The Solemn Visit

by friday13

A Bitter Reveal

It was morning in Ponyville. So close to dawn that the magic surge of his arrival was mistaken by the resident librarian for Celestia having a bad morning. Had she been on the outskirts of town, though, she would have seen an interesting sight: a very odd-looking teleportation spell. Out of which came a unicorn. Him. Pale grey coat, silver hair - though looking surprisingly young with his shining (though presently somewhat dull) amber eyes with a stature and physique that was somewhere between "royal guard" and "Big Macintosh". He would have fit perfectly into the non-existent crowd if not for his odd attire: a sleeved, long black cloak - so long it blocked his cutie mark - a breastplate with a red gem near the center and a surprisingly large sword sheathed at his back. That was the one problem he had with this world: while his normal attire would shrink and change to fit his new body, his blade never would.

He got himself used to his new body: he had been here before of course, to celebrate their victory, so long ago. A happy time. He felt guilt at having to bring this dark news to his old friend; they had the such hope for the future then, their little group. Tch, future. What sense is there in thinking of the future now, when all we know is to be utterly ended? All hope lost? Will his old friend - assuming they're even still alive - be able to see the bright side even now? With this news? Morosely, he begins his trek to civilization.

As he walked he was left with his thoughts. For the second time in as many visits, he wondered at the oddity of the sun in this Plane. Oh, he was still a vampire...well, vampony, he supposed. Still had his fangs (though smaller, almost invisible unless you were looking for them), his immortality, the distaste for garlic, et cetera. Except for one thing: on every other world he visited, the sun burned him, as if trying to set him on fire intentionally - even home did not seem to want him. Here? It was as if the plane saw more than his...condition, and instead saw him: the sun shone warmly upon him, but not oppressive - much like it was back home before his Spark ignited. His Spark... How many worlds will have to fall to those...monstrosities before they find a new solution? Can they find a new solution? Would his beloved Innistrad fall first? As some unholy vengeance for, delaying them? Tarkir? Here?

He had been so lost in thought that he did not see the white-coated, purple-maned unicorn until after they had been...kinetically introduced in the market square.

"Oh! I'm so dreadfully sorry, darling!" She said as she picked herself up. "Really, I simply must pay better...oh my..." As she drunk in his appearance, she had two conflicting thoughts: 'My, what a...hunk? Is that the right word? Yes, hunk. Definitely a hunk.' and 'Ohmigodpleasedon'tkillmewiththatbigsword'.

"No, no...I'm partially to blame, as well: I was lost in thought. Recently had a...bitter pill to swallow." He replied, slightly dazed from his run-in with the mare.

"Oh, well I...I hope that you get some good news soon: you certainly look like you could use it. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, actually." His voice sounded...ragged, as if this "bitter pill" had been that the world - or more accurately, worlds - were about to be utterly annihilated (which, technically, was true). I'm looking for some...pony," he chuckled inwardly. Even now, his old comrade's speech patterns brought a small smile to his face. Perhaps he would find some hope here. "Pinkie Pie: bright pink coat, darker pink mane, very...energetic. Do you know her?"

"Why, yes, I *do* know her, darling. I'm actually surprised that you haven't run into her already, even this early: she usually greets new ponies almost as soon as they arrive into town. Then again, the way you describe her is as if you've met her before... In any case, if she's not about the town, your best bet is to find her in Sugarcube Corner - its the building that looks like a gingerbread house. She's a baker there."

"Thank you very much, miss...?"


"Miss Rarity, though I'm afraid I must be off. I have for her, that must be delivered posthaste."

"Of course. Have a good day, mister...?"

"Markov. Sorin Markov."

"Mr. Markov. And I hope that things go better for you in the future. You look like your due for a run of good luck."

And with that, they parted ways.

It was a surprise to Pinkie Pie. She hadn't gotten those particular pings in a while - not first thing in the morning - and certainly not so close together. Chittery Teeth: a fellow Planeswalker was arriving or about to arrive on the plane, and Creaky Jaw: someone had unpleasant news to share. She hadn't had that second one for a few years, but the first hadn't hit her for..centuries, she thought as she walked into the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner to begin the day. To get either one was cause for concern - for different reasons, obviously - but to get both, especially so close together... She could only hope that the two weren't related.

As she walked through to the kitchen, she saw some of her friends were there eating breakfast: Rainbow Dash was talking with Applejack about some weather minutae, Derpy Hooves was eating muffins with her daughter, and Lyra was talking with Golden Harvest about...something. She didn't really pay attention: Not until she heard Mrs. Cake call her: "Pinkie, dear, you have a visitor!" Then, she turned around and saw him: that old friend who she hadn't seen in years.

"Omigosh, Sorin! It's YOU! How've you been? It's been soooo long since I've seen you! How's Avacyn? Is Jace still doing his thing with the Izzet?" She was happy to see him, of course, but at the same time, she was afraid: his eyes didn't have their usual glow about them.

"It's...good to see you too, Pinkie, but I'm afraid I have some bad news..." Her outburst had attracted attention: Sorin - or rather, Soarin' - was a well known pegasus. Most were disappointed to see that it wasn't the Wonderbolt, but were wondering how Pinkie knew the strangely attired - and armed - unicorn.

"What's wrong? Avacyn get trapped in an obelisk again? Lilliana causing havoc in Alara? One of Yawgmoth's machines wake up?" Phyrexia attacking another plane?" She was visibly having trouble holding her smile, which unnerved many present.


"Has Jace finally gone loco in the cocoa? Garruk's curse finally snapped him? Ugin needs an exotic metal for his expiriment? The guilds finally start their civil war? Has.."

"PINKIE!" He shouted, exasperated.

"Yes, Sorin?" She smiled innocently, though not without trepidation.

"Ugin...Ugin is dead."

"Wh-...what?" The others didn't know what the two were talking about, but they had never seen Pinkie Pie with such a look of abject horror before.

"Ugin is dead, Pinkie Pie. For centuries, it seems...possibly by Nicol Bolas' designs."

And with that, Pinkie Pie's mane deflated.