Tales of Equestria

by Lunerpet

Chapter 8

“Can I really do it?” Misty Gale asked. “Go back to what I ran away from? Is it really that easy?”

“Sure it is!” Rainbow Dash said. “Your family did great things, but they aren't you”

“But I-” Misty Gale tried to say something but Rainbow Dash stopped her.

“You gave up flying, and it was because you felt all that heavy pressure, no pony can do only the best, trust me, I know” Rainbow Dash explained. “I'm awesome but even I have my limits, and you know what? I lost more then once, but I always had my friends to pick me up after a crash or something that hurt me”

“Friends huh?” Misty Gale thought about it. “I never had friends before”

“Well you do now” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash” Misty Gale said wiping away some forming tears.

“I'll get this stuff off now and then can I have a cupcake?” Misty asked turning to Pinkie.

“You got it Misty!” Pinkie said eating another cupcake.

Misty Gale then walked into the guest room, the room did come with a shower luckily, Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash who was feeling pretty proud of herself right now for helping out a wonderbolt.

“How did you know Rock Candy was Misty Gale?” Applejack asked.

“That's easy, my wonderbolt senses were going nuts!” Rainbow Dash gloated.

“How does that work?” Applejack got even more confused.

“Who knew she was a wonderbolt? But even more crazy is the fact she has two genders!” Pinkie said happily.

“Wait, what!?” Rainbow Dash stopped and looked at her confused. “She's a he?!”

“No, she's a she with extra!” Pinkie explained. “Futa ponies are really, really rare”

“Wow, I never thought those kind of ponies were real” Applejack said.

“Weird, By the way I haven't seen Fluttershy around, where is she?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She said she had to go check something out, that was awhile ago though” Applejack said. “I'm getting worried”

“Fluttershy didn't even eat her cupcake!” Pinkie said worried.

Fluttershy stumbled out of the corner she had passed by and fell down on her knees, Winter Sugar noticed her and gasped. “Fluttershy!?”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash turned and saw Fluttershy. “Fluttershy!? What happened!?”

She flew down over to her and Fluttershy sat up and looked at her, her eyes were doll like and lifeless like Rarity's.

“Fluttershy!? Oh no! Not you too!” Rainbow Dash tried to get her to respond but Fluttershy didn't move. “Come on Fluttershy, stop joking around!”

Applejack and Pinkie ran over and Applejack looked her over. “This is what happened to Rarity, she's just...empty...”

“Not Fluttershy!” Pinkie cried out. “Who would be so mean to do that to her!!?”

“Grrr, those jerks!” Rainbow Dash flew up into the air she didn't know where to look or who to look for but she needed to do something.

“Where are you going Rainbow Dash!?” Applejack shouted up to her.

“I don't know, but whoever did that to her must be close by!” Rainbow Dash said and flew off.

Some distance away Greed was sitting at a table with another figure, she looked rather tired and the figure was eating a sandwich. “Do you understand our mission? Our fathers need us”

“I understand, I can hear the voices of our fathers” The figure said and took a bite of her sandwich.

The voices reached the figure calling out one word that made her smiles. “Anger...”

Rainbow Dash flew right passed them as she looked around for any strange pony, but she didn't have any luck.

Back with Twilight and Melody, they were still reading when Applejack and Pinkie Pie ran in with Fluttershy. “Twilight!!!”

“Huh? What is it Pinkie?” Twilight asked and then saw Fluttershy in the same state as Rarity. “Oh no!!”

Twilight ran over and checked her. “She's in the same state as Rarity...what happened!?”

“She left for only minutes and then stumbled back like this!” Applejack said in a panic.

Twilight moved her over to Rarity and looked at them both. “What's wrong with me...I can't save them...I failed...”

“Don't you dare!” Melody suddenly spoke up.

“Huh?” Twilight turned to her in tears.

“You can't blame yourself for this!” Melody said annoyed. “If you give up now, there is no hope for them!”

Twilight looked at her and thought about it then nodded wiping away her tears. “Your right..I have to stay strong...for them”

“That's the way” Melody said with a smile coming back to her face. “You need to stay strong”

“Melody? Can I ask you to check up on Celestia? Maybe she knows something we don't?” Twilight asked.

