//------------------------------// // 1/3/2012 // Story: The Last Days of Parrsboro // by Eakin //------------------------------// 1/3/2012 The oddest man checked into the hotel tonight. I don’t judge people, of course, but I’ll admit that when somebody walks in wearing a blue hoodie with long strands of multicolored fabric hanging down the back of the neck I raise an eyebrow. Asked him about it while I was getting his room key, and I guess he’s one of these things called ‘bronies,’ or fans of that show the nice television lady from two winters back ended up making. It really takes all kinds to bring forth the new world. Or to make a world? I think that’s how that saying goes. Anyway, he said he was making something of a pilgrimage to our little town, wanted to spend a few days in the place that had inspired his favorite show in the first place. Me, I’d rather be on a tropical beach that on the coast of Nova Scotia in January, but I guess somebody has to pay my salary. I hope he enjoys himself.