My, My - Little Pinkie Pie

by Ponyess

A Treat and a Prank: 11

“I like how shiny your nails are!” Riku admitted.

“Me too!” Risa filled in.

“You do? Thanks, I think!” I responded, giggling under my breath, smiling slyly to myself.

“Yes, we do!” my little twin sisters responded in chorus.

“Then, maybe I could treat the two of you to a personal Manicure?” I suggested.

“You would? That would be awesome!” Riku pointed out.

“If my nails could be as shiny as yours, it would positively rule!” Risa filled in, where her sister left off.

“This has to be a secret. None can know of it. If either of you breath as much as a word, you will be in trouble!” I threatened the two of them.

“Pinkie Promise!” they responded, acting the scene from when Pinkie Pie demonstrated it the first time.

“I guess I have to be satisfied with that. You do know the consequenses of breaking the promise?” I demanded.

“Yes!” they responded, nodding vigorously.

“Then, follow me in, into my room!” I promised, as I lead them up the flight of stairs and into my room, only to close the door behind us, before I sit down on my chair.

“Pinkie Pie?” Risa exclaimed in confusion, as she found the pink mare standing on my desk.

“You live with my elder sister Hitomi?” Riku continued in their twin mannerism.

“Yes, that is me. I chose to come over and spread some laughter and make her smile. I sure have enjoyed my time here, this far!” Pinkie Pie responded.

“Riku, I guess we start with you, if you don’t mind?” I put forth.

“No, not at all!” she responded as she sat down in my chair with her hands on my desk.

“Since it is a manicure, palms up!” Pinkie Pie enlightened my younger sister.

“Uh, okey!” she responded in a more sheepish voice.

“I thought manicure was painting your nails?” Risa enquired.

“That is a part of the expression, you will have your nails polished to a nice high gloss too. You’ll see, Riku!” Pinkie elaborated.

“That would make sense, I guess!” Riku responded with a slight nod.

“Let us get this show on the road, shall we? Since my friend and assistant Pinkie Pie the hyper party Pony suggested we were to start with your palms, I guess we do?” I pronounced, acknowledging her suggestion.

“Please!” Riku responded, nodding vigorously with a smile spreading out over her face.

“Here we go!” I pointed out, uncapping the vial, brushing the clear gel out over the palm of her right hand, starting with the border, working my way inwards until I had covered the entire palm of her right hand, continuing with the palm of her left hand.

“If you go to the bed, while Hitomi start on Risa, while the treat cures!” Pinkie Pie instructed Riku.

“Oh, okey!” Riku nodded, as Risa soon took her place.

“Palms up!” I instructed her, before I repeated the process on my second sister.

“You will see when it has cured!” Pinkie clarified, while Riku sat in my bed, waiting for her turn to continue the treat.

“The skin is shiny, but feels uncharacteristically soft and elastic!” she responded, in a more curious voice.

“Yeah, I know!” I confirmed as I finished the first step I had prepared for my sisters Riku and Risa.

“Is this something like a hand cream, then? Although it kind of feels strange!” Riku continued.

“This is funny, but I like it!” Risa expressed, as she went back to the bed, replacing her sister Riku.

“Place your palms gently on the desk, spreading your fingers wide!” I instructed her as I uncapped the polish, after I had capped the elastic gel.

“Like this?” Riku prompted, her hands barely touching the desk as she spread her fingers as wide as she could, without undue effort on her part.

“Perfect!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Just hold still, while I polish your nails?” I instructed her, before I started to apply the polish to the right thumb nail, from the centre, then the right and left, pulling the brush down to the tip of the nail each time.

Once I had covered the first nail completely with an even layer, I continued, nail by nail and completed the process on the left hand.

“How does this look? Would you like me to polish your toe nails too?” I suggested.

“Looks great. If you really want to, I would love it!” she responded.

“Ok, then I’ll do it!” I responded, turning the chair around, before I pulled her socks off.

Only before I begun, I polished her nails. Then I applied the gel to her nails, toe by toe in the same order and manner I had used as I polished the nails of her fingers.

“Looks great!” Riku pointed out on her way back to the bed.

“My turn. Would you paint my toe nails too?” Risa put forth, before I had the time to ask her, slipping her socks off, leaving them by my bed without a second thought.

“Have a seat. Place your hands gently on the desk and spread your fingers!” I instructed her too.

“Sure!” she exclaimed in a more excited voice, a smile spreading on her face.

“I promised you, so if I gave her, you will have it too!” I reasoned as I polished her nails one at the time, from the thumb of the right hand, then continued with her left hand.

Once I was done with her hands, I turned the chair around, filed her nails before I applied the gel on her toe nails too. Appparently, her nails had become nicely shiny, just as intended, which I knew is exactly the way she wanted it.

She went back to the bed, only for Riku to take her place in the chair behind my desk. Her nails still just as shiny as before. What she did not know, is the long term effect the gel would have on her nails, or the palms of her hands.

“Palms up!” I reminded her.

“Sure!” she responded and followed my instruction, looking curiously as I repeated the process all over again on her palms.

Just as before, I started with following the rim of the right hand, then inwards. Continuing with the left hand, leaving her once more with shiny palms.

“This is more fun than I had expected!” she responded as she once more went back to my bed and her sister taking her place.

“I love their enthusiasm!” Pinkie Pie bubbled over.

“Yeah, me too!” I responded.

My sisters had left my room, just as I applied the third layer of gel on the palms of their hands. Their eyes had been glittering with just, almost as shiny as their nails at the time. If only I had explained the effect this would leave them with? Yet, the final effect, even I am currently oblivious of. If Pinkie Pie knew, she wisely kept her silence.