EA - Prologue One

by Anon Brony


"Where have you been?!" A male yelled as he stood in front of Rainbow Dash. He appeared to have the same rainbow colored hair. Only, it was shorter, and way more spiky. He wore a black T-shirt, and dark sweatpants. His hands were on his hips, and he held an angry demeanor. Which Rainbow didn't find intimidating at all.

"Relax, Bro. I've just been out." The female said, brushing a red strand out of her left eye.

"At ten o' clock at night?! You couldn't have called to check in?! You know what people walk around at this hour?! Did you even care?! What were you doing?!" The male gritted his teeth. Clearly, he was pissed off.

"It's no big deal! I was just out with a guy, and..." She paused that sentence. That sounded way more wrong than it should have.

"...what...?" The male deadpanned. He found that sentence just as wrong as she did.

"Okay. Before you start yelling more, let me just say that he's cool. In fact, he's Fluttershy's brother, and-"

"You were out with a dude?!" The other started yelling more. "How did you know this guy wouldn't try and touch you?! For all we know, he could've tried to pin you down, and titty fuck you!" Rainbow rolled her eyes at this comment.

"Trust me, I don't think he's even capable of doing that. He's very much like Fluttershy. He's tall, kind, funny, cute..." Rainbow trailed.

"WHAT?!" Dash laughed at the male's reaction.

"I'm kidding, dude. Relax." She smiled. Though, it wasn't exactly a lie that Butterscotch was cute. "But, he is a nice guy. I think you'd really like him. Come on. He's movin' into town. Maybe you could give him the ol' Blitz tour?" She nudged the guy's shoulder.

"I dunno...isn't that Pinkie's job?" He folded his arms, feeling very skeptical about this.

"Eh, she's been kinda moody lately. Come on. Just give him the tour. Pwease? For your widdle sister?" She did a typical wide eyed, puppy dog face. She even added the classic quivering lip.

"Ugh." He rolled his eyes at the successful attempt. "Fine. I'll go meet him tomorrow. But, for now. I'm going back to bed. It's exhausting to yell at you." He yawned.

"I can tell. Your voice is so scratchy." She giggled. "Goodnight, Blitz." She gave him a hug.

"Goodnight, Dash." He hugged back before flying himself up the stairs. Rainbow decided to step out onto the back porch, and glance up at the full moon. A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned on the balcony.

'Man...what was that about? When do I ever call guys, 'cute'? Well, it is kinda true. He has the exact same cuteness levels as Fluttershy...I wonder if he cuddles like her? That would instantly knock Rainbow out of her thoughts, and glare at particularly nothing. "Shut up, mind."

Meanwhile, Butterscotch, and Fluttershy were happily chatting in the cottage's kitchen. They were both rekindling with a nice cup of hot chocolate. "So? How was your trip?" Fluttershy asked before taking a sip of her beverage.

"It was fine. I made some friends with some mice on the train. I played with them, gave them part of my lunch, and read them a story to help them sleep. Then, the nice conductor asked me to get off the train. Now, I'm here." He shrugged.

"Sounded like a real adventure. Well, I'm just so happy you've arrived. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends. I think you'll really like them."

"I'm sure I will. Um...out of curiosity...does one of them have rainbow colored hair...?" This question would cause Fluttershy to blink twice.

"That sounds like Rainbow Dash...was it a boy, or a girl? Because, I know a boy named Blitz who also has rainbow hair." She tilted her head.

"Um...Rainbow Dash, I suppose. She was definitely female." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh. Was she nice? How did you two meet?" The twin sister asked curiously. Butterscotch would blush his regular light shade of pink.

"Um...well...I kind of...ran into her...? B-By accident, of course." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, my gosh. You two didn't get hurt, did you?" She asked with a bit of concern.

"I don't think so. She seemed pretty...tough..."

"Yeah. That is one of her many qualities." Fluttershy smiled, relieved that they were okay. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what did you two talk about?" She folded her hands before resting her chin on them.

"Oh, she just asked me general questions, she seemed surprised that I was your twin, and she called me a 'big boy' when she said I owed her for not flying here..." He blinked twice, as did Fluttershy. "...should I be worried...?" He asked, a bit scared.

