Valley Mares: Like, Totally BFFs Forever

by Fluttershyfan

Chapter 3

“The first thing we’ll need is your measurements,” explained Rarity, summoning a roll of measuring tape with her magic. Another glance at the two bedraggled mares made her rethink that assertion. “Actually, the first thing the two of you need is a warm bath.”

"I feel, like, totally better now," Palm Spring said, toweling off her hair in front of the mirror. It hung in dewy plaits over her face, lacking the same volume which it possessed when dry.

"You smell totally better now, too," Electric Wave jibed, submerged up to her neck in the tub of steamy, soapy water.

"Oh, you are, like, way too funny, Lex," Palm Spring replied sardonically. She made a face at Electric Wave in the mirror, and her best friend responded similarly, causing each mare to giggle at the other's goofy expression.

"So, do you think Miss Rarity can really make us totally super-hot for the pageant?" Electric Wave asked as her giggling fit subsided.

"Duh! Totally!" Palm Spring replied emphatically. "Do you have, like, any idea how lucky we are, to have somepony as totally awesome as Miss Rarity making dresses for us? She's got a super fashion sense."

"Yeah, I guess she is totally awesome," Electric Wave admitted, rubbing a bar of soap across her flank until her pink coat shone as brilliantly as Celestia's sun. "Still, one night is, like, so not a very long time to make two dresses in."

"Well, duh, Lex, but we can, like, help Miss Rarity, if she needs anything," Palm Spring explained.

Nodding, Electric Wave hopped from the tub onto the cold porcelain floor. "You're right, Palm," she concurred. "Toss me a towel. We have, like, no time to get our dresses made, and I totally don't want to waste even another second!"

"Well, I can't say I'm not exhausted," Rarity said, blinking her eyes tiredly. How had the dawn come so soon? "But I can say that the two of you look nothing short of fabulous!"

Admiring themselves in the mirror, the two young valley mares chattered at each other excitedly, seeming to have been spared any of the ill effects that a sleepless night could bring a pony. "Thanks so much, Miss Rarity! This is seriously the best thing ever," Palm Spring squealed, pawing carefully at the sequins embroidered into her royal blue satin dress.

"So awesome!" Electric Wave agreed, turning around to view her pearl-colored charmeuse gown from yet another angle.

"It's wonderful to see the two of you so happy," Rarity said, watching them preen with an almost motherly affection. "Particularly knowing what a wretched state you were in when I first came across you."

"This really does mean, like, so much to us, Miss Rarity," Palm Spring said as she swayed her hips, watching the grey mesh skirt beneath her satin bodice move with her. "Last night was seriously super-awful until we met you."

"I'm glad to be of help, darling," Rarity replied. "I couldn't bear to see you two sweet little ponies in distress."

Electric Wave turned to Rarity and smiled. Without her orange-tinted sunglasses, she was positively stunning. "We owe you, Miss Rarity," the pink mare declared. "Like, big time."

"As long as the two of you are happy, I'm happy. I need no more recompense than that," Rarity replied, flipping her amethyst hair back. "Now, I would strongly suggest that the two of you get some sleep. You have a big day today, and you'll need every minute of beauty rest that you can get."