You All Can Be My Guinea Pigs!

by TheBluWaffle

New Spells and Test Subjects

"So...what exactly are we doing Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, I recently learned some new spells from a couple of books that, somehow, I've never read before. Could you believe it? I thought I had read every single book in this library, but I guess I was wrong!"

"Darling, please get to the point. I have very important business to attend to at my shop. You know how some ponies get if their orders are late!" She said dramatically.

"Yeah yeah Rarity. We know the real reason why you want to leave." Rainbow said, an eyebrow raised at her.

"And why exactly is that?" Rarity huffed, seemingly offended.

"You just don't want to get tested on...hehe." Applejack chuckled.

She gasped. "How could you say that?! I would do anything for my dear friend Twilight, most defiantly when she needs assistance in her spell work." She smiled and scooted next to Twilight. "Just um...please do be careful. know what you're doing...right?" Rarity asked, slightly afraid.

Twilight chuckled. "Oh Rarity, of course I know what I'm doing. I've been practicing these spells for about...two days now!" She gave a big, toothy smile to her friend. Rarity glanced around nervously. "Eh, well...yes, do sound...qualified!" She gave a smile back, though it was smile of doubt and mistrust.

"Enough talkin'." Applejack jumped down from the place of her bed. "So, what exactly are these spells Twilight?"

"Well, from the books that I have read, it can all depend on the pony that it is being casted upon. The effects have multiple differences ranging from--"

"You don't what they do?" Fluttershy asked, slightly concerned.

"In technical terms, no, I don't, but on the objects that I have tried these spells on, there have been no negative effects...except for a few..."

"What do you mean "except for a few?" What happened with those ones." Rainbow asked.

"Um, well...I had to throw one of my plants out because it started eating some of my books--"

"WHAT?!" They all said, except for Pinkie.

"Oooo, a book eating plant! Where is it Twilight? Maybe I could take it off your hands, I've always wanted one!" She said with a big smile.

"What? Have you really Pinkie?" Rainbow asked her.

"No but it would be super-duper awesome!" She jumped. Everyone else looked around in doubt.

"Uh, anyway, should we get started?" She put her hooves together, looking towards her friends for an answer.

"Uh...well..." Rainbow started.

"I mean...I don't know..." Fluttershy added.

"Yeah...just...well..." Applejack rubbed the back of her head.

"Aw, come on guys! It'll be an interesting experiment. Normally, I would test these on Spike but, he's out running errands right now!"

They could feel the guilt rising.

"Please?" She asked, giving them the big lower lip, eyes shining. They groaned.

"Oh, fine!" Applejack said, defeated.

"Yeah...we'll do your...experiments." Rainbow was about to add another word to that sentence...

Rarity didn't answer. Rainbow nudged her. "Wha', oh...yes! I will um...let myself be your...test subject." She cringed at the word.

Twilight gasped and smiled. "Great! You won't regret this!" She went to her bookshelf to grab a couple of different spell books. Rainbow looked down and muttered. "Sure I won't..." She hooved through some shelves, until she finally reached out and grabbed the last one. She set three separate books down on her desk, opening the first one.

"Okay let's see..." She flipped through a couple more pages until she hit one that had a couple of different pictures. "Okay, so this page has multiple spells, and each of them depend on the pony that it is directed too. This first one is dependent on personality, like, things you like to do, your types of emotions, you get the picture." She kept the book opened and walked in front of her friends.

"So like, since Rarity is a fashion designer, could she get turned into like...a really fashionable dress?" Rainbow asked.

"That would be sooooo cool!" Pinkie said in her usual loud, happy tone.

Rarity put her chin on her hoof. "Hm...I guess...I wouldn't be too bad if I was a dress. I am a very fashionable lady after all!" She said with pride.

"See? Anyway, who wants to go first?" Twilight asked.

They all paused, looking around at each other. Nobody seemed to want to be the first guinea pig...except for one certain pony.

"Me me meeee! I'll go first hehehe!" She jumped up and hopped towards Twilight, smiling in her happy manner.

"Okay Pinkie. You get to be my first guinea pig." She smirked. Pinkie looked very excited, which wasn't abnormal. She glanced towards one of the spells quickly, then looked back up, pointing her horn at Pinkie.

"Okay...let's see if this works!" Her horn started glowing with it's bright magenta color. The other ponies stepped back, their eyes fixated on Pinkie. This should be interesting...

Oh please dear Celestia...I really hope this doesn't end up being...disastrous. Rarity thought, pleading in her mind.

Twilight closed her eyes and shot a purple bolt at her friend. The room flashed and nothing could be seen for a moment as the loud sound of magic took place. When the light faded, Pinkie was gone. They all looked around in shock and terror.

"Oh no! Where did she go?" Dash asked, glancing around every corner of the room.

"Twilight? What did you do?" Rarity asked franticly.

She bit her lip, scared and ashamed. What had she done? Where could she have gone? With Twilights unstable magic, she could be anywhere...The started searching around the house, inside and out. She sighed

She noticed something at the spot that Pinkie used to be standing. Funny thing was, it wasn't there about...two seconds ago.

"Wait...what's that?" She asked, a hoof pointed at the floor. Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity looked down where she pointed, and sitting there was a pink, medium sized box with a big blue ribbon and a small card stuck inside a part of that ribbon. Twilight slowly walked towards it, suspicious of what was inside, or where this came from.

"Uh, be careful Twilight. Not much good can from random appearing boxes!" Rarity stated, taking a small step back.

Her face changed. She started a small smirk. "Something tells me that I know what this is..." She was very excited inside, because she had a feeling that her spell actually, was a success.

In a flash, she took the ribbon with her teeth, pulled, and out came confetti, balloons and the sound of a party favor. Twilight looked up and, out of the box, came the loud and excited voice of a certain pink pony.

"Weeeeee! Hehe that was fun!" She said, smiling wide, a party hat on her head. The others looked around in shock