//------------------------------// // Chapter 46 // Story: A New World, a New Way // by zeusdemigod131 //------------------------------// Princess Celestia didn’t know whether to smile or to sigh. The Equus World Summit had finally come to a conclusion. They had been filled with arguments, agreements, and memorable times, both good and bad. The last meeting had just convened to a mostly unanimous final decision with the Pokémon staying. The last laws had been signed into effect and the Pokémon were now counted as citizens of Equus. And yet Princess Celestia felt uneasy. Golden Horn had fought hoof and horn to try and make her and the others see what he saw as reason. She sighed. Celestia had hoped that all the leaders would be able to move on and accept the Pokémon. Yes, what Arceus had done was poorly thought out and foolhardy, yes, he should have considered the ramifications of what his actions would cause, yes, he was remarkably big headed and... where was she going with this? The Princess shook her head. She would have to keep an eye on the Minoan Empire for a while, make sure the emperor didn’t try anything. I have no idea how his citizens are reacting to all of this, For all Celestia knew, Golden Horn could be in the minority. Or he could be the voice of reason when it came to dealing with Pokémon in his country. Celestia shuddered. Now that was a scary thought. Pulling her mind away from politics, she thought ahead to the gala that was planned for tonight. Pinkie Pie and Discord were setting everything up and not even counting however many Legendaries Arceus was bringing, the Post-Summit Gala was turning out to be bigger than the Grand Galloping Gala. “I just hope this one ends better than the last one did.” As funny as that had been, she really couldn’t let this gala get ruined. “I hope those two do a good job.” Pinkie and Discord looked over the Grand Ballroom and looked at each other nervously. There were still remnants of the reception last night and for once, Pinkie was grateful the party hadn’t had more attendees. “This won’t be a problem,” Discord said. “I’ll just poof the trash somewhere else... maybe Blueblood’s bedroom.” “Dissy,” Pinkie began with a frown that slowly creeped into a smile. “... send me a picture?” Belle was slow to wake, unwilling to leave behind her dreams, but eventually she gave up on the pointless fight and slid into the waking world. Slowly opening her eyes as the world around her came into view, she smiled as she felt Gene’s arms wrapped around her and looked up to see him smiling softly back at her. “Morning beautiful,” he said softly. Belle smiled back at him. “Morning... how long have you been up?” Gene shrugged. “Awhile, but I don’t mind,” he leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead. “You look cute when you’re asleep.” Belle smiled and snuggled closer to Gene. “So,” she said. “We finally did it.” Gene nodded. “We did, we’re finally married,” he smiled and ran his hand along Belle’s back. “You’re my wife.” “You’re my husband,” Belle said with a smile. The two were silent for a moment. “I don’t... feel all that different,” Gene admitted. “Aside from what you did last night, at least.” Belle smiled, since Gene was a Psychic-type now, they had finally been able to complete their mental link. Without even trying, she could feel her love’s emotions, and he could feel hers. Belle grinned as the memories of last night came back to her. Particularly of when they had completed the link and the emotional high had boosted them into their Mega forms for a while, that had been... fun. “Well,” Belle began. “Why don’t we just... talk? There are a few things we still need to discuss.” “Ah yes,” Gene said. “How are you feeling anyway? Any cravings?” Belle smiled. “I’m fine, and not yet.” Gene smiled. “That’s good... is it wrong for me to be nervous about this?” He asked. “I think all new parents feel that way Gene,” Belle replied. “It’s nature’s way of telling us there’s always something you can never fully prepare for.” Gene looked down at his wife. “How do you feel about all this?” “Scared that I’ll mess something up,” Belle said. “Mostly that I’ll push myself too hard and hurt our Egg, I’ve never been good at restraining myself.” “That’s why you have me,” Gene said, giving Belle a quick squeeze. “I’ll always be around to make sure you... you two, are safe.” Belle smiled and pushed herself upright. “And how are you feeling?” “Nervous,” Gene said. “I can feel that,” Belle replied. “I mean specifically.” “... afraid. Afraid that I’ll mess something up, that I won’t be able to take care of you two, or protect you, afraid that I won’t