//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Pony Sector // by AnonyPoni //------------------------------// Miss Octavia We regret to inform you that your contract as cellist for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has recently expired. Due to recent cuts and downsizing, we are sorry to say that we are not able to renew it with you. With all due respect, Rosina Manager of the Royal Canterlot Philharmonic *** Dear Miss Octavia, Due to the recent termination of your contract with the Philharmonic, I am sorry to say that you cannot stay in the musician lodging any longer. You will be issued an eviction notice in a week and will be expected to leave in the next 10 days. I am warning you ahead of time so you may pack your things. Understand that any property of the Philharmonic must be returned. Do not worry about the Cello. You may keep it as a consolation gift. Quarter Pack *** Octavia I’m sorry for what happened to you, but since Bon Bon moved in with me I don’t think I’ll have room for you to move in with me as well. I’m surprised you asked me and not Vinyl. Aren’t you two really good friends? I’m really sorry. Maybe you can visit Ponyville sometime? Lyra *** Tavi You broke up with me a while ago. I’ve moved on and I seriously doubt my new marefriend would be thrilled that my ex needs to move in with me. I don’t know, ask Vinyl or something. Beau String *** Octy I’m sorry you’re staying at a motel for now, but you really can’t move in. I recently got engaged and it would be really awkward for you... you know, third wheeling and all. I know how it feels when I was with you and Beau a while back. Look, you and Vinyl are really good friends? Just ask her. Geographia *** Tavi I’m sorry hun, but I just got a contract with Toity Fashions. The models all live together in a suite while we’re in season. It’s pretty tight boarding, so there won’t be any room. Maybe Vinyl has a place for you. Modeling is not what I expected. I swear I'm the only one here who's read a book. Golden Tiara *** Octavia I suppose I can let you stay while you get back on your feet. I’m extremely busy, but my apartment is big and you won’t be in the way. I live in Archive City now, so you’re going to need to take a ferry. It shouldn’t be too much, but it’ll be a long trip. When you get here, ask the cab driver to take you to Casa de Oro. Vinyl Scratch