Romantic Shock

by PrincessSongBird

Chapter 3 "Engagement"

Luna was so shocked, her magical blue arura vaporized around the fork, and it dropped to the floor. "W-WHAT!?!?" Luna stammerd, sweat trickling down her forehead. "YOUR MARRYING HIM!?!?!?"
"Luna calm down!" Celestia exclaimed, firmly.
"Sister, your makeing a big mistake!!!" Luna yelled again. "THS IS CRAZY!!!!"
Luna felt tears wel up in her eyes. She couldn't bare the thought of Celestia running off with Discord, and leaving her behind. Luna got up from her seat, and ran down the hall, into her room. The chair was knocked over from when she had got up, and Discord straitened it. Celsestia sighed, and coverd her face with her hooves. "Luna....." Celestia whisperd to herself. Discord looked back at the white coated mare, and his gaze slowley lowerd to the floor. Luna slammed the door behind her, and pressed her back agenst the door, locking it. Tears rolled down her cheeks, leavening wet trail marks along her blue fur. She inhaled sharply, struggling to catch her breath from the
shock. She slid her back down the door, and sat down, her curled mane piece covering her face. She sobbed, for almost what seemed like forever, until a knock came at the door. Luna's head lifted almost immediately and got up. "Luna?" Discord's voice answerd. "Go away, discord..." Luna said softly.

"I just want to tal-" Discord started, until Luna replied;
"I SAID GO AWAY!!!!" Luna screamed, her eyes flashing a yellow color. "Just go away..."
Luna's voice broke into a sob again, and Discord put his claw on the door.
"Come talk to us when you feel like it...." Discord said, as a. Small tear formed in his eye. "I'll leave now..."
Luna had realized something. She had lost her only friends-- the friends she cared about....gone...away from her grasp. She got up and walked to her bed. "What have I done...." Luna whispered to her self. Luna closed her eyes tight, and cried, for what seemed like forever. Another knock came at the door, but a different male voice spoke.
"Luna? Are you okay, I heard crying." The voice asked. Luna recognized the scratchy voice. Shining Armor. Luna blushed, and wondered why Shining would be here.

"I-I'm fine...." Luna answered, wiping her tears away, afraid Shining would notice.
"Come in, if you want." Luna said, blinking to make sure her vision was right. The white, blue maned stallion trotted in. His royal armor was gone, and he he had a small frown on his face.
"Hi, princess." Shining Armor said, as he bowed on his forelegs. Luna smiled, and touched his shoulder. "No need for that, prince." She said as she chuckled. Shining chuckled as well and got up.
"I came to talk about something..." Shining said. "Come on, sit and ill tell you."

(Please play this youtube track while you read!!!)