"Um...I probably wouldn't worry about it. It might just mean that she likes you. She likes to joke around with us, a lot. Sometimes, she occasionally pulls pranks. I think it's just her way of showing affection." She giggled.

"Oh, really? Well, I hope we'll be good friends, then." He smiled before pausing a moment. "Um...are her pranks dangerous...?"

The next morning, Rainbow Dash strutted into the kitchen, wearing a green T-shirt, dark purple jeans, and her usual worn out sneakers. "What's for break, Fast?" That was a nickname she would use for Blitz. The joke was funny, but the name was kind of old.

"Breakfast burgers." The shirtless male replied, not turning his head from the bacon frying on the stove.

"Ooh. Never heard of that recipe. What's in it?" She asked curiously.

"Just sit down. They're almost done." Blitz said, pointing to the kitchen table with his spatula. The twin sister pouted before going to her usual seat, and plopping down. A few minutes later, a breakfast burger would appear on a paper plate. By the looks of it, it was two large pancakes, with a sausage patty, cheese, bacon, ham, and syrup between them. The sight made Dash's eyes water. Sure, it had to be highly fattening, but she went to the gym regularly. So, she would easily be able to work this off.

"Well? You gonna eat it, or wait until it jumps in your mouth?" Blitz chuckled as he sat down across from his sister, with his own burger.

"Shut up, punk!" She pouted before taking a bite of the greasy creation. Her grimace soon left, and was replaced with a bright smile. "This is freakin' good! No, scratch that. This is downright orgasmic!" She gave let out somewhat of a moan as she took another bite. Blitz chuckled from his seat.

"Best compliment I've received all morning." He smiled as he took a sip of his coffee. "So, when am I supposed to give this tour?" He started eating.

"I dunno. Maybe when he wakes up? Lemme give Fluttershy a call, see what the plan is." She pulled out her cyan cased phone before dialing up the pink-head.

In the living room of Fluttershy's cottage, the morning sunlight shone upon the sleeping twins on the couch. Butterscotch's chin rested upon his sister's head, while his arms were hugged around her waist. Fluttershy gently held the arms in response. Cuddling like this was always something they would do in times of stress. Of course, there wasn't really anything to be stressed about last night, so they just did it for fun. Everything was calm, and peaceful. That is, until a faint buzzing noise woke Fluttershy up. Her phone was ringing on the arm rest of the couch. She yawned, and brought it to her ear.

"H-Hello...?" She said as she rubbed her tired eye.

"Mornin', Shy. How are ya?" Rainbow asked casually.

"Oh, I'm fine, Rainbow Dash. What can I do for you?" She asked after laying her head back down.

"I just had a question. Has Butterscotch seen the town, yet?"

"Um, not that I know of. Why?" She blinked twice.

"Because, I was thinking that we'd arrange a little tour for him, just to help him get a feel for it. What do you say?" She took a sip of her milk.

"Well, who's going to give the tour? I'd do it, but I have to take the animals for walks in the park." She glanced at her sleeping brother who was snoring softly. She smiled at the adorable sight.

"Got that covered. Blitz is gonna show him around." She noogied the male twin with her free hand.

"Blitz? Oh, that's nice of him to offer." Fluttershy twirled a lock of her hair.

"Yeah, he's a real sweetheart." Rainbow smirked. Blitz was about to punch the lights out of his sister, but was stopped by a quick kiss on the cheek. That only made him sit back in his seat and grumble. "So, what time should we meet them up?"

"Um..." She stared at Butterscotch, wanting to let him sleep for just a little while longer. "How does an hour sound?"

"An hour? Sounds good. We'll meet'cha in Town Square. See ya, Flutters." She hung up her phone before giving a thumbs up to Blitz. Meanwhile, Fluttershy set her snooze button for thirty minuted before setting it aside. All she wanted was to stay cuddled for a little while longer.


"S-So...you're not coming...?" Butterscotch asked, wearing a white sweater vest, a yellow undershirt, brown jeans, and his usual sandals. Fluttershy was dressed in almost the exact same outfit. Except, she wore a long brown skirt, instead.

"I'm afraid I can't, Butters. I need to tend to the animals. I'm sorry." She gave an apologetic smile.

