well... We've still got at least an hour to burn before we go to bed ourselves..." Sunset said once the door was shut. "Do you think we should read more on those Siren books?"

"Yeah..." Twilight said, remembering that Sunset now had Furen and Blissen in her room, as vital weapons to find The Blasters' weaknesses. "We could use all the information."

With that, Twilight and Sunset went to Sunset's room and opened up Blissen, the book they were just about to start on. Like before, there was a gem on the front of the book, only this time, it was blue instead of red. Twilight pushed the button and opened the book up, so that she and Sunset could being reading up on the Blissen Sirens, the ones who maintained the balance with harmony instead of discord...