be a good role model for our child.” Gene shook his head. “I... I just want to be a good dad but... I just have no idea how.” As little as Gene talked about his mother, he talked about his father even less. It wasn’t because of any strained relationship, and he hadn’t abandoned Gene before he was born. Gene’s dad had been a shipmate on the S.S Cactus, the ship that had sunk off the Hoenn coast. He had been one of the unfortunate souls who didn’t make it out. Belle scooted over to Gene and wrapped her arms around him. “Gene,” she began. “You took care of me when I was little, Fang when he was a pup, and River when she was just a baby.” Belle smiled. “And despite the fact that one of them had a tendency to chew up your shoes, and the other continued to wrap around your neck like a scarf after she evolved, you never yelled.” “Well yeah but-” Belle silenced her husband with a kiss before continuing. “You are kind, gentle, caring, and I’m lucky to have you as my mate,” Belle said. “You will make an absolutely wonderful father, and an even better role model, because that, my love, is just who you are.” Gene smiled softly. “You really think so?” “I know so,” Belle said with finality. Gene leaned forward and kissed Belle. “Thanks Belle, I needed that... and for the record, I know you’ll make a great mother.” Belle smiled and lied back down in Gene’s arms. “That so?” She asked. “Mhm,” Gene replied. “You want to know why I’m sure?” “My curiosity is peaked,” Belle answered. Gene smiled. “I know because you’re so understanding and patient,” he said. “And you’re always willing to talk, and to give advice,” he kissed her once before continuing. “But mostly, because you, my dear are a truly wonderful being,” he pulled Belle closer to him. “And I honestly can’t see you being anything short of a wonderful mother.” “Oh Gene,” Belle said, resting her head on Gene’s shoulder. After a few moments of silence, Belle spoke again. “You know, we could start thinking of names.” Gene didn’t say anything for a second. “I still like Melody.” Celestia smiled as she trotted into her room and saw Ninetales curled up on her bed. The Princess chuckled as she stepped walked past her bed and over to her dresser. She her tiara and hooflets and was about to lie down on her bed when she felt something warm nuzzle up against her. “Hi Tia!” Ninetales chirped happily. “How was your day?” Celestia smiled and chuckled. “Same as the last few,” she said with a sigh. “I’m glad the political dealings are over with though,” Celestia lied down on her bed and stretched out. “It’ll be nice not to have to sit through the meeting anymore, though it was nice to see everyone again,” she sighed and amended. “Well, most everyone at least.” Ninetales jumped up onto the bed and curled up next to Celestia, resting her head on Celestia side. The Princess smiled and wrapped a hoof around the Pokémon. “Ninetales?” Celestia asked. “I’m curious, why did you decide to stay with me?” The firefox giggled. “Because you’re really nice, and you kind of saved my skin when we first met,” she sighed and added. “Literally.” Celestia frowned. “Surely that’s not all.” The Princess knew that Pokémon were normally very friendly but... “Well,” Ninetales said guiltily. “It may have had something to do with you being immortal, and me not wanting to lose my friend.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “How long do you live?" “Ninetales can live for a thousand years,” the Fire type informed. “My mother was over two hundred when she had me.” Celestia chuckled. “Is that so?” “Yeah... you’re not mad at me are you?” Celestia smiled down at Ninetales. “Not at all. I seem to have a knack for attracting immortals... or at least long lived beings.” Several of Ninetales’ tails wagged happily. “Tia... thanks for letting me stay with you... and thanks for being my friend.” Celestia smiled and wrapped her hooves around the Pokémon, pulling her into a hug. “You don’t need to thank me, I like having you around,” she chuckled. “You’re soft and snuggly.” Ninetales giggled and licked Celestia up the face, electing a laugh from the Princess. “Thank you.” Ninetales said. “You’re welcome,” Celestia said with a chuckle, looking at her clock, she sighed. “I’ll need to be at the Gala soon... would you like to come with?” “Sure,” Ninetales chirped. “I’ve never been to a party before, it sounds like fun!” Celestia looked out over the crowd of ponies, Pokémon, and various other species at the gala. “There are a lot of Legendaries here,” Cadence said. “How many are there anyway?” “I think around fifty something,” Celestia replied, her eyes were drawn to a large yellow