“Celestia huh? Well okay sure” Melody said and left the three mares to care for the two.

“So what can we do?” Applejack asked.

“Right now? We just care for them” Twilight said.

“First Rarity....and now Fluttershy!?” Pinkie cried. “I don't want to lose my friends anymore!”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “I know how you feel Pinkie”

“We haven't lost anypony yet girls, we just have to trust that they'll be back to normal soon” Applejack said.

Winter Sugar watched them and didn't know what to say, she knew it hurt losing friends, she would know better then anypony about loss.

“You okay?” Pinkie turned to her new friend and noticed a tear going down her cheek. “Your sad too huh?”

“It's...it's just this reminds me of something that happened back when I was a filly” Winter said.

“What happened?” Pinkie asked. “Maybe if we talk we'll feel better”

“Okay...” Winter went over and sat down next to them. “I...I lost my younger sister...”

“That's horrible...” Applejack said quietly.

“She was quiet, but always loved to play and she loved flowers” Winter said. “Her name was Winter Flower”

“She sounds nice” Pinkie said still down.

“She was, she died of....well let's just say...it wasn't natural causes..” Winter said and looked at the two mares that were more like dolls now. “Seeing them reminded me of her that's all”

“I'm sorry to hear that” Twilight said.

“It's okay, I've been over it for years now, even though you never truly get over something like that” Winter said.

“Can you help us take care of our friends?” Applejack asked. “If your up for it?”

“Of course, I'll help, we're friends after all” Winter said with a smile again.

Meanwhile Melody was walking to Celestia's room when she came across a library, she looked up and saw the name Starswirl on it. “What's this?”

Melody walked in and saw Celestia in there reading a book. “Celestia?”

“Melody?” Celestia turned and smiled seeing her. “I was just reading about something very interesting”

“It's gotten worse, they have taken another victim, Fluttershy” Melody said kicking her front hoof, Twilight is losing friends left and right, and I don't know what to do”

“I see...that isn't good” Celestia said putting down her book. “I came here hoping I was wrong, but I know what is causing this”

“You do? Is there a way to stop it?” Melody asked.

“Unfortunately this is the first time this has happened, these terrasects happened once before, a very long time ago, and they took the elements of harmony for themselves” Celestia pointed out. “I remember a story about these monsters known as the forgotten ones, their a race of creatures that were abandoned by their god, so in order to keep order five intelligent ones took over the minds of the others and made piece, but when they lost the elements they lost a large amount of power, however they were able to keep control”

“So those bugs are after the power they once had?” Melody looked confused.

“Yes, and once they get it, they will be unstoppable, their goal is to take our world, and they will if they extract the elements from Twilight and her friends” Celestia explained.

“And they have two already...” Melody couldn't believe she didn't know about this before. “Isn't there anything we can do to help them?”

“Perhaps if we can find out what they did with the elements and take them back, we could use a spell to put it back into them” Celestia said.

It was the only option that really made sense, Melody had to go and tell them but she couldn't help but think about Celestia. “Celestia?”

“Yes?” Celestia asked not knowing what she was about to say.

“There is only one Celestia...isn't there?” Melody asked.

“Uh...” Celestia didn't know what to say. “Well...”

“I've been thinking about it and hanging around Twilight and her friends, I've come to understand a few things and what happened between us...well I want to say, I don't blame you anymore, and I hope we can be friends from now on” Melody said with a smile.

Celestia felt tears forming in her eyes, she never even forgave herself for that mess, and here the one she wronged wanted to be friends. “I....I want that too Melody”

“I'm glad, thanks Princess” Melody said and hugged her. “I'm glad I have this chance, even if it's in another time I don't truly understand”

“Me too” Celestia said with a smile. “Me too”

Meanwhile with Greed and Anger, they watched as Rainbow Dash flew overhead and Greed smiled. “She has it”

“Can I take it dear sister? I don't know why, but I REALLY really HATE her....” Anger said with a growl.

“That's the feelings of your former self darling, she must have truly loved that rainbow colored one, and you can't, you don't use magic, leave this to your big sister” Greed said as she watched Rainbow Dash.

