Inkwells sad story

by iceypheonix

well that's just unfortunate

I look down at the frozen river below me and remember the last three weeks that drove me to this.

It was a cold winter's day with the breeze rolling in through my window I left open on accident last night this is what woke me up today, usually it would be something like a loud crash from Pinkie Pie since i lived next to her. Today was special I enjoyed the fact that I woke up earlier than normal.Other than the cold breeze coming from my window it was a perfectly normal day. So i lazily rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I wasn't very hungry so my only breakfast was a granola bar. When I walked outside the wind hit me like a brick which reminded me to go and close my window I carelessly left open with a flutter of my wings I quickly flew to the window and slammed it shut. I had to race outside good thing I remembered to close the door.

With a zoom i flew up into the skies of ponyville and darted straight down to gain speed. So I would not hit any building it was only safe to stay about 50 metres in the air. whilst flying along I saw rainbow dash.

She surprisingly slowed down to greet me and say “hello”.

I returned the greeting then dived down into the park, my black and blue fur rustling in the wind I had a great landing or so I thought. Today was the day I was going to ask my friend Spitfire to be my marefriend when a thought came to my mind. Oh shoot I forgot the flowers but it was too late I saw Spitfire fly into my vision. We had been friends since flight school which I almost failed, I suck at flying but she helped me pass. I knew she was single because we were best friends, so close yet so far away

“Hey Inkwell!” she said with an excited smile, her mane was in that perfect fire look i fell in love with although she wasn’t wearing her wonderbolt outfit which showed off her light brilliant gold coat.

“H-hi” damnit I stuttered why did I do that? I have known her so long. I hope I wasn't blushing

“So why did you want to hang out today”? She asked.

“Well-well I wanted to um just hang out i guess it gets really boring around here sometimes”.

“What do you want to do”? she asked

“Lets go to the park” I said and started trotting to the park. She followed closely along.The more I looked into those brilliant orange eyes the more nervous I got about asking the question that burned in my heart. But I shooed the idea away. We finally got to the park and sat on a bench right across from the couple of Lyra and Bonbon they were nice mares and completely in love.

I decide to break the ice by asking “how was the show at Fillydalphea”?

“It went amazing, the crowd loved us the weird thing was Soarin must have bought 30 pies and ate them all i'm starting to worry about him”

“Well last time I talked to him he was acting a little weird but he seems like a nice stallion” I kept up the awkward small talk until I thought to myself it's now or never I have to ask now the knot in my stomach tightened but I said it “um... hey Spitfire... do you want to... um... well go on a date with me? I immediately covered my mouth with my hoof and gasped what did i just say? My stomach curled in pain. Her face was a mix of shock, pain, amazement,and plain surprise oh sweet Celestia what have I done?

“Y-you want me to date you”? my social anxiety kicked in and I put on a metaphorical mask of smiles but I still stuttered

“Y-yes” my smile was large but I had an expression of horror inside.

“um...I think I should go” Spitfire said, I knew she was probably disgusted by me and she flew off I just sat there stunned about what had come out of my mouth I usually never let my emotions out I always kept them bottled up so no one would make fun of me EVER AGAIN. I realized Lyra and Bon bon watched the whole thing a tear slipped past my eye and I galloped away completely forgetting that I was a pegasus I didn’t want anypony to see me remembering what I was I flapped my wings and flew as high and as fast as my wings could take me. The pain in my heart was gut wrenchingly painful.

I didn’t want to go home no I wanted to leave ponyville I didn’t care but then my senses came back to me, my anxiety left and I asked myself “what am I running from”? I landed in a large field near Fluttershys house it was almost night time I decided after that experience Fluttershy might be able to help. I walked across the little bridge on the path leading to her house. She lived in a small cottage with tons of animals. I knocked on her door and her favourite rabbit Angel answered the door I had no idea why she loved that bunny so much he treated her like crap and demanded that he get all of the attention. Fluttershy did not deserve this but her kind mannered nature made it so she could not confront him.

He let me in, Fluttershy was doing some light housework (dusting, picking up, etc.).

“Oh dear Inkwell are you okay”? Fluttershy said. I had realized from the mixture of flying so
fast and slightly crying my mane and tail were a mess and my eyes were red with irritation.

“yes I am okay... well at least my exterior is” Fluttershy was a caring introvert that I could relate to “but you know Spitfire?”

“you mean the captain of the wonderbolts”? she asked

“yes... well... I asked her to go on a date with me”...