bird Arceus had introduced as Zapdos, he was currently conversing with several Griffin guards. “And how many are here?” Cadence asked. “At least... twenty? I kinda lost track,” Celestia admitted. At the very least, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves... sort of... a fair number of ponies were still skittish around the Pokémon, especially ones such as Raikou. “Have you seen Luna?” Cadence asked. “She said she wanted to introduce me to someone.” “That’s a coincidence,” Celestia said. “She said she was going to introduce me to her student tonight.” Celestia smiled. “I’m quite looking forward to meeting him.” “Well then, I won’t keep you waiting any longer,” Luna said, creeping up behind her sister and niece. “Celestia, Cadence,” the two turned around to see Luna standing next to a black and red Pokémon with a white flowing mane. “I believe you remember Darkrai from the wedding correct?” Celestia blinked twice as she processed the current situation. “Luna... you’ve been teaching a Pokémon about dream magic?” She asked out of curiosity. Luna nodded. “He had the power, but not the structure to control it.” “Princess Luna has been a great help in helping me gain control of my powers,” Darkrai said. “I owe her a lot.” Celestia couldn’t help but smile, it looked like her little sister was really coming into her own. “Well, I’m glad to hear Luna’s been able to help you Darkrai,” Celestia said. “As am I,” Darkrai said, sighing blissfully. “It is liberating to be in full control of my powers at last.” “We still have a ways to go before he is on par with me,” Luna smiled. “But he’s getting there, and recently his girlfriend has joined us in our training sessions.” “It has been... enjoyable to work with Cresselia.” “Oh that’s right,” Cadence said. “I saw you two dancing at Gene and Belle’s wedding.” Darkrai blushed softly. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Cadence said. “You make a cute couple.” Darkrai smiled softly. “Thank you, Princess Cadence,” he said. “Would you like to come meet her? I’m certain you two would get along quite well.” Cadence smiled. “I’d be delighted to.” Just outside the gala, standing on a patio of sorts, Draco watched the stars. The Flygon had long since memorized the stars to help him navigate. Of course, now he had to do it again, and the stars of Equus seemed more... alive, than the ones back on Earth. Draco had several things on the front of his mind as he watched the sky, well, one in particular. “Draco?” The Flygon turned his head to see River slithering towards him. “What are you doing out here all alone?” Draco smiled and turned back towards the sky. “Just thinking.” “Ok,” River slithered up beside Draco. “What'cha thinkin’ bout?” Draco chuckled softly and smiled. “Nothing really specific. I’ve been letting my mind wander.” He turned to her and blinked in surprise, then smiled. “I like your little accessory.” River blushed and glanced up at the white flower tucked behind her horn. “Thanks... it was Rarity’s idea.” “Well, I think it looks cute,” Draco said. “Especially on you.” The Dragonair looked away, a smile on her now crimson face. “Th-thank you.” Draco shook his head and chuckled. “River,” he said, turning her head back towards him and smiling. “You have no reason to be embarrassed whenever I compliment you.” River smiled softly and wrapped her coils around Draco. A light blush lit up his face and River giggled as she laid her head on his shoulder. “Then you have no reason to be embarrassed when I do this.” “Big difference between a compliment and this,” Draco said. “Not for me,” River chirped, tightening her hold on him. “This is just how I hug.” Draco chuckled and nuzzled River’s head with his own. “You’re a special kind of sweet my dear. I hope you never lose that.” “Don’t worry,” River reached forward and gave Draco a peck on the cheek. “I won’t.” Draco blushed, River laughed, it was a normal night for the pair. Pinkie Pie was watching the dessert table. This really wasn’t anything new, sometimes Pinkie liked to systematically pick out what she was going to eat first. This time, however, she was watching it for a different reason. One of the cupcakes had moved. She didn’t know how it had happened, but she knew it had moved. Now she was waiting for it to happen again. “Pinkie Pie?” Zap asked, poking his head out of her mane. “Why are you staring at the dessert table?” “Shhh,” she scolded. “I’m waiting for the cupcakes to move.” Zap blinked twice. “Any... particular reason for that? Or is it just something you decided to do?” Pinkie nodded, said nothing, and went back to watching the dessert. Zap shrugged and