Applejack Through the Ages

by Paradise Oasis



So, did you gals have the sleepover? Was it a whole lotta fun?

Well, Apple Blossom, we did have the sleepover. Buuuut things didn't quite turn out the way I intended.

Boy, did they ever not turn out right, you simply won't believe what-

Quiet, Spike! I'm telling this story again!


"Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie! So glad you could both make it!" Applejack beamed, opening the door for them. "Please, won't the two of you come in?"

The two ponies trotted into her apple-shaped house, each carrying their sleeping bag on their backs. And while AJ helped Flutters unload her pack, Pinks was already trotting around the house looking at all the furnishings the apple pony had used to decorate the house.

"Whoa, you did a really-extra-special job, at fixing up this very-extra-special-little house we gave you." Pinkie noted in her nasally voice, nodding her head in approval. "It's really, really awesome that you and Apple Spice could do so much, in so little time!"

"Thanks, Pinkie....I think..." The red mare replied uncertainly. "Say where is Rainbow Dash?”

But before the Pinkster could respond, another knock came at the door, and Applejack got up to answer it. A blue earth mare with a rainbow mane was standing there, Behind her, was a wagon containing a massive load of board games, toys, makeover kits, and dresses of every shape, size, and color. The other three mares looked up at the towering mass of junk in shock, as it wobbled back and forth on the wagon like it was going to collapse.

“Sorry I took so long in getting here, Darling!” Dashie exclaimed, as she started to pull bags off the stack. “But I just had to bring all the necessities for a proper sleepover!”

“Oh wow, it’s amazing how she’s got all of this stuff stacked!” Fluttershy exclaimed, pulling her camera out. “I just gotta get this one for the scrapbook!”

“Good Grief Rainbow, we’re doing a slumber party here, you’re not moving in!” Pinkie Pie grumbled, looking over all the junk the fashioneista had brought. “I don’t even think we’re gonna get to HALF of this stuff!”

“Well then, we’re just going to have to find out, now won’t we?” Dashie exclaimed, looking at the other three with a sly smile. “I say we should start with the makeover kits, Darlings!”

"Uh oh…" Applejack looked around nervously, realizing she had nowhere to hide. Sweat began to trickle down her face, as the other three ponies looked at her with goofy grins.

"Guess who's gonna be first, AJ?" The three mares said in unison, closing in on the defenseless Applejack.

The three suddenly exploded into a pony hurricane around her. Lipstick, mascara, combs, and curling irons went to work on the picnic planner, transforming the poor pony into what looked like a living doll. The next thing she knew, the other three had pulled a checkered green dress with lots of lace down over her head. Taking a step back, the other three then fell onto the floor, bursting out in a fit of crazy laughter.

“Applejack, I don’t believe it!” Rainbow Dash giggled, wiping the tears out of her eyes. “Darling, you look simply DASHING!”

“Ha ha, Rainbow! Verrrrry funny!” The red mare grumbled, as Flutters’s camera clicked as she took a picture of her. “Hey, what do you all say we do Fluttershy next?”

“Huh? What? Now, wait a minute!” The mare’s eyes went wide as she lowered her camera. “What are you- no, not the plaid dress! NOT THE PLAID DRESS!!”

The poor photographer quickly found herself shoved into a horrible looking outfit, and all the other ponies pulled out cameras, and snapped pictures of HER!

“That’s one for the scrapbook!” Pinkie Pie beamed, glad to finally have gotten back at the screwy photographer.

After the makeovers were complete, Rainbow Dash suggested a game of truth or dare. This quickly backfired on her, however, when AJ decided to make a rather cunning dare.

“Okay, my turn!” The picnic mare grinned evilly. “I dare Rainbow Dash to go five minutes without saying ‘darling’.”

“What? Oh, you can’t be serious with that, dar-” She suddenly turned red. “I mean, of course I can handle…this… dare. How hard… can… it … be… not to say… a w-word…” She gritted her teeth, unable to hold it back any longer. “DARLING! Oh drat, I’m no good at this!”

The others burst into laughter, and it wasn't long before Dashie gave up and joined in. Looking around at these ponies, Applejack realized she was having a good time with them as is. Sure, it was weird having things like Rarity’s personality coming out of Rainbow Dash, or Flutters being a photo-shooting weirdo. But there were still traits of her old friends she recognized, like Pinkie Pie being a good cook!

The four of them were soon in AJ’s kitchen, working on a batch of cupcakes for their snack time. Rainbow Dash had mixed up the batter, while AJ had poured it into the cupcake tin. Pinkie heated up the oven, and placed the cupcakes inside. All four of them clustered around the oven window, to watch the cupcakes rise.