Anger was a golden mare with red hot mane and tail, her eyes were a pink color like Fluttershy's cutie mark and she also didn't have a cutie mark, she had wings just like Fluttershy as well. “I want her blood...cut her open for me...I need to see her punished”

“Darling sister, I can't go against the wishes of our fathers, we just want their elements, killing them would only harm us, I told you before, if they die, we die, but keeping them in that doll like state, they can't fight us and they can't die” Greed explained.

“But she gets on my nerves! Grrrrr! Can't I just beat her a little?!” Anger asked.

“But then you would be hurting your sister, and is that what you want?” Greed looked at her raising an eyebrow.

“No...” Anger let out a sigh and sat down annoyed. “About my old shell? Why didn't we take her with us?”

“Father said it was like a warning to those with the other elements, they know we're coming and once we have them, we can do whatever we want to those mares” Greed explained.

“I want to keep her pretty, my former self had beautiful hair, I might even dress her up” Anger said rather calm.

“All in due time my little sister” Greed said smiling. “All in due time”

Anger looked up at Rainbow Dash and called out to her her voice suddenly sounding like Fluttershy's. “Rainbow Dash!!”

Rainbow Dash stopped and looked down to see the Fluttershy copy. “Fluttershy!? Your okay!? Awesome!”

Rainbow Dash flew down to her and without thinking hugged her. “I was so worried! I didn't think you'd wake up, don't do that to me again!”

“Oh don't worry Dashie, I'll never do something like that again” Anger spoke in her own voice.

“Huh? Wait a minute...” Rainbow Dash let go of her and moved back to see that it wasn't Fluttershy. “Your not Fluttershy, who are you!?”

“We're your other halves of course” Greed said coming up behind Rainbow Dash.

“Oh no..I have to tell the others!” Rainbow Dash quickly got herself into the sky when Greed's magic went around her tail and yanked her down to their level and magic then wrapped around her hooves and neck. “Gah!!”

“Your quick, but my magic is faster” Greed said looming over her.

“Stop! Let me go!” Rainbow Dash struggled fruitlessly against the magic.

“But we need you...” Anger said putting a hoof on her head. “We want our sister to come out and play”

Rainbow Dash looked at her confused and rather scared not sure what they were going to do, Greed's magic glowed and a tentacle came ripping out of her back and stabbed itself into Rainbow Dash.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Rainbow Dash screamed as the tentacle sucked out her elemental glow.

Greed licked her lips tasting the power Rainbow Dash had. “She's powerful, our fathers will be pleased”

“Oh goodie, I can't wait to have another sister!” Anger said watching Rainbow Dash struggle in vain.

Greed took all of Rainbow Dash's elemental life force and sat down extremely tired from it. “Haa...haa....that's two...”

Greed's belly was now large, she had taken all of the life force and surged it into her womb, it was the best place to hold life after all. “I remember when you were inside me Anger...it felt nice” Greed said rubbing her belly.

Anger nodded and walked passed Rainbow Dash who's eyes were as dead as a doll's and put an ear to Greed's belly. “Our sister is growing fast”

“She'll be ready to come out in a few moments, she'll be hungry when she's out, shall we get something to eat?” Greed asked as they started to walk away.

“We should!” Anger said feeling her belly grumble.

They walked away proud of themselves, having three of the elements meant they were closer then ever to bring the end to Equestria.

Meanwhile Rock Candy came out of the shower feeling refreshed and better then ever, her true colors finally showing, her coat was a dark purple, her mane and tail were a lightish black and her eyes were actually yellow, her true cutie mark was a rainbow over a working gear symbolizing she was an amazing flier and good with machines.

She smiled and looking into the mirror. “Thanks for everything Rock Candy, but I don't need you anymore, I'm finally able to be myself....so goodbye Rock Candy”

Rock Candy in the mirror smiled as Misty Gale walked away. “Glad I could help”

Misty Gale turned and only saw her reflection. “Huh? Am I hearing things?”

Misty Gale shrugged and walked out, she was ready to finally take back her old life and she had actual friends to back her up, she couldn't wait to show Rainbow Dash.