jumped onto Pinkie’s head, spinning slowly like a top as he watched the pastries. It wasn’t much longer when Pinkie saw one of the cupcakes rise slightly off the table of its own accord, and began making its way off the table. “AHA!” Pinkie grabbed the cupcake off the table and revealed a tiny yellow Joltik sitting on the table, holding a butter knife. “Aww, so cute!” Pinkie exclaimed, picking up the Joltik. “I am not cute!” Volt roared. “I am Volt! Master of Excalibur! Pilferer of pastries! And you stole my cupcake!” Pinkie giggled and set Volt, along with the cupcake, back on the table. “There ya go.” Volt eyed Pinkie curiously, then pounced and devoured the cupcake. Once he was finished, his face coated in frosting, he smiled up at Pinkie. “Thanks, John says I’m not allowed to have sugar.” Pinkie gasped. “That’s terrible! Sugar is like the fourth best thing in the world.” “What are the other three?” Zap asked. “Family, friends, and chimicherrychangas,” Pinkie said. Zap rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Anyway,” the Rotom said, jolting down to the Bug type. “This is Pinkie Pie, and I’m Zap.” Zap held out one of his arms for Volt to shake. Volt smiled and reached to shake the electrical appendage, but as soon as Volt can in contact with Zap, his hair poofed up and his eyes started to glow blue. Volt then gasped, before lifting his butterknife into the air. “I HAVE THE POWERAAAAAA!” Pinkie giggled. “You look like a marshmallow.” “I DEMAND SUGAR!” Volt jumped onto a plate of cookies and began devouring them as well. “A ‘mon after my own heart~” Pinkie swooned falsely, electing a laugh from Zap. “Really though,” Zap watched as the Joltik began devouring yet another cookie. “I don’t know if it’s good for him to eat that much. What if he-” “-CHAOS!” Discord shouted as he popped into existence, startling Pinkie and Zap and causing Volt to stare at the Draconequus wide eyed. “This doesn’t seem that chaotic,” Hoopa said, floating up behind Discord. “It’s just Pinkie and a very fluffy Joltik.” “Hi Discord, hi Hoopa!” Pinkie said with a smile. “This is Volt!” “Less talking!” Volt yelled out, stabbing his butter knife into the table. “More cookies!” He then took a bite out of a chocolate chip cookie, then proceeded to laugh maniacally. Discord smiled. “I knew I smelled chaos in the making!” He picked up Volt, then used his free arm to pull Pinkie and Zap to him, and his other free arm to pull Hoopa to him. “And it’s the five of us!” Across the ballroom, Arceus felt a very sudden shift in reality. He forced the levels back to normal, but shook his head. For a second there, it had been as if reality itself was attempting to run away. Emperor Golden Horn was not having a good time at the gala. He watched the rest of the attendees having fun, chatting, drinking, and he sat at one of the tables with his arms crossed. The Minotaur was still upset with the outcome of the meetings, and having all these Legendaries around did little to better his mood. He knew that the other leaders saw him as thick-headed, but he was just worried for his people. “Is it so wrong that I fear for the safety of my citizens?” He asked aloud. “I don’t think so,” an elder voice said from beside Golden Horn. The Minotaur turned to see a blue and tan deer like creature standing beside him. “A ruler should fear for the safety of his people as much as his own.” Golden Horn snorted. “It was rhetorical.” “I know,” Cobalion said. “But I needed to speak with you, and this seemed like a good way to break the ice.” “I’m not sure I’m in the mood to talk anymore,” Golden Horn said. “No one seems to listen to me anyways.” Cobalion shook his head. “I always listen.” Golden Horn raised an eyebrow. “Who are you anyway?” “Cobalion,” the Steel type introduced himself. “Leader of the Swords of Justice.” Golden Horn snorted again. “And why would you want to listen to what I have to say?” “I don’t really,” Cobalion admitted. “But I would like to understand why you are so against the Pokémon, the other rulers have had problems in their countries as well, and yet you’re so much more against us than the others.” Golden Horn shook his head. “You want to know why?” He asked. “Fine. The strong rule the weak, that’s just how things have always been, and in this time of peace, the others seem to have forgotten that,” the Minotaur sighed. “But I cannot, I gained the title of Emperor after I defeated the last one in battle,” he sighed again. “I was the strongest, and I tried to be a better ruler than him.” “And now you Pokémon in all your 'great power',” Golden Horn snorted. “Come along and I just KNOW that it will only be a matter