Her face was in and “O” of surprise and happiness “so what did she say”? fluttershy asked in her happiest of of voices. But she saw my face sink and immediately knew what had happened. “Do-do you want to stay here”?

“No it would be rude of me to stay” I said I knew she would almost force me to stay with her now really, she gave me no real choice.

To my surprise she said “okay you should be going then” and she nudged me out of the door. I realized something was wrong.

“Ummm... Fluttershy is there something wrong”? I could clearly see she was on the verge of tears which made me want to shed a very manly tear.

“she said with a pained smile “well it's just... its just my parents are coming over tomorrow and... well this place is a mess”.

I looked around the almost shining room and could truthfully say “Fluttershy this place is squeaky clean” I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and I left the house feeling much better.

I flew back home and made myself a pot of mint tea and went to bed.

It was a normal day today but strangely I awoke to a knock at the door. My mind went through all of the worst scenarios but the worst was if one of the wonderbolts came to beat me up for scaring Spitfire. I deserved it to. But it was kind of the opposite it was Spitfire standing there awkwardly. My jaw dropped at seeing her.

“Hi” she said “listen I am sorry about how I acted and well...” there was a long awkward silence “I wanted to know if you were free in two weeks to... you know”.

“No-no I really don't know” i said with a smile I decided to have a little fun before this happened.

She said with a sigh “listen, I have a couple of tickets for the show I am doing in Ponyville and I was wondering if you wanted to come and afterwards we can go out for dinner”?

I knew that was what she was going to say but hearing her say it for real was like something of pure awesomeness but all I could say was “ye-yes please” how could i have said something so stupid why did I stutter she probably hates me now.

But instead she said “ok cool oh and don't forget the flight school reunion is in one week”

She handed me four backstage tickets and left my house with a smile, I smiled back, closed the door and collapsed the weight of the conversation filled me with emotions of pain happiness grief. The happiness stemmed from me going on a date with Spitfire but the pain and grief came from knowing that I had to go to the class reunion. There was a reason I dreaded going to that reunion from all of the pain I suffered in flight school between the constant bullying and barely being able to fly it was a living hell.

For a while i just sat there reliving painful memories of the social awkwardness I faced while going to flight school. In fact the only good memories I had was when Spitfire and I were hanging out. All of a sudden I realized my stomach hurt not of grief but of hunger “I haven't eaten anything in a whole day”! I quickly stood up and made an all out gallop to the kitchen and ate everything I had in the kitchen. N ow that was left to do was wait for the date, but that easily got boring. So I decided to find a job just one that could support me this was probably coming from my doubts that me and Spitfire would ever be more than friends.

I heard a knock on the at first I thought it was Derpy who got her hoof stuck in a muffin jar again but instead it was the pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail. “Oh hi, Rainbow dash is it”?

“Hi Inkwell... listen I was just wondering... well I had an extra ticket to the wonderbolts and I was wondering if you wanted to come”.

“Um Rainbow dash I already have like four backstage passes, in fact how about you take these three and some of your friends could go with you”. her pupils got larger than plates and a humongous grin started to take shape


After flying around the air for about six seconds she came down and asked me “is there anything I could possibly do to ever repay you” I needed a job and I knew she was a high ranking member of the weather patrol, but should I ask her so many scenarios went off in my head most of them ending with me getting made fun of.

I had no idea why but I just asked her “could you get me a job as one of the weather patrol”? with a big painful smile.

“Okay sure that will be easy i will talk to you tomorrow with what your new job is” I handed her the three tickets and smiled at her with a genuine smile she smiled back and flew away. I closed the door with a sigh of relief and sat down at my desk to start writing a new book. I first started writing books as a hobby and selling them was the only reason I could afford this apartment and my food for the first year of living on my own thats how I got my cutie mark as well. it was just a book with a small quill writing in it. I hope Most of my books consisted of philosophy so not a lot of ponies bought them other than twilight.

This book was supposed to be about the psychological effects of deviant ponies being introduced to today's modern “normal” ponies. After writing about three pages and went to bed having a dreamless sleep like always by. I awoke as if it was a normal day with pinkie pie crashing around so I went outside and started to trot towards the cafe .

Everypony seemed to have a smile on their faces which was nice, it helped me relax after the recent events. Before my hoof could reach the happily decorated glass doors a rainbow appeared in front of my face “why hello Rainbow dash” I said with canterlotish voice. The cyan mare had a very excited look on her face but not all the way happy.

