As I'm Falling to Pieces

by Pinkamena Diane Pie

Chapter XLIII: Ensemble Nous Vivons. Ensemble Nous Allons Mourir.

Chapter XLIII: Ensemble Nous Vivons. Ensemble Nous Allons Mourir.

Lunar was walking slightly ahead of him. His brisk pace showed that he took every step decisively and with purpose. Lightning had to trot to keep up with him. They left the Temple, walking back out onto the main road. The Buggy had disappeared, but tracks showed where it had been taken to. Lunar continued to walk ahead of him, not checking to see if he was following. He caught up to Lunar, his curiosity reaching the surface.

“So how long have you been here?” Lightning asked, looking around at the ponies in the streets. They all seemed to be avoiding him. He guessed it would take a long time to gain their trust. But he planned to never gain it.

“Eight years.” Lunar responded, looking to his left at Lightning. “Luna found me when I was just a colt. She raised me, taught me to fly, to fight.” He spoke with pride, but with a soft undertone. Lightning could tell he cared about her.

“How did this all start?” Lightning asked, looking around at the Bastion. “I mean, how did she come up with the idea?”

Lunar stopped, and Lightning almost ran into him. “It all started with the Death Hunters.” he said, eyes far away. “My Bunker was attacked. My parents were killed....” His voice broke. “Then suddenly, Luna was there. She saved me, took me away. I lived with her ever since.” He turned to Lightning. “She got that scar saving me. And ever since that day, she has been trying to rid the Wastes of the Death Hunters.” He shook his head.

“But there are so many. And they seem to know what we are doing.” His pure white eyes looked out at the walls of the Bastion. “There are more of them then ever before. We will need to expand our ranks if we want to end this war.” He stayed silent for a few moments, Lightning watching him the whole time.

Finally, he looked away from the wall. “Anyway, the tour. Down this road,” he pointed to his left. “Is the mess hall. Three meals a day at seven, noon, and eight.” He pointed to his right. Lightning could see a road that went all the way to the wall. A smaller version of the main gates stood there. “Out that way is the training camp. We train three times a week, all day. Sundays we have off.” He paced in a circle for a moment. “I think that is all you need to know for the first week. Any questions?”

Lightning thought for a few seconds. “Is that the only way out?” he asked, pointing at the main gates. Lunar nodded.

“Yep. Plus, it is guarded all day, and all night.” he responded, giving Lightning a curious look. “I think that is all you need.” He started to walk away, then turned around again.

“Oh, yeah!” he said, walking back over to Lightning and taking him by the shoulder. “We need to get you fitted for armor!” He started to pull Lightning towards the road leading to the mess hall. Lunar looked him up and down as he did.

“This is going to be interesting.”


Five minutes later, Lightning was standing in a building, a pony measuring his shoulders and withers. Lunar was standing next to the door, not looking at him. Lightning hadn’t noticed it before, but he was never still. Some part of him was always moving. Whether it was tapping a hoof, or running a hoof through his mane, or just shifting his weight. The constant movements made him seem unbalanced, like he didn’t belong.

Lightning also took this time to observe his physical properties. Heavily muscled, it was obvious why he was General. He was scarred, almost as much as Lightning was. Several scars crossed his face, one just under his right eye. That brought him to his eyes. Irises and pupils that were silvery white. Lightning had never seen anything like it before. It was obvious that he wasn’t blind. Lightning made a note to ask him about it later.

When the pony was done, he went into a back room, leaving Lightning alone with Lunar. He was still looking out of the door, his left front hoof tapping. He looked up when Lightning walked up to him.

“So, who are you?” he asked. Lightning didn’t understand what he meant.

“I told you, Lightning Storm.” he said, confused. Lunar shook his head.

“No. Who are you? Where are you from?” he asked, looking at Lightning’s eyes.

“Oh. Well, I don’t know my past. Amnesia.” he said looking out at the walls. “The first memory I have is waking up in a destroyed town, and getting attacked.”