of time before you try to crush me,” he shook his head, his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. “But I won’t let you, I won’t let you gain a foot in my country because I know what you’re doing.” Cobalion sighed. “You base these presumptions off of how you perceive the other beings of Equus and how they act,” the Sword of Justice shook his head. “Pokémon do not necessarily function the same way. Take me for example,” Cobalion stepped in front of Golden Horn and continued. “I am the leader of the Swords of Justice, a team of Pokémon dedicated to helping those who are unable to help themselves.” “What are you? Arceus’ knights?” Golden Horn asked. Cobalion smiled softly. “Perhaps,” he said quietly. “But we’ve saved many in our quest, and even though we were not always successful, we did all we could to help others.” “Your point?” Golden Horn asked curtly. Cobalion glared at the stubborn Emperor. “My point is that Pokémon are not necessarily driven by what you THINK other citizens of Equus are. Many help those weaker than them, and many will simply look out for themselves and their families, very few will actively seek to force those weaker than them under their control.” “That’s what you all keep saying.” “Because it is true,” Cobalion said with surety. “Whether or not you chose to believe it.” Having had enough of talking with the Minotaur, Cobalion turned around and said. “Think on these things, and consider the options laid out before you.” Before walking off, leaving Golden Horn alone and mildly confused. Lia was normally a rather social kind of girl. She loved to meet new people and make new friends. Gard would always tell her she’s being to peppy and annoying, but she just thought he was a bit of a grump now and again. ‘He should really get out more...Maybe he could help me with my cheers.’ She giggled as she imagined Gard wearing a cheerleader’s outfit. But that wasn’t important right now. No, she was nervous. Really nervous about meeting someone and that wasn’t normal for her. One may wonder why, but it was a very simple thing: She had a question...Well, a few questions. Lia was lucky her big brother wasn’t around, or said questions would have set him off. Lia quickly spied the 'mon she wanted to ask. Yet, she felt afraid. ‘What if she thinks I’m stupid for asking?’ She had to calm herself. She needed answers and she was going to get them from an expert. Someone like her, instead of her more zany friends. Her target: Belle. “You can do this,” Lia said to ease her ever beating heart. She did her best to keep herself small and hidden until she came up behind her. She gulped and tugged on her dress. “Um...Miss Belle..” Belle turned around and, upon seeing Lia, smiled. “Well hello there,” she greeted. “You’re... Lia, right?” Lia nodded. “Yes, Miss Belle.” She shyly fiddled with her hands. Her words had caught in her mouth. “You can just call me Belle,” she said with a light chuckle. “Did you want something?” “Well…” Lia gulped, steeling her nerves. “I...I wanted to talk to you, M..Belle.” “Oh?” Belle asked. “What about?” “Umm…” Lia fidgeted even more, blushing. “Well….You see, I’m kind of...I wanted...to ask you about something. Something my big brother doesn’t let me do and...I don’t have anyone else to talk to about it. There aren’t any Gardevoirs... any female Gardevoirs anyways I know. I just figured...You’re like the prettiest and most awesome Gardevoir I’ve heard of. Surely you could help me.” “Aww, thank you,” Belle said with a smile. “And of course I’ll help you, what do you need?” “Love…” Lia blurted out. “I’m kind of a romantic. So, I’ve always wanted to meet my soul-mate, like in a fairy tale, but I don’t know how to find him...and my big brother doesn’t like any guy near me...at least with that intention.” “Well,” Belle began. “I met Gene when I was just a Ralts, and at the time I never thought I’d end up falling in love with him,” Belle smiled softly and looked back towards her husband, who was talking with Cynthia and Iris. “But... love has a funny way of sneaking up on you.” Belle turned back to Lia and continued. “Lia, you seem like a smart young girl, and while this might not make sense, I swear to Arceus it’s true. When you find your soul-mate you just... know, I don’t know how to describe it, but you do.” “Like love at first sight?” Lia asked, cutely tilting her head to the side. “That sort of thing?” “Pretty much,” Belle said. “You’ll feel something in your heart when your with them, like a piece of you that you never knew was missing was there, and... I know this all sounds cheesy but... you’ll want to be around them as much as possible, you’ll count the minutes you’re apart and...” Belle stopped. “Sorry, I guess I’m not doing too good a job at explaining huh?” “No,” Lia shook her head. “You’re doing a great job, Miss...I mean, Belle. I mean, you’re the love expert here. I’m just a silly little Kirlia.” She messed with her dress awkwardly. “I didn’t mean to be a bother.” “It’s no trouble, really,” Belle said. Lia spared a glance at Gene. “Why a human though?...” Lia put her hands to her mouth. “I didn’t mean to sound like a big meanie, I’m just curious. I mean, my mommy’s a human and she’s the best mommy ever.” Belle sighed. “Don’t worry... I’m use to it,” looking back at Gene, she smiled. “I don’t know why honestly, before we actually got together I use to wish he had been born a Pokémon but... honestly I don’t care what he is, he’s the most caring, loving mate I could have ever asked for. And after we got together... it didn’t matter anymore, he broke the law and put his own freedom at risk time and time again just to be with me... I don’t think I could have found anyone more devoted than him.” Lia sighed dreamily. “What a guy. I hope I find someone like him, though my big brother still wouldn’t like them.” “Well Lia, and I think I’m probably the best suited to say this, don’t let anything stand in the way of love,” Belle sighed and thought back to the time she had spent hiding her feelings for Gene. “It’ll only make you hurt inside.” Lia looked nervously to her chest and patted it. “That doesn’t sound good.” Belle laughed quietly. “It’s not, so when you find your soul-mate, when you find that special someone whom you can’t imagine not living the rest of your life with, promise me you won’t let anything stand in your way.” Lia stood at attention and saluted. “I won’t, Belle.” She smiled brightly. “I’ll stick with him, just like you and Mister Gene.” Belle laughed again. “Good girl,” she said with a smile. “Now is there anything else you needed?” “Not really…” Lia said. “But maybe a couple things, actually. Not very big things of course.” “Well don’t be shy,” Belle said with a smile. “Just ask me.” “Before we go,” Lia said. “Maybe we could go out together tomorrow or something? I don’t...have really any friends here and it’s kind of been lonely. I have my big brother, but….” She sniffled. “He’s been kind of down...and a bit meaner. He’s just stressed is all. He doesn’t mean it.” Belle smiled and nodded. “It’s alright... and I’m free for lunch tomorrow.” “Thank you,” Lia hugged her, squealing in joy. Belle smiled and returned the hug. “My pleasure.” “And…” Lia started. “If I ever do get married, maybe you could come. It’s going to be awesome!” Belle laughed again. “I think I’d like that, and I know Gene would too.” “Yay~” Lia cheered. The hug ended and she sent Belle an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for not coming to your wedding...but no one told us.” She pouted and crossed her arms. “They said they didn’t want my big brother coming. That’s stupid. He’s great with...most crowds...most of the time...Well, he wouldn’t turn you blue or anything like that.” “Oh... sorry,” Belle said apologetically. “No problem,” Lia perked up. “Thanks for listening to me, Belle. I hope I’m as pretty and great as you when I grow up.” Belle smiled. “I’m sure you will be.” “Well,” Lia said. “I think that’s it.” She got up to her and waved. “Bye Belle,” she looked down at her belly. “Bye egg that hasn’t hatched, but you’re going to hatch someday and get a name, but I don’t know it yet, so I’ll just call you ‘egg’.” Belle watched as Lia walked away, then looked down at her belly. “How did she...” the Gardevoir shook her head and laughed. “Such a sweet girl.” Prince Blueblood sat in a hospital bed, hooves crossed and a scowl on his face. “Stupid Pokémon.” He was currently bedridden with several toxins being pumped from his system, and was once again mute. “Stupid Arceus, stupid... whoever they were.” Blueblood hadn’t actually learned the name of that bladed... thing. “Honestly, where do they get off thinking they can treat me like this?” He asked himself. “I’m a Prince, they’re all just simple beasts,” Blueblood sighed and closed his eyes. “They think they can just do whatever they want because they’re ruler is a ‘God’?” He scoffed. “They need to be put in their proper place... nothing more than animals... how to do it?” Blueblood found himself slowly drifting into sleep. “How to do it? Prove they’re just... monsters... but... how?” Not to mention, the fact that his aunts, the princesses, were supportive of the beasts...he just couldn’t understand why. With one last sigh, Blueblood turned on his side. “How?”