//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: It’s just an old pony’s tale // Story: Twinkle of Faith, Spark of Magic // by SweetSunbeam 61619 //------------------------------// “This is bad, this is bad.” A lavender unicorn ran through the gorgeous Canterlot Public Gardens, a pair of saddlebags stuffed with books sitting across her back. Two other Unicorns were coming down the path and chatting with each other. When they noticed the impatient mare, running straight at them, they waved “Hello Twilight!” they yelled. But Twilight was in too much of a hurry to stop and chat. “Must. Find. Spike.” She panted, and ran through the couple which caused them to fall on their flanks. The two ponies looked confused at each other, and shrugged their shoulders. “Twilight.” They said. “The Library.” she mumbled during her run. Twilight ran up the long flight of stairs to the small library that also served as her residence on top of an ivory tower in the Canterlot Royal Palace and used her magic to throw the doors open, and ran in. “Spike!” she yelled. “Spike” she yelled again. “Over here.” A young voice said from behind. Twilight turned around and closed the doors, and found her dragon friend/Little Brother Figure/Adoptive son/Number-one Assistant smashed to the wall. “Spike. This is no time to be playing hide and seek.” She levitated Spike and placed him in front of her. “Quick. I need you to find me that old copy of ‘Predictions and Prophecies’.” “Why?” Spike asked when he walked to one of the many shelves. “I was reading 'An Abridged History of Equestria' along with Moondancer, and I found something… bad.” Twilight said nervously. Spike took a ladder in his claws and climbed it. “How bad?” “Real bad.” Twilight said impatiently, and she walked to some other shelves to look for the book, too. Spike focused on the highest shelf and took one out. “Got it!” he yelled. A purple aura surrounded the book and pulled it out his claws. Which pulled him back on the ladder, causing him to lose his balance. Twilight was already flipping through the pages, oblivious to her friend and number one assistant, who struggled keep his balance. “Here it is.” Twilight smiled. “A thousand years ago, a mare called Nightmare Moon, wanted to rule over Equestria. She wanted to rule with fear, and eternal darkness. But Celestia banished her to the moon with the power of the Elements of Harmony.” Spike regained his balance and climbed down. “Nightmare Moon? But that’s just an old pony’s tale.” “Nightmare Moon…” Twilight mumbled to herself. “Where have I heard that name before?” She trotted to another shelf and pulled out another book. “When Nightmare Moon was defeated, Celestia decided to make one day longer than the rest. To celebrate the defeat of Nightmare Moon.” She read out loud. “The Summer Sun Celebration?” Spike asked. “Yes.” Twilight answered. “That’s where it came from.” “So, what’s the bad thing?” Spike asked. “Nightmare Moon is banished and we have another reason to party.” Twilight took the first book back and flipped a few pages. “Here it is.” Twilight said. “Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!” “And?” Spike asked a bit bothered by this all. “Don’t you see? With the next Celebration, it’ll be the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon got banished. And the next Celebration is the day after tomorrow!” Twilight almost lost her self control and started to rage. “This means that Nightmare Moon will escape, and put Equestria into eternal darkness.” Twilight took a breath and relaxed herself. “But, no need to panic. Princess Celestia will know a way to prevent this if we tell her about this finding.” Twilight turned to Spike. “Take a note please.” Spike took a scroll and a quill from behind his ears. “Dear Princess Celestia. I’m afraid I bring terrible news. I have recently discovered that Nightmare Moon will escape from her banishment, and attempt take your place as formal ruler, and bring forth Eternal Night.” “Are you sure you want to send this to princess Celestia?” Spike asked with a cocked eyebrow. “Yes.” Twilight said with a determined tone. “The Princess trusts me completely. In all the years she's been my mentor she's never once doubted me.” Spike took a deep breath and spit out some magical green fire, engulfing the scroll, burning it up and turning it into a cloud of glittering violet smoke as it rushed out an open window. “And you think she will believe you?” “Of course she will.” After a few moments, Spike let out belch and a gout of magical green fire, and a scroll appeared. “See? I knew she would want to take immediate action.” Twilight said as Spike picked up and unrolled the scroll. “My Dearest Twilight, You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely.” Twilight smiled with pride and puffed out her chest slightly when she heard that. “But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.” Spike continued. “What?” Twilight asked, her proud posture deflating when Spike said that. “You have been studying much too hard as of late. So I’ve got a different task for you now. You are to oversee the preparation of this year’s Summer Sun Celebration. Which is going to be held in the town of Ponyville. But most importantly...” Spike looked up from his paper to make sure that Twilight was paying attention. “Make some friends.” Twilight fell back on her haunches when Spike finished the letter. “How is this possible?” she questioned herself. “Everything is crystal clear. It’s written in the books.” Spike walked to her friend to comfort her. “Calm down Twilight. Everypony makes mistakes. And besides, I’d love to have a vacation for once.” “No time for that Spike.” Twilight said. “We’ve got a celebration to look over.” “And friends to make.” Spike reminded her. “I’m afraid we won’t have time for that.” Twilight said, determined to show the Princess she wasn’t jumping at shadows. And she got back on her four hooves. “After everything is set, I’ll start looking for some proof of Nightmare Moon.” Spike rolled his eyes. “It’s just an old pony’s tale. It’s not true.” “But Moondancer was reading it too. And she got it from Dusty Tomes, the librarian in the left wing of the Canterlot Archives. So why would someone put ‘a dusty old pony’s tale’ in the most non-fictional place in all of Equestria?!” Twilight asked. She thought that she made a point to believe that the story was true. “Twilight.” Spike started. “Dusty has a crush on Moondancer. He probably bought that book as a surprise for her, to try to win her heart.” “So that’s why there was a pink heart on the first page.” Twilight mumbled to herself. “You are taking this way too seriously. Twilight.” Spike continued. And he hugged her to try to comfort and calm his older sister figure. “Come on. We have to go to the Palace Courtyard. The Royal Guard will take us by carriage to Ponyville.” “And I hope I’m wrong.” Twilight sighed.