//------------------------------// // The Counterattack: Life VS. Death // Story: Forbidden Magic // by ChaosDragoon //------------------------------// Shadows slithered on the ground towards Life and formed into snake like vines and lunged towards her. Her horn glowed bright as the shadows screeched and slithered back towards Death. “You’re so predictable my friend,” Life chuckled. Death gritted his teeth before his shadow rose up from the ground and took the shape of a massive skeleton pony. It suddenly changed into a massive tsunami of shadows that engulfed her. Light started to protrude from the shadows before it exploded. Life stood there smiling before she added, “All these years have made you rusty my friend.” “Shut up!” Death yelled as the fragments of the shadows slithered back towards him. His horn glowed and shot a beam of dark magic towards her. Life’s horn glowed and blasting magic towards him. The two beams collided in the air and swirling in a large ball of black and white before exploding, leaving behind a massive crater. Both stood on either end of the crater before they flew towards one another. Death’s magic creating a scythe with three blades on it and a dagger at the base. Life’s magic creating a halberd with a cinder block shaped hammer at the base. Both weapons collided creating a shock wave. Death flew back and swung his scythe. The three blades detached from the staff and flew towards Life. She swatted them away with her halberd before she flipped it and used the hammer at the base to block Death. “How long has it been since we were this close together Death? What happened to all that charisma you had?” Life questioned. Death said nothing as he pushed her away and the scythe’s blades jettisoned up and reconnected with the staff. Life simply chuckled and added, “What happened to our dance you called: The Ballad of Life and Death?” Death snarled as he flew towards her once again. Both their weapons colliding in the air making another shock wave as both where sent flying away from each other. Death again swung his scythe sending the three blades whirling towards her. Life just sighed as she raised her halberd, ready to deflect them once again. Death’s horn glowed as he shot magical energy at the blades, changing three into millions of whirling blades. Life’s smile never left her face as she swung at one of the blades. It splattered like water as it made contact. Her smile dissipated as she frantically swung her weapon. Each blade she hit splattered like the first. One of the blades pierced into her right side as she let out a scream of pain. Another flew past her, cutting her right leg, and the other cut her cheek as it flew past. The rest of them exploded into a black fog as Life’s horn lit up, trying to dissipate the fog. She felt a sharp pain come from her back as the dagger from the base of Death’s staff ripped into her flesh. She was suddenly thrown from the fog to the ground. Death stood over her, a sadistic crooked smile forming on his face as the staff was ripped from her flesh making her let our another scream. The three blades reconnected to the staff as Death laughed, “The Ballad of Life and Death is over. Now, we have a new chapter: The Requiem of Death.” He lifted up his scythe, but before he could swing it towards her. Discord’s lion paw coated in flames smashed into the right side of his face. Sending him flying into a house. “You honestly need to think up some better names then that,” Discord said before he looked down at Life and extended his lion’s paw. She took it in her hoof and was help up. Discord snapped his fingers and her wounds where healed in an instant. “Thank you,” she said. “Not a problem, just repaying a debt,” Discord said. Life nodded before she said, “I suggest you leave the rest to me. If he were to release the creature inside of you, all of pony kind would be lost.” Discord nodded and disappeared. --- Discord reappeared in the castle with a crash before he stood up, holding his griffin arm. His fur still mangled and body covered in cuts and bruises. “Oh my goodness,” Fluttershy said before she picked up the first aid kit in her mouth and raced over towards him. Discord chuckled. “No worries, just some,” Discord said before he collapsed to the ground unconscious. --- Life turned to the house Death had been sent flying into as it exploded in a massive twister of black magical energy as he screamed, “Enough of this!” his shadow rose up and split into three before all three took the shape of a slender body with two skinny arms with claws at the ends of them and a basketball shaped head. They fell into the ground as the shadows slithered towards her. She quickly flew up into the sky, but two arms extended from the shadows and their claws pierced into her sides before they flung her to the ground. She slammed into the ground before she was pulled towards the shadow creature. Another rose up from the ground as it combined both its claws into one large buzz saw that began to spin. It stuck it close to the ground as she was pulled closer towards it. Her horn glowed, ready to teleport away when the third shadow creature sprung up from the ground and wrapped itself around her body. The lower half of its head opened like a mouth before it bit into the back of her neck. She screamed in pain, her horn losing its glow. She tried to get free from her bindings, but it constricted tighter around her body as the other pulled her closer to the buzz saw. A blue mist shot past Life and the three shadow creatures as the three creatures suddenly froze solid. The mist reformed as purify stood a few feet away from Death. White mist escaping the vents of her mask. Life was able to shatter the shadow creature that blinded her as she stood up and saw Plentiful hopping towards her. “Don’t interfere!” Death yelled before she shot a beam of black magical energy at Purify. Six orbs flew past her and collided with the beam as a golden cross rose up into the sky. “You do know I could have formed into mist to avoid that,” Purify said. Her voice muffled by her mask. Harmony chuckled, “I know, but I thought I’d save you the trouble.” The cross dissipated and the six orbs flew back around his neck and formed into talismans. “No.” Death said at the sight of the four ponies in front of him. He couldn’t sense his comrades anymore. Their magical auras had disappeared. He snarled as he screamed, “I won’t let our previous battle repeat itself!” he slammed his front hooves to the ground as his shadow grew to a massive size on the ground around him. Ponies made from the shadow rose with glowing blood red eye, their mouths opened as black liquid dripped from their red dagger like teeth. Life and Plentiful both took their spots next to Purify and Harmony. A ripple appeared next to Plentiful as the porcupine bear walked out of the ripple and roared into the air. The six talismans turned into orbs before they all took the shape of ponies once again. One of the pegasi changed into a wolf while the other extended her wings ready to take flight. The earth pony stood up and pointed one of her hollow hooves at the creatures while the other giggled. The unicorn changed into two daggers before the alicorn took them in her hooves. Purify sighed as white smoke came out of her mask before her hooves began to change to mist. Life’s halberd lifted up next to her as she waited. Death lifted his scythe, his sadistic crooked smile forming on his face. “KILL THEM!” he roared. The shadow ponies reared back and charged.