
by It Never Ends

Chapter 11: Now What?

The silence seem to be endless, as Vincent and the eleven ponies were still staring at each other, although Twilight tried an attempt at breaking the silence wasn't very successful at breaking the ice. To Vincent the fact that they weren't trying to kill each other yet was a good start, he still had to keep himself ready for the worst, he had to wonder though, what was going through the minds of each of these Elements of Harmony? Lyra, Derpy, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stood by and watched, waiting to see what would happen next. Like an audience at a theater play they didn't utter a word but each one of them did feel different about how this would all play out. Lyra was still worried about how the elements and a human would react to one another, she had to believe that the best outcome she could think of would come true and not the worst case, which would be Vincent being turned into stone... Or him killing the elements. Derpy was indifferent on this, she figured that regardless if this started out bad it would all work itself out in the end. She did hope that it would be one of those starts well and ends well scenarios, but right now hoped seem to be the only thing keeping her mind at ease. Scootaloo was filled excitement, in the short time she got to know Vincent, she had come to like Vincent's strange personality, whatever it was that made him different from everypony she had come to know, was what made him just as awesome as Rainbow Dash... Maybe a little more. Sweetie Belle didn't know if she should be worried or not for either Vincent or Rarity and her friends and their safety. Vincent seemed to have a calm demeanor but something about hi, didn't seem right, like he was keeping a secret about himself from them. Maybe she was just being paranoid, she hoped that was the case. Apple Bloom was pretty happy that this situation was finally getting under way and that when it was over, it would be a worry of the past. She believed that nothing would go wrong since Vincent seemed to be a reasonable pon...er human? Besides no matter how this ended, she knew her older sister could handle it. Vincent wasn't sure how long this silent game was going to continue but he was getting tired of waiting for these ponies to grow a pair and speak up. Yes he was a skilled hitman but honestly he was sure these ponies wouldn't know what that was. So if they wouldn't mind saying something already. Another five minutes go by, Vincent's patience has run out. He decided that he would have to move things along for all them.

"Is wasting time all you six do, when you met someone new?" Vincent said, again met with silence. "Or is that all you elements are good for.

"Hey that was rude and unnecessary to say." Rarity said, being the first to speak from the group.

"Oh, so you only speak up when insulted? Is that it?" Vincent said, rudely with a smirk on his face.

"Hey... Whatever you are, is being rude the only way you make first impressions?" Rainbow Dash said, irritated by Vincent's remarks.

"I just call it, as I see it." Vincent responded, glad that they these ponies where finally speaking up. Even if they did annoy him. "Besides you six aren't exactly making a good impression yourselves."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The silence is really irritating, also to me its a sign of weakness." Vincent said, he knew that this rainbow colored pony would take the most offence to that comment but he could care less, he wanted the purple one to speak up already.

"Weakness why you –” Rainbow Dash was cut off by Twilight's, who got closer to Vincent.

"What are you?" Twilight asked, wanting to know what this creature was.

"Finally a real question." Vincent said, glad that the purple one was finally speaking up, since she seemed to be the more logical one of the group. "I'm a human. If you don't know what that is, ask Lyra."

Twilight Sparkle looked to where Lyra was. Lyra waved to Twilight and Vincent. Twilight looked back at Vincent and notice his hoov... Umm something, they looked like the pictures Lyra had in her house. Twilight gave an of course face when she looked at Lyra. Twilight felt like somepony had just threw an egg in her face. Of course it would be the creatures that Lyra believe in, that would somehow end up in Equestria. Despite this though, this human was a thing of myth and Twilight new that not only would this be an interesting way to gain information on an unknown species but that Celestia and Luna would want to meet this creature.

"I'll be sure to ask her later, but right now... Actually I'm not sure on how to exactly handle this situation." Twilight said, she tried to think on what would be the next logical step to take. "This is new to all of us."

"Welcome to my hell." Vincent mutter, after letting out a quick scoff.

"The best thing to do, would be taking you to the Princesses." Twilight said, knowing that this was definitely something the princesses needed to know.

"That can wait, right now I want to get to know you six." Vincent said, looking at each of the ponies.

"What? Why? Wouldn't it be better to meet out princesses first?" Twilight asked, wondering why the creature would want to talk to them first.

"Right now you and your little group, have my curiosity right now." Vincent answered, he wanted to know more about these elements than their rulers.

"That can wait until you've met the princesses." Twilight said, believing that this creature meeting the princesses first was a the better choice.

"So you're telling me you don't want to be the first to get information about a human?" Vincent said, his sentence caught Twilight off guard, since that is what she secretly wanted to do but her better judgment had her think otherwise.

"I mean I would like to but –” Twilight was cut off by Vincent, who spoke up.

"So who's place is close by?" Vincent asked, looking at each of the ponies.

"Twi?" Applejack said, looking at Twilight.

"What? My place?" Twilight asked, still a little iffy on this.

"It is very close by Twilight." Fluttershy said, in her shy voice tone.

"Alright than lead the way." Vincent said.

