//------------------------------// // Super Secret Special Swimmingly Sect // Story: Papa Granpappy's Halloween Spooktacular The First // by Granpappy //------------------------------// Two small fillies sat in the shadows of their super secret base. They stood on their hind legs... Hooves... Whatever. They stood surrounding a chalk outline on the floor, chanting in an unknown language. Speaking words that would scorch the minds of lesser beings. "SWIMMINGLY FTAGN, SWIMMINGLY FTAGN." "Eh, are yoo' girls ok in ther'?" Said granny smit as she opened the door to the treehouse, "I thoughts I herd' me sum' unholy chants?" "N-nah Granny Smith." Muttered Applebloom whilst kicking the disembodied members of non believers under the table." "Okie dokie, y'all have a nice night, and no blatant faggitry' ya' hear?" "Yes Granny Smith..." Muttered the two crusaders with poorly hidden dissapointment. As Granny Smith closed the door they sighed with relief and went back to their ritual. Just as they placed a plethora of putrid penis piles, Scootaloo burst through the door with a pumpkin mask and a knife. "Woah who the bucking shit are you you cunt?" Queried Sweetie Bell. "C'mon guys, we've been over this like fifty times," said the dumbfounded orange Pegasus, "it's me! Scootaloo? "Back away you cold blooded pumpkin demon!" Scootaloo sighed and took her place in the circle, the other two cutie mark crusaders reluctantly continued the ritual. They took turns throwing a series of slimy objects into the chalk circle. A dragon's toe, Mitt Romneys left testicle, the butt cheek of god and a semen stained scotch bottle. They spoke in tongues and locked tongues until the chalk of the circle glowed with unnatural light. Most formed around the treehouse and slowly took the form of a purple pony. "You quiver to the touch, touch the butt," chanted the Sweetie Bell, as raining blood by slayer began to play. "Ye'ar the one behind the wall, you are the one who ends it all." Said Apple Bloom as I Believe in a Thing Called Love began to play overtop Raining Blood because slayer is shit and for nerds. "FONDLE MY BALL, HEAR THE CALL!" Yelled Scootaloo, as cemetery gates by Pantera began to play, but was then silenced by the overwhelming might of the sonic the hedgehog soundtrack. "Fukken fuck." yelled the dark lord and suddenly swimmingly appears. The crusaders look giddily at each other, as the maiden of darkness was belched forth from the nether realm and then exploded. The cutie mark crusaders were gobsmacked, they looked around at each other with disbelief. "What the buck happened girls, did y'all fuck somethin' up?" Chided Apple Bloom. "Well, it appears that we forgot an ingredient," said sweetie bell whilst looking through Granny Smith's cookbook, "Granpappy's Bane needs a mortal vessel to enter the material realm, the more similar they look the better!" "Holy poor character design girls," Yelled Applebloom with disgust, "Twilight looks exactly like our great n' powerful lord!" "We've got to find Twilight before the nights up!" Chided Sweetie Bell, "how else are we gonna get our 'Tampering with Forces Outside of the Comprehension of our Feeble Minds' cutie mark!" Scootaloo hid her cutie mark with her wing, she secretly got her running around with a pumpkin mask and a knife cutie mark, and didn't want to be excommunicated from the Crusaders. She knew what she had to do, she donned her pumpkin mask and knife.