"B-But, I haven't even seen the town, yet. What if I get lost? W-What if I get mugged? I'm very muggable, you know this!" He said in a panic.

"Butterscotch." She placed two hands on his shoulders. "It's okay. You're going to be fine. Rainbow Blitz will be with you, all day. Trust me. He's very loyal. He won't let anybody hurt you...okay?" She smiled.

"Okay..." Butterscotch nodded.

"Good. Now, he said to meet him in Town Square. I'll walk you down there." Fluttershy offered before opening the door, allowing Butterscotch to exit.

"Thank you, Sis." Butterscotch smiled as he exited the cottage. Once he was out, Fluttershy would pull out her phone, reading a text message from Pinkie Pie.


"Thanx. <3" Fluttershy texted before stepping out, and closing the door behind her.

"It hasn't been that stinky in awhile." Butterscotch said before giggling with his sister.

"Very funny story." She smiled as she caught sight of a rainbow maned male sitting on the edge of the fountain. He was wearing a red leather jacket, blue skinny jeans, and white sneakers that looked huge for his foot size. Fluttershy immediately recognized him as Rainbow Blitz. "Oh, there he is." She offered a small wave to the jock, to which he replied with a nod, particularly to Butterscotch. He didn't know if he could trust this guy, yet.

"Hey, Flutters. So, this is your brother, eh?" Blitz asked as he walked towards the two.

"Mm-hmm. Meet Butterscotch." She smiled while motioning to her nervous twin.

"Whaddup?" The rainbow haired male would hold a fist out, in order to give the pink head a fistbump. At first, Butterscotch thought for sure he would get punched, but he was soon relieved when he understood that it was one of those modern high fives. He slowly brought his shaky fist forward before gently pressing it against Blitz's.

"Well, I have to be off. Duty calls. Love you, boys." She gave them both a kiss on the forehead, much like how a mother would. Blitz wiped off Fluttershy's lip gloss before turning to Butterscotch once more.

"Well, guess I'm supposed to show you around, huh?" He folded his arms and looked the other male up and down.

"Um...y-yes, please..." Scotch said shakily.

'Jesus! This guy's actin' like I'm about to slug him. He'd better not be a pussy the entire time.' Blitz rolled his eyes. "Alright, big boy. Let's go." The jock stuffed his hands in his pockets before turning on his heels, and starting to walk. Butterscotch would follow close behind.

"So, in other words...don't go there, unless you have lots of cash. 'Cause, they won't do stuff to ya for free." Blitz warned after passing the local night club. Him and Butterscotch spent the entire day going to the good hot spots in town. They visited the Marketplace, Twilight Sparkle's Library, Rarity's Boutique, Sweet Apple Acres, and the Café, where they stopped for lunch. All in all, Blitz discovered that this new guy wasn't so bad. Sure, he was a shy guy, but he was actually pretty cool. Maybe they would turn out to be best buds once school started.

"So...Rainbow Dash mentioned something about the college here...'EA' was it?" Butterscotch asked.

"Oh, yeah! 'EA'. Equestria Academy. Yeah, unfortunately. A freshmen like me ain't allowed to give tours inside. So, you're gonna have to wait 'till tomorrow. You'll get your class schedule, your locker combo, and all sorts of other junk. You'll be fine." He gave the taller male a pat on the back. "And, we still have one more stop."

"Where are we going?" He blinked twice.

"Right here." He pointed to Sugarcube Corner, just a few feet in front of them.

"Whoa...is that a gingerbread house...?" Butterscotch asked in awe. Blitz chuckled.

"Nah. It was just made to look like that. C'mon. Let's get a treat." Blitz said before walking up to the door, and opening it. Butterscotch could clearly see that it was pitch black in there.

"Um..." He was about to say something, but Blitz had already walked inside. The pink head gulped. He didn't know what was in there. What if there was a witch that liked to cook up students? Well, the last thing he wanted was to be alone. So, he followed the rainbow haired male inside. Soon enough, he would be met with a surprise.

"SURPRISE!" A crowd shouted. Butterscotch gasped before fainting, falling on his back against the hardwood floor. A curly, pink haired girl would emerge from the crowd, blinking twice. "Huh. I knew the surprise would take his breath away!" Pinkie Pie giggled.