“Wait a minute, those cupcakes look all rainbow-colored.” Fluttershy looked back at the fashioniesta. “Dashie, did some hairs from your mane accidentally fall into the batter?”

“What? No way, darling!” Rainbow threw her mane luxuriantly. “I simply put in some food coloring to give the cupcakes some life! Everything is better with the color of rainbows, darling!”

“Good, cause’ I really wouldn’t want to make or eat Rainbow Dash-flavored cupcakes.” Pinkie stuck her tongue out , indicating her disgust at the notion. “Even the thought of that sounds all gross and icky, like something my little brother would come up with.”

It was at that point, that the cupcakes began to expand. But Applejack suddenly noticed, that they all seemed to be getting a bit TOO big!

“Ummmm, Rainbow? How much yeast did you add into those things?” AJ asked nervously, as a hissing sound started to come out of the oven. “you know you were only supposed to add a few tablespoons, right?”

“Oh dear…” The fashionesta muttered, taking a step back.

BOOM! The oven door suddenly blew open, as an explosion of dough splattered all over the four mares, and coated the entire rest of the kitchen. The group looked at each other in shock, their manes all blown backward in an ooey-gooey mess.

“Uhhh, Rainbow?” Pinkie Pie added, as half-baked batter dribbled down her face. “I think you might’ve but a bit too much yeast in there…”

It wasn't long before they had the whole kitchen cleaned up, when another knock suddenly came at the door. Licking the last of the batter off of her face AJ trotted over to answer it.

“Huh, that must be Rarity with Twilight.” The red mare exclaimed, opening the door for the other two ponies. “About time they got here!”

“Hey gals, sorry we’re late!” Rarity came bouncing in, giggling as she skipped across the floor towards the other mares. “It took Twi a little longer for Twi to get ready than it did me!”

“Hello there, you must be Applejack.” An unexpected voice greeted her, stunning the red mare into silence. “My name’s Twilight Twinkle, and it’s a real pleasure to meet you.”

It wasn't the pony’s purple coat and pink and purple striped mane that threw AJ off, because that was what she had been expecting. Nor was it the fact that Twilight was an earth pony instead of a unicorn- no, AJ had leaned to deal with such things from the changes to her other friends. No, what completely threw the picnic pony’s mind was the fact that the pony before her was not the mare she had been expecting.

In fact, Twilight Twinkle wasn't even a mare at all.

Much to AJ’s shock and dismay, her dear friend’s descendant was a stallion.

“Hey girls, long time no, see.” Twilight greeted the others, trotting in past the mare who stood there in shocked silence, her eye still twitching at this new revelation. “I’m actually surprised I got invited to this little party of yours, given how it’s a girl’s slumber party and all.”

“H-hey… Twilight…” Pinkie Pie stuttered out, her face turning a deep shade of red. “N-nice to see you again…”

“Pinkie Pie, how’s it going?” The boy pony with the glittering star cutie mark smiled, trying to hide his own blush. “Haven’t seen you since the last rainbow ball in Unicornia.”

As the two ponies started converse, Rainbow Dash trotted over to her to Applejack.

“You didn’t realize Twilight Twinkle was a stallion, did you darling?” The fashionesta inquired, nodding her head knowingly. “Try no to feel bad, darling. We all made the same mistake when we first heard the name for the first time, too.”

“I…what…where… how?!?” Applejack sputtered, on the brink of nervous collapse.

Dashie was about to make another point, when Fluttershy came trotting up to her, a nervous look on her face.

“Ummm, Rainbow? I really don’t want to be a worry wart, but something just occurred to me.” The photography mare spoke up. “Pinkie Pie is usually Minty’s handler, and she’s here right now, and everybody else was too bust to watch Minty tonight.” She looked out the window nervously. “You don’t think that crazy goofball would get herself into another crazy adventure, where we‘d have to go and rescue her again?”

“Oh come on darling, it’s just one night!” Rainbow Dash waved a hoof dismissively. “How much trouble could that little green pony possibly get into?”



Nice and cozily asleep in her bed, Minty was suddenly awakened by the sound of something buzzing outside her house. With a yawn, she trotted over to the door, and saw a bunch of strange lights spinning and glowing on a strange object hovering just above her front lawn.

“Ohhh, I’ve got visitors!” Minty exclaimed, trotting right up to the object without hesitation. “Hello there, it’s always nice to meet new friends!”

A small door slowly opened on the side, with smoke and steam coming out of the interior. Thinking this was a sign of friendship, the little green colored mare walked right up and trotted inside.

“Wow, you guys are sure some funny looking ponies!” Minty giggled, as the door slowly slid shut. “How do you wear socks with all those weird looking green things all over you?”

The large multicolored sphere suddenly rose up into the sky, and shot off into heavens.