Heroic Vigor

by Veridon

I am the bone of my sword.


The sounds of clashing swords filled the very air. Impacts seemed to echo upon the lonely hill two figures stood upon. One of firey orange-red hair and eyes as gold as bullion, his clothing was in tatters from the exertion placed upon him. A tattered longsleeve blue and white shirt, with equally blue jeans and shoes. He bled from many wounds sustained, yet the drainage of this life-giving nectar didn’t seem to deter the young man. In fact, this only seemed to fuel the raging fire in which he drew upon to fuel his attacks. He did not pause, he did not relent, he pressed forward without once thinking of the consequences.

Such is the nature of a sword.

His opponent, hair as yellow as the setting sun in which casted its glow on the hill, his eyes a shade of crimson matched only that by blood. His appearance was common, yet regal. Adorning a simple black riding jacket, and leather pants of the same shade, he swung a longsword that he had pulled from a ripple in the air behind him to sever the red-haired teens head. “You forget your place, lowlife!” The blonde roared as he swung with a speed far above that of a normal humans.

Yet the teen anticipated this. Conjuring a longsword of his own from a green energy, he swung it to meet his opponents blade. The impact shattered the swords upon impact, angering the blonde man further, so much that he had roared, “Damn it, don’t-” A curved sword appears behind him. “...Overestimate yourself, kid!”

Yet the teen had conjured a curved sword of his own so much more quickly, and swung the instrument straight towards the older individual. The fight only grew more intense as their blows seemed to blur, waves of energy being released with each successful block.

The blonde jumped backwards, ripples in the very air forming behind him. Weapon after weapon soon began to fire out of these holes in reality, almost as if they were artillery. The teen responded in kind, for once the scenery has become visible.

All around the two, sword upon sword as far as the eye can see littered the hill, all of them jutting from the ground in one angle or another.

Yet they all glowed blue as they immediately flew towards the barrage. Using this time, the teen materialized two more swords of plain design, rushing the blonde. Once more, they resume their dance of blades.

“Impossible----am I being cornered by such a sham...!?” The blonde growled to himself as he continued his defense.

The red-haired teen knew. He knew that pausing even once would cause his body to fail him. He had to press onward, continue the assault. He did not stop to think, nor did he stop to catch his breath for even the briefest of seconds. Whenever the blonde would pull a weapon from the air, the redhead would pull out the exact same weapon and destroy both of their weapons.

The blonde is unable to handle any of the teens attacks. He is forced to destroy both his opponents weapon, and his.

The battle raged on for what seemed like forever, and finally the blondes patients had snapped. “Damn------- Damn, damndamndamndamn!” Parry, shatter, attack. “I did not think I would have to use this sword against a lowlife like you…!”

Behind him, another sword had appeared. This one held an aura of absolute menace. As if the life itself died around it, to be near it would have it suck out soul, it felt like. It was unnatural, it was terrifying, and it was immensely powerful.

“I won’t let you----!”




Twin swords of opposite color wielded by the teen severed the blondes arm, stopping the arrogant man from being able to use it. The sword stabs into the ground behind him. The teen presses onward, confident in his victory. He swings his swords.

The blonde dodges it narrowly. “Geh----- you’re stronger than me here!” He had admitted his defeat.

Thus, he pressed on, even when his opponent tried to escape. “I won’t-” He swung, “-let you go, dammit!”

“Damn!” The blonde growled as he prepared to pull out another weapon. Yet the teen was already upon him.

Yet, before the final blow could be struck, something happened. Something odd.

A black hole lined with crimson energy appeared where the blonde had his hand severed. “W-what the hell!?” The blonde roared, even as he was being sucked in.

Unfortunately, the teen felt the same pull. Trying to dig his soles into the dirt of the hill, he futilely attempted to keep his footing in order to prevent himself from being taken by the same fate as his opponent.
Ultimately futile. In the end, he was sucked in too.

The hole closed behind them.

The both of them, never to be seen again.

“GAH-oof!” Twilight half-shrieked as she jumped from her bed in fear and shock of the dream she had just experienced. Her body shook slightly, from what, she knew not. She felt no fear, she knew that much. Though she would admit that what she saw was… strange. Two bipedal creatures, fighting on a lone hill in a duel to the death…

And then the blood…

She gagged, appearing a bit green despite her lavender fur. Probably best not to dwell on it too much… shaking her head, she rose from the ground, a slightly dazed look on her face. “...Alright, that is definitely the last time I read fantasy books before bed.” She groaned, still getting her bearings from the dream.