“Hi Inkwell I got you the job” she said with an almost awkward voice which was unusual knowing her brash and bold nature but I brushed the idea aside and she continued. “I got you a job but I thought this one would be best for you knowing that you can’t fly that well.

I smiled and said “that sounds great, and is exactly what I am looking for” I saw her mood brighten instantly. “So um what is the job you got me”?

“Follow me” she said and started to fly upwards. She brought me to a group they called the cloud kickers it was a group consisting of Airheart a pink pegasus with a brown mane and tail, Brolly a white pony with blue hair, Flitter a grey pony with light neon blue hair, and a pony by the name of snowflake or as we called him Roid rage A massive white with huge muscles and tiny wings. Rainbow dash gave me a pair of goggles to wear and showed me what I was going to be doing. We did what the group was called we just kicked clouds that needed to disappear Snowflake showed me what to do he also explained to me that this group was made up for the not so strong flyers which I thanked Rainbow dash in my head. So I started on my job which was fun and I think I may have made some friends along the way.

After a day of cloud kicking my hind legs were tired but it felt good to have a job. I flew home with the other cloudkickers when I saw some of the other pegasi from the weather patrol “Hey guys lets go talk to them” I said this thinking that I could possibly make some more friends .

Before I could leave Brolly tapped on the shoulder and just said “Just don't do it”.

“Nonsense” I said trying to sound as eager as possible and I bolted over towards the other ponies of the weather patrol. “Hey guys”. they looked at me as if I had three heads as if I didn’t belong

“What are doing over here with us cloudkicker”? Said one of the male members of the group with a frown on his face. I immediately knew this was not going to end well. “Listen here cloudkicker I don't care if you are new around here or something but you do not deserve to talk with us now leave before this gets ugly” all of the group agreed.

I mustered up the nicest voice even with the fire raging in me I kindly said “well since we do work in the same job I thought maybe I should be nice”.

This appeared to make him chuckle to himself “we do not work the same job we are the important ones, the ones that actually matter. Your cloudkicker friends do the manual dumb stuff you don't even matter” I looked over to the other cloudkickers while I heard the other group chuckle in agreement at what the stallion had just said.

He put his face as close to mine as possible and said “what are you going to do about it”?

I pulled my face away and said with my most polite voice “I can take it when you push me around and call me names I have learned to deal with that but when you insult my friends that's when these things get serious”. I knew what I was about to do and I did not like it I was usually a pacifist and I never had enough friends to have to stand up for them but I knew what I was about to do. he was still smiling so I went up to him and asked him nicely “so how about you please shut up”? Almost spitting out the last words he nodded his head to say no and before he could react I turned around and gave him a good square kick right in the jaw effectively knocking him out his body went plummeting towards earth and the whole group of his bolted down to catch him. While they were occupied with the task I flew slowly over to the cloudkickers and started back up the conversation.

Until we got to my house the conversation had mostly been about what I had done I told them goodnight and went inside. My heart had been racing the whole time the adrenaline still pumping but I played it cool. I decided to just act like nothing ever happened and started to make myself a small bowl of noodles and sat down to keep writing. The book has been coming along so well I thought to myself in my head at around midnight I went to bed and fell asleep reading the epic poems of Cloudy rainstorm one of the first residents of equestria and a great poet. Twilight sparkle had lent me the book about two weeks ago and I was almost finished. The next day I woke as early as possible so I could get breakfast because yesterday I did not get any.

It was a normal day at work I was left alone with my thoughts and the clouds I had to kick most of my thoughts were of the ponies in the group I had gotten in a tumble with most of them were about how they would take revenge. At first I tried to ignore these thoughts but they were persistent and kept coming back so I let them. Some of my fellow workers went down to a restaurant for lunch and I joined in. for the rest of the day the work seemed easy and I went home. As I entered the door I looked on the calendar to see that the flight school reunion was this weekend. “Well it looks like I have to get a tuxedo”. In two days I would be in cloudsdale being stuck in a corner alone waiting for this stupid thing to end. I went to sleep after eating dinner I did not read or write, just slept.

The next day was regular nothing interesting happened but that day instead of going home I went to carousel boutique a small clothing shop to buy a tuxedo I wanted to look good I guess. The last thing I had to do was go to the market since the sun was going down and the shops were closing I got all of the stuff I needed I got home ate and went to sleep.