"But... I... alright fine." Twilight said, letting the princesses wit to met this creature wouldn't be the worst thing she'd do in Ponyville. "Follow me."

"Oh and for clarity sake, I'm a male like a stallion ok." Vincent said, wanting to get that question out the way. The six pony noded their heads to him. "Good. Now lets go."

Vincent, Lyra, Derpy, the CMC, and the rest of the mane six followed Twilight, who was feeling indifferent about how this would all work out but she mostly wondered what her friends where thinking right now and how they would react to this creature, once the questions started being ask. Rainbow Dash and Rarity didn't get a good first impression with the creature yet, so Twilight was already a little worried. Also Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy had barely spoke a word, if not anything at all. Which was normal for Fluttershy. Applejack did suggest that they use Twilight's house, for this little event. But Pinkie Pie is what had Twilight's attention by the hoof. Twilight looked back at Pinkie Pie, who was walking with a smile on her face. Usually when somepo... Something new came to Ponyville. Pinkie's quiet demeanor was starting to concern Twilight a little, but for now she'd put that concern aside and focus on the what the creature might ask her and her friends. Twilight hoped that Spike would either be asleep or at least not freak out once he saw the creature... Umm human. About eight minutes of walk, the group of ponies and one human finally reached Twilight's home. To Vincent's amusement it was basically a tree house with a bigger budget. Twilight noticed the human's laughter. She waited for the others to head inside first, once it was just her and the human she stopped him before he could head inside.

"What?" Vincent asked, a little irritated.

"I saw you laughing." Twilight simply said.

"Yeah. So what?" Vincent asked, now irritated that this horse would stop him, just for laughing.

"What was so funny." Twilight asked.

"Really? You stoped me, just to ask that." Vincent said, he started to wonder if this hybrid of a horse was for real or if she just liked wasting time.

"It's just, you where pretty quite and your face was emotionless." Twice explained.

"Yeah, it's part of my charm." Vincent said, it really was how he choose to be the majority of his time, when he wasn't working.

"So why what made you laugh?" Twilight figure this be a good way to learn a small fact about this human. "Consider it a quick question."

"Alright fine. It was your home that made me laugh." Vincent answered.

What? My home? Why? What's funny about it?" Twilight asked, not sure if she should feel insulted or not.

"It's because this is exactly what I was expecting." Vincent answerd, he smirked at the sight of the confused look on the hybrid pony. "I'm sure if Lyra was out her she'd understand what I mean."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, hoping the to get a straight answer, as this was causing her more confusin than the question was worth.

"Back on my planet, your home is what we would call a tree house." Vincent answered, he'd hope that would finish this conversation and they could head inside. "A tree house is basically a –”

"I know what a tree house is." Twilight said cutting of Vincent's explanation.

"Clearly." Vincent sarcastically said, not exactly happy to be interrupted, to him that was a sign of disrespect. And now Vincent was done he just wanted to get inside the tree house. "Look I saw it, it reminded me that this basically a kid's show come to life, and I thought it was fucking funny alright. Let's go inside."

Twilight could see that the creatu... Human was getting irritated, if not aggravated. She'd decided it be best to just go ahead and teleport them to canterlot, where Celestia and Luna could met this human, question him, and than decide what to do next. Twilight knew the Grumman wanted to get to know then first but Twilight felt the smarter decision to be the right one to make. Before Vincent could go inside Twilight tugged on his coat.

"Oh for the love of –” Vincent turned around to face Twilight. "– What now?"

"Look umm... I've decide that it be better for you to met the princesses before getting to know us." Twilight said nervously, she didn't want to show it but this human seemed intimidating.

"Didn't we agree that I would talk to you and your friends first." Vincent said starting to get pissed off that his time was being wasted on a useless conversation.

"Well, to be fair we didn't really agree on anything. You just said who's home was closer and my friends metioned my home and you just said that's we would do." Twilight explain, realizing that it was more like an order than a request.

"So you think it would be a good a idea for me to met your princesses first? Vincent asked, in a tone that Twilight could not tell if the human was serious or sarcastic.

"Yes." Twilight answerd.

"Well I think it's a good idea for me to get to know you and your friends first." Vincent said, smdespit being annoyed, he enjoyed messing with the ponies.

"But, it just seems more logical." Twilight said, trying to defend her reason.

"So this is basically what you think we should do. Go meet your princesses, have them say whatever they have to say to, than they tell you and your friends how to handle me, and finally we come back here and answers each others questions, is that it." Vincent's summary left Twilight dumbfounded, he basically said what she was thinking.

"Yes. That's exactly what I was hoping we do." Twilight said, still surprised at how accurate the human was.

"Will still be able to talk later right?" Vincent asked.

"Yes, of course." Twilight said, feeling good that they might be taking this option.

"Promise?" Vincent asked, pointing at Twilight.

"Yes I promise." Twilight said, smiling at the human glade that the human was willing to take her suggestion.

"Get in the fucking tree house." Vincent said firmly. With the end of that sentence Twilight knew that the discussion was over and walked into her home, with the human, who closed the door behind them.