May as well get the morning rituals out of the way. Awakening her sleeping assistant, Spike, Twilight almost immediately went to alphabetize the vast library she had come to call home. Yet at the back of her mind, that dream seemed to constantly nag at her. As if it was something important to be remembered. Growling lightly, she shoved the last book of the M section into its place. “Why won’t it just leave me be!?” She exclaimed, continuing her work.

“Why won’t what leave you be?” Twilight jumped, her wings flaring as a sudden jolt of fear ran through her body. Looking at the culprit, the purple Dragon she had come to call little brother stared up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… Twilight, you okay there?”

“I’m fine Spike.” She smiled reassuringly towards the young dragon. “Just a bit jumpy right now. Bad dream, ya know?”

“Oh~... Yeah, I get ya. I remember having a nightmare where I lost all of my jewels! And I couldn't get them back!” Repressing a shudder, the dragon stared up at the unicorn female. “What was yours about?”

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at the description of his nightmare. Leave it to Spike to be worried about his jewels. Regardless, Twilight shrugged a bit. “That’s the thing. I just don’t know what it was about! I can’t really make heads or tails of it.” She didn’t want to tell Spike of the craziness of that dream. Let alone the violence in it. “But don’t worry about it Spike.” Patting the young hatchlings head with her forehoof, she lit up her horn with magic and began levitating books. “I’ll be fine.”

Keeping his gaze on her for a few lingering seconds in concern, Spike shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” He immediately went into the kitchen to cook them breakfast.

Twiight smiled reassuringly, and then went back to organizing stock. She was sure the problem would go away over the day.

Yet that small inkling never went away.

Sighing, she sat down on on the many chairs she had in her library. Maybe she was overthinking things? After all, she had just gotten her coronation into being a Princess, maybe its the stress and nerves playing tricks on her?

Nodding, she smiled widely. That had to be it. Nothing tea won’t help in at least getting her to relax for a little-

“Twilight!” Spike ran in with a rolled up letter. “Letter from the Princess!”

Twilight’s smile grew a bit more. “Thanks Spike! I’ll read it right away, you go ahead and continue making breakfast.” Nodding, the dragon ran back into the kitchen to continue his cooking process.

Opening the letter, Twilight inspected its contents fully expecting something nice, formal, and warm. As was the normal feeling she had received whenever she would read these letters.

This was not one of those times. “Spike! Forget about breakfast, we have to get going!”

“Wait what? Why?” Spike questioned, yet listened as he took the cooking food off of the stove.

“We need to get to Fluttershy’s! Come on, hurry up!” She urged him onto her back as she ran out of the library and into Ponyville, hoping to get to the caretakers cottage quickly. She had been in such a rush, that she even left the letter on the table in the library.

My dearest pupil,

I bear grave, puzzling news. Late last night, my guards have received reports of a battle being fought within the Everfree Forest. Now, whatever happens in the forest has never been anyones business, as I’m sure you know. Yet for some reason, they state that they heard the sounds of swords clashing against each other, along with the roars of two ponies desperately trying to win. Now I do not know where or what happened exactly beyond that, but the sheer fact that it happened so close to Fluttershy’s cottage is enough reason for you to immediately check on her. She is the most gentle of all of you, and could be in danger.
Your teacher,
Celestia Morningstar

Galloping along the trail that led to the Cottage, Twilight began to run through scenarios in her head on what could have been the cause of the ruckus.

Twilight hoped, with her heart of hearts, that it wasn’t what she was thinking it was.

Once she arrived, she had been wrong.

While also being right.

When she bursted through the door to the cottage, she had expected to find Fluttershy by herself.

Yet here she was. Not alone. Drinking tea. With the redhead from the dream. “Oh Twilight!” Fluttershy muttered quietly, especially for her. “I”d like you to meed Shirou! He’s an absolute angel!”

“H-hey, I’m not that good!” He laughed.

The two beings stared at each other…. “At least I don’t think so...” The teen muttered, rubbing a hand through his red hair.

This was going to need a lot of explanation.

And Twilight had the distinct feeling this was going to be a long, long day.