The next two days were uneventful mainly consisting of work but today was the day of the reunion. I flew up to cloudsdale with my new tuxedo on. I felt like I actually looked good, as I flew over ponyville I saw the clock said 6:50 pm. In about ten minutes I was at the giant cloud city I did not fly very fast so I would not get my clothes all sweaty. The city was just as I remembered it, free is all I could do to describe it.

It took me only a couple of seconds to notice my old school and the loud music blaring from the building. As I entered the cloud made building I realized exactly how many ponies were actually going to be there. I felt my stomach knot up tighter than it has ever before and it started to cause me physical pain. The actual party was being held in the gym which brought back multiple painful memories but I pushed those aside and tried to act happy.

The first thing I noticed was a massive crowd in the middle it was obviously Spitfire in the middle although I could not see her, the next thing I noticed was the DJ playing some songs that I heard when I went here. As I turned my head a little to the right I saw Fluttershy what she was wearing was a dress that resembled the one she wore to the gala but shorter and less extravagant it made her look just like all the other mares except with her own style twisted in. I went over and said “hey fluttershy”.

She had a look of distress on her face “oh... hi Inkwell”.

“What's wrong Fluttershy”? I asked hoping I could help her with the problem she faced. All of a sudden Rainbow dash appeared from the crowd around Spitfire, she was wearing some sort of rendition of a wonderbolt outfit but as a dress and with rainbows on it.

“Hey Inkwell, hi fluttershy” she sighed and looked over to Fluttershy who was blushing and trying to back away as silently as possible. “Fluttershy are you still worried about this whole thing I told you nothing bad will happen”.

“What do you mean Rainbow dash”? I asked actually concerned about my friends safety.

“Well Pinkie will be coming soon and Fluttershy is afraid that people will notice pinkie with her and start to make fun of her”.

I turned to fluttershy and with my most serious of voices said to her “if anypony and I mean anypony even looks at you the wrong way Rainbow dash and I will take care of it” Rainbow dash nodded in agreement. While looking at Fluttershy I heard a loud crash and the sound of creaky metal and also pinkies voice. Hey ponies how are ya doing!? I realized I was just as tense as Fluttershy but I smiled and said “hi pinkie”! she was riding some mechanical helicopter and was wearing an ensemble consisting of a present, sunglasses, and balloons. Fluttershy tried to sink back into the corner but Rainbow dash kept pushing her towards us. For a while our group talked and pinkie was on the helicopter the whole time ponies were shooting us bad looks but we ignored or at least I tried to ignore I felt myself getting more self conscious by the minute. Eventually Pinkie had to leave but before she did Pinkie gobbled down a whole cake in under a minute. Eventually it was time to go I said goodbye to everypony I knew and flew off.

Before I could even reach the outer clouds of the floating city I could feel a hoof touch my shoulder, it felt warm and familiar and the pony strangely smelt like cinnamon. I turned around to see it was Spitfire who had stopped me. She looked more beautiful than I thought somepony could ever be she was wearing a dress that was decorated with flames her hair was in the shape of combed fire it was almost as if she gave off a small glow.

“hey Inkwell I thought I would be able to talk to you before the reunion was over but I got caught up in that big crowd of ponies, sorry” she said with an almost remorseful look upon her face.

“why would you ever be sorry”? I asked.

“I just thought I should talk to you about the date” she said. “Listen I do not want this public unless this goes somewhere deeper so I was wondering if we could have the date at your place”?

The words escaped from my mouth before I had the chance to think about the decision. “ Yeah sure that sounds gre-great”. I immediately regretted what I had just said.

“Thank you so much” she gave me a friendly hug and flew off. Although the hug only lasted two seconds it was probably the one of the best things that has ever happened to me I had never been hugged by anypony outside of my family unless I gave a hug to a friend in need but a mare I liked that was something almost inconceivable to my socially awkward brain and left me hovering there awestruck with my mind trying to process what had just happened. I felt warm all around it made me feel for once in my life comfortable to be in public. As I lazily drifted home still smelling the spicy sweet cinnamon perfume that Spitfire was wearing a thought came to mind and I realized the gravity of my situation. My house was a mess and in one week Spitfire would be over here, on a date, with me! My heart beat faster than ever and I raced home it was too late too slow down and I ended up crashing into my door effectively knocking me out in front of my house.

I woke up to the sound of a mare asking me if I was alright. All I had for a response was groaning. The purple mare repeated her question and I finally had the wits to answer “ i am fine its just my head hurts a lot” I looked up to see Twilight sparkle staring at me.

