//------------------------------// // Relaxing at Home: 16 // Story: My, My - Little Pinkie Pie // by Ponyess //------------------------------// Hitomi had bought a new film on our way back home with her two sisters. Now I intend to enjoy it alone with her. Guess what? It is the latest episode of My Little Pony. Her favourite show. If they wanted to see it, after she had had her day with it, I guess Hitomi could allow them to see it. She tries not to be greedy or selfish. Why do they need to buy the same film all over again, if she is not watching the film, they could. Only right now, they seem more interested to be up in their rooms, or if they are both in the room of either of theirs, I don’t care, I am busy seeing the film. I had hopped up on the table before the TV, I guess it is okey since I am so small and my hooves are clean. There is no damage to the table. I do not even make a single noise, while standing here. First she opens the video, before she slips the disc in, before she pushes the sled back. From there she goes back to the sofa and sits down comfortably in the main seat, right before the TV, leaning back in order to enjoy the show with me. “This is going to be so much fun!” I declared. “Yes, it sure will be. I haven’t seen this episode yet. Sharing it with you would make it epic, I think!” Hitomi responded. “Funny, I haven’t seen it either, but I think it will be plenty of fun, watching it with you!” I responded, giggling. “Ah yeah, of course you haven’t. It is a new episode and I just bought it. Which is the most exciting part of it all!” Hitomi pointed out. “Let us see, what episode is it?” I enquired. “Twilight Time!” she replied. “I guess that should prove more interesting than expected!” I pointed out. “Acording to the text on the back of the box, it is an episode where the Cutie Mark Crusaders; Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are with Twilight Sparkle in her library in the Oak tree, studying!” Hitomi pointed out. “Sounds like fun. She loves books and learning, why wouldn’t she love passing it on to young fillies?” I teased. By now, the intro had played out and the film started. “Funny, I feel funny. Is the screen supposed to be this sparkly?” I pointed out, with a giggle to my voice. “No. I certainly don’t think so. What could possibly be wrong with the TV? Today of all times?” she responded. I jumped down from the table and up before the TV, standing just inches from the screen, looking into the episode, seeing Ponies moving about, doing their daily shores. “Uh?” Hitomi enquired. “I see the Ponies!” I pointed out, putting a hoof to the screen, just as I had done before Twilight Sparkle went through the gate to Canterlot High, only I was pulled back at the occasion. “Ponies? The episode is about Ponies!” Hitomi responded in a strange tone as if momentarily fading out. “I think I see beyond the mere image presented, just like when I came over to you!” I put forth. “Not sure what you saw, back then, but yeah, I guess I see beyond the canvas of the screen too!” she responded, just as I felt my hoof slip through and into the scenery, only for me to find myself in the middle of the village. “Oh, now I see. We are in the middle of Ponyville!” Hitomi pointed out, standing beside me, only the situation reversed. “Now, that is strange, when we are on my side, you are small, while I am normal!” I reflected. -- ----- --