Lunar looked him up and down, surprised. “Shit man, really? That fucked up. How long ago was that?”

“Ten years.” Lightning said, turning to look at him. “I have no idea who I was, but I made a life for myself afterwards.” He rose up to his full height. “And I plan to get back to it.” he said, turning back to the other pony, who had just returned. He was carrying a pile of dark blue material in his hooves. He gave it to Lightning, then went to the back room again. Lightning looked down at it. It felt weird, an almost solid, but it was still fabric.

“What is this?” he asked Lunar, stretching out the fabric in front of him.

“It is your armor.” Lunar said smiling. “Kevlar. Made to stop bullets, and blades. Try it on, I want to see this.” he said, holding back laughter. Lightning shook his head. He pulled the fabric over his front legs, then over his head. It was cool on his fur, and pulled tight. He looked down at his chest and saw the same insignia that was on Lunar’s chest there. Queen Luna’s Cutie Mark.

He looked up to see Lunar staring at him. “Well?”

“Not to bad. It actually looks good on you.” he said, walking around Lightning. “Didn’t think you would be able to pull it off, but you did.”

“Thanks.” Lightning said, walking towards the door.

“Wait.” Lunar called. Lightning turned around and saw he was walking towards him with a combat rifle in his hoof. He handed it to Lightning.

“This is yours until you die. Better take care of it.” Lightning looked at the M4 in his hooves. It was brand new, metal shining in the dim light. Perfectly balanced, sleek, wonderful. Lightning pulled the strap over his shoulders, letting it rest on his side.

“Thank you.” he said. “Anything else you need?”

“No, not really. The rest of the day is yours.” he said, walking out of the door. “Dinner is at eight. See you there.” Then he was gone. Lightning looked around the Bastion. He didn’t want to get too familiar with the place, since he planned on leaving soon.

All he did for the rest of the day was wander. He walked past homes and shops. The ponies avoided him less now that he was wearing their colors, but they still seemed a little uneasy. It seemed that they were selling anything that you needed. Food, furnishings, materials for housing. It seemed like a real home. Lightning felt that if he had not been dragged here against his will, he might have enjoyed his stay.

When eight O’clock rolled around, he trotted over to the Mess Hall. To his delight, it seemed just like the one back at the Bunker. Ponies eating, talking, and joking around. He guessed that some things just didn’t change, no matter where you were. Lunar saw him and waved him over. He introduced him to some of the higher ranking officials, told them how Lightning was going to replace him as General one day, which caused a round of laughter. Lightning started to feel a little less angry and annoyed, and slightly more happy.

When dinner was over, he walked back to the Temple. Lights glowed, creating paintings on the ground from the stained glass. He trudged up the stairs and into Luna’s room. To his surprise, a bed had been moved in next to Luna’s. He walked over and saw that his saddlebags and belongings from his camp the night before had been brought back. The soft sound of wings folding made him turn around. Luna was standing on the top of the stairs, a small smile on her lips.

“I thought you might want your belongings back.” she said, walking towards her bed.

“Thank you, Luna” he said, looking through his pack. He found something that Applejack must have put in right before he left. It was a picture from their wedding. Applejack was wearing her dress, pearls around her neck. Lightning was standing next to her, beaming. Something that made Rainbow laugh, her Stetson hat was on her head, slightly tilted because of their kiss. Lightning looked at it, a pain hitting his heart.

“Oh my god.” Lightning heard Luna say. He turned around and saw her staring at the picture. “ married her?” she asked, eyes wide.

“I did.” he said, watching her. “Is there something wrong with that?” he asked.

Luna started to pace. “This is great. Just great.” she said, circling Lightning.

“What is wrong?” Lightning asked, extremely confused. “Did she do something wrong?”

“No, no.” she said, stopping in front of him. “She, and her friends, saved me. We have to get you back immediately!”