She exclaimed with the most excited voice I have heard her use in a long time “you’re Inkwell Stormhoof my favourite philosopher”. She went on rambling for about five minutes and then asked the question I was waiting for. “Oh do you need help you must be hurt bad”. I took her hoof and she help lift me up.

“Would you like to come in for some coffee or something” I asked this just to extend my kindness and not seem like such a social recluse.

“That sounds great” I opened the door and put on a pot of water onto the stove.

“I need to change my attire, I will be right back”. I said this after realizing that I was still in my tuxedo. I took me only a second to get the tuxedo off and I hovered over to Twilight Sparkle who was inspecting my work station where I had wrote most of my novels. She asked me simple questions like what type of feather was the quill made from and how I got the desk. Surprisingly Twilight seemed giddy for me to be talking to her which was odd at least for me. Ads I made this observation I heard the distinct sound of water boiling over in a small pot. Quickly I zoomed over to the pot and picked it off the stove. After I poured the coffee the conversation started mostly consisting of intelligent conversation but finally she left. My head was throbbing so I took a nap to ease the pain.

I rarely ever have dreams and when I do they are very vague and shallow but the one I had during my nap was directly horrible. It was my first day of school and I watched events from what I could assume was a bubble I saw myself as a young colt I expected the dream would be distorting my memories in some way or another but it everything was the same as my first day of school. I watched in awe as I saw myself fly into vision I remember how weak I looked I saw the bullies start to call me names and throw things my eyes were glued in horror as every other pony laughed at me like the bullies. The bubble shifted and I could see a airbourne view of filly Spitfire conversing with her friends, a group of other fillies surrounding her.

“Hey look they are teasing that funny looking colt haha” I could hear one of the foals around Spitfire say others said similar things as well.

“He’s not that funny looking I think he’s actually kind of cute” I heard a familiar voice say. It was Spitfire!

All of the foals started to chant “Spitfire has a crush on the new colt, Spitfire has a crush on the new colt”
Spitfire yelled out “No I do not. I just think those stupid bullies should shut up” this was the part I remember most about my childhood her standing up for me I was timid when she flew in front of me but I was ready to get beaten up and try not to cry. but instead she started yelling at the bullies to stop and they did.

The bubble I was in fogged up and I heard a Distinctly male voice say “Ahhh young love and what it has blossomed into after so many years” I turned around to see a gray alicorn standing beside me he had a long grey mane and he looked tired. Before I could say a word I woke up barely able to catch my breath and sweating.

“It-it was all just a dream but it felt like-like it wasn’t”. I forced myself to get up and start writing this section was all about dreams, how they can affect and be affected by events in your life. After finishing that section I spent the next five days working and cleaning my house and preparing for the date I was going to impress her by showing her I can cook unlike most stallions. As the days went on I became more stressed but it was finally the day. I flew off early to the stadium in cloudsdale I handed the ticket taker my backstage pass and he showed me the door to go through.

In the seats I had gotten from Spitfire I could see the whole stadium. I was soon joined by Rainbow dash, Fluttershy and, Scootaloo each one of them had thanked me for the tickets. I sat down in my seat and Rainbow dash practically screamed “What are you doing don’t you want to meet the wonderbolts and Spitfire”. She put a lot of emphasis on Spitfires name

“Oh celestia how did you find out Rainbow dash”? I said while putting my head down.

“I have my ways” she said with a smirk. I saw Fluttershy try to hide from my gaze.

Scootaloo squeaked out a question “Find out wha?t why did you emphasize Spitfire”?

“Rainbow dash I swear if you say anything about it...”

“Calm down I won’t say anything cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye” Rainbow dash said smiling “now come on lets go” and she zoomed off towards the under part of the stadium.

Inside the underbelly of the stadium the wonderbolts were preparing for the show in an hour I could see rainbow dash shaking all of their hooves and naming them off I could not see her fascination with the wonderbolts but I never questioned it. I saw Spitfire head towards me.

She whispered in my ear “let’s talk somewhere... more private” although before she could fly off Rainbow dash flew up and shook her hoof. I followed her into a broom closet near the announcers booth. “So are you ready for this date?” she asked with a distressed look on her face.

“Um yeah but you seem... a bit jumpy and nervous”

“I never wanted us to be more the friends and well you kind of ruined that” she kept looking down to her hooves barely able to talk to me. This made me feel like a real jerk as if I had destroyed a precious gem that was close to her and then stomped on it while laughing.

