//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 Nightmare Moon's Rematch // Story: The War of Equestria. // by Jeremy Llama //------------------------------// "Twilight you must hide at once!" Celestia demanded. "But princess what about you?" Twilight asked "These creatures aren't one to toy with. Now go hide somewhere and forget about me!" Celestia begged. "...As you wish.....princess..." Twilight said sadly. She knew she didn't want Twilight to be there. So there was no use fighting it. "Creatures of the non-existent night you shall not take me!" Celestia yelled. Celestia let out a huge amount of power and magic that had taken out all of the shadowy creatures. After they had all been destroyed by Celestia's magic, Nightmare Moon came in. "Aah it's been a long time now hasn't it my dear princesssssss." Nightmare Moon said. "It has been too short if you ask me." Celestia retorted. "Well, you probably know already I'm looking for a hosssssst...one of which I can ussssse to take over the planet and plunge it into darknessssss. One of which that can control the moon and ssssssun. Do you know of anypony that can do sssssso?" Nightmare Moon said. She was radiating power. a very strong power. "I do know of one but I'm not telling." Celestia said. "Enough of thissssss sssssmall talk. I'm in need of a host and have been searching for these past three years." Nightmare Moon said. They both sent balls of pure energy. One full of light other full of hatred and darkness. Celestia's light power wasn't a match for Nightmare Moon's dark energy. One of the shots slightly missed Celestia and it hit the ground with great power. It slightly hit Celestia though in the back leg. She fell down. Nightmare Moon came to her and was ready to take control of Celestia. She started. Celestia's body was lifted up and was slowly being controlled. With Nightmare Moon's power slowly taking control. "Get your dark powers away from Celestia." Nightmare Moon stopped. Dropping Celestia on the hard stone ground. and she turned around and saw Twilight Sparkles behind her. "My, My, My, Sssssseemsssss to me ssssssomeone has challenged me." Nightmare Moon said mockingly. "I won't let you take Celestia I will stop you before you do!" Twilight said. "Well then why don't we begin." Nightmare Moon said. Twilight rushed at Nightmare Moon. Nightmare moon kicked Twilight then teleported and kicked her again. The process continued 5 more times until she just let Twilight's half conscious body fall to the ground. "Heh how pathetic you are. Going after someone like me? And thinking you had a chance? An actual chance? How sad." "So...sor...sorry...Celestia...I've failed you." Twilight said. Something happened though. A power she hadn't felt. But felt familiar. Like she'd forgotten about it. Slowly Twilight got up and started floating up. Nightmare Moon felt this power....She also feared it. "What in Celestia's name is that power?" Nightmare Moon said. She turned around to see Twilight. Her power is radiating a strong magic. Twilight sees images from ancient times. One's of which she could read. Although she had never sen this kind of writing before. "Answer" "You" "Find" "Magic" "Are" "Escence" "Light" "Will" "The" "When" "You" "The" "Of" Words flew by Twilight. they seem to form a sentence if you put them together. What could it be though. "Twilight! CONTROL YOURSELF!" Twilight soon came back to reality. and fell back down to the ground. "That...Power...The girl still hasn't learned to control it?!" Nightmare Moon said shakily. Celestia got up and shot an aura of light right at Nightmare Moon knocking her down. "Urrg you will regret doing that!" Nightmare Moon said. With this she quickly controlled Twilight. "No Nightmare Moon how dare you do something so childish!" Celestia said. Nightmare Sparkles lifted her hanging head towards Celestia. "Celestia?" Twilight said. Quickly Nightmare Moon took over. "Aah. Finally I feel the power. I think I shall call myself Nightmare Sparkles." Nightmare Sparkles said. "How dare you! release my apprentice at once!" Celestia demanded. Nightmare Sparkles teleported directly in front of Celestia and shot her with a magic aura. It was a strong dark energy. "HA HA HA I FEEL IT THIS POWER IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Nightmare Sparkles said very joyfully. "I think I won't even be needing you anymore Celestia. I can learn to change the sun and moon on my own." Nightmare Sparkles said. Nightmare Sparkles then moved towards Celestia. "I guess this is goodbye. Funny you're the one to taught this little pony everything she knows and now SHE'S going to be the one who kills you." "I won't allow it!" Twilight said. "Huh!?" Nightmare Sparkles said. The great power from the light pushed the darkness but Nightmare Moon was to strong and didn't get removed. "You insolent little pony. I guess I will have to remove you from your own body. This power is not for one who can't control it." Nightmare Sparkles said. Nightmare Moon was strong enough to remove the essence of Twilight from the body. Now Twilight could only float and look. She couldn't even think. Her memories aren't with her. They're with Nightmare Sparkles now. "Heh. Nightmare Moon. You don't understand anything do you." Celestia said mockingly. "Whatever do you mean?" Nightmare Sparkles asked. "You can't just "Learn" how to move a moon and sun. You're born with it. The power. The only reason why you were able to last time was because you were controlling Luna. She could control both the sun and moon. I could as well." "WHAAAT!?! So I've got to abandon this power you say huh. That's a tad annoying. Guess I will need you then." Nightmare Sparkles said. She then left Twilight Sparkles body and took control of Celestia's body. Twilight essence watched as she sent the body through the big window. It crashed through and went through the forest. Twilight's essence went towards it, and took control. She was passed out and didn't wake up for several hours. 7 Hours Later "Urg. Uh why does everything hurt....Where am I?" Twilight said. She examined her body. Blood. Glass stabbed inside of her body. Her hair was all fuzzy and a mess. She had leaves and sticks in her hair. She has a gash in her eyebrow. She picks her tired body up. And walks. Slowly. She kept walking through the forest. "Is it night time? But Celestia is the only one who can do so. And me and her are hiding in the compl... Wait Celestia... I...I.... Celestia, was... taken by... Nightmare Moon." Twilight said. She could only think through the hazy thoughts. Not able to think straight. *Shuffle Shuffle "Why Hello Twilight." "Huh Trixie? Twilight said questioning if it's Trixie. "You look like you've been in a fight." Trixie says. "Look Trixie I'm not wanting to fight." Twilight said. "I'm not looking to fight. I'm looking for a companion. I'm in need of healing as you can probably see. Same with you as well." Trixie said. Limping towards Twilight. "So we have a truce?" Twilight asked. "Truce." Trixie said and with that they both hoof bump the truce and continue along the forest looking for an exit.