“Im so sorry I just thought I would take a chance I never thought you would say yes. Listen if you don’t want to do this that’s okay with me”.

“Wow really the only reason I did this was so you wouldn’t get so depressed”.

“Well you better get ready for the show” I said. She agreed and flew out leaving me alone and heartbroken. I left the stadium before the show started I really did not want to watch a mare I had just been rejected by fly around having fun. About halfway to my house I relized that I was being too emotional and should just let this whole thing blow past but the real thing I was sad about was that I just ruined the best and one of the only friendships I have ever had. I got near my house and saw a huge inferno blazing where my house once stood.’’

I couldn’t say anything but I hovered there in horror watching all of my books my tuxedo my life burn away right before my eyes. Ponies were frantically running around putting water on the tongues of fire popping out. After thirty minutes the fire was put out and everypony left I checked through the ashes for something, anything family photos, bits, nicknacks, but only found more ashes. It started to get very dark so I hopped up on a cloud and fell asleep trying to not cry like a wimp. The next day I got up and flew slowly to where the cloudkickers usually met as I came closer I noticed a stallion glaring at me he approached and said with a flat voice

“you’re fired”.

“Wha- why”? I asked

“We can’t have a pony who just goes around and knocks other ponies out. Now leave”. he said still glaring at me. I couldn’t talk I was still in shock at what had happened so I just flew away.

All I could do was sit on a cloud and wait till tomorrow came again so I could do what I had to do. I fell asleep hungry but I really did not care. I was up before the Princess Celestia brought up the sun and went to the tallest bridge standing over a frozen river. I sat there for about forty five minutes deciding whether I should actually jump or just sit there and watch the sunrise. I decided that I should just get this whole thing over with “it’s not like anypony will miss me” I said out loud for no real reason.

“Umm are you okay Inkwell”? I turned to around to see that Fluttershy was standing behind me and she had obviously been crying.

“Don’t worry about me what is wrong with you”? I said with general concern for a close friend.

“Oh i’m just a little depressed is all so I took a walk” she said with a pained smile upon her face.

“‘Why would you be depressed I mean you have a perfect life friends who love you and... a house”.

“What do you mean by that Inkwell”?

“Well I lost my house in a fire so I came down here to ki- er I mean watch the sunset” I did not want her to know the real reason for me sitting on the bridge. “But why are you depressed?

“Wha- how who why? How did this happen?”

“I don’t know, but what is wrong with you?” I said this out of pure concern for a close friend. “Why are you so lonely?”

I realized I felt the sudden urge to burst into tears as I looked at her eyes she always had such beautiful teal irises. I held back the urge as she started to speak again

“My problems are barely able to compare with yours I mean your house burnt down!” I tried to tell her to not worry about me, although the growling in my stomach was not helping in the situation. Really I felt like I didn’t deserve her care I was such a horrible friend I probably have been my whole life. M depression started to set in again but this time it grasped my soul and just wouldn’t let go. This happened to me every week or so but not to the extent it was now. I felt a hoof on my shoulder it felt comforting but did nothing but pull me back into reality out of my thoughts I looked down at my hooves to see they were wet, with tears. No I just had to cry now I seem weak when I should be more stallionly although I was never that stallionly the facade put my mind a little more at ease than usual but now I was sitting here crying infront of a mare that probably thought I was a helpless as a newborn foal.

“GAH- WHY DID I JUST DO THAT WHY IS IT THAT EVERYTIME SOMETHING MILDLY DISCOMFORTING HAPPENS I HAVE TO GO AND CRY ABOUT IT EVERY SINGLE TIME AND I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE SUCH A HORRIBLE FRIEND WHY DID I EVEN ASK HER OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE WHY CAN I NEVER JUST KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT LIKE THE KIDS AT SCHOOL TOLD ME TO DO!” I screamed this at the top of my lungs without even thinking I never stopped crying I expected Fluttershy to have run off given my loud tone of voice but she was standing right there looking at me with a warm smile. It felt great to yell that but as always my social phobia started to set in as I realized that I probably just woke up half of ponyville.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked with such a caring voice.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks and blurted out “Why did this have to happen to me I’m really sorry Fluttershy”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, anypony would do the same thing if they lost as much as you just did in one day. Now come on we are going to my house to help you” before I could reject fluttershy was practically dragging me to her house. When we stepped inside the door fluttershy sat me on the couch and gave me a daisy sandwich and a cup of water and flew off saying “I will be right back you better not move.” I fell asleep after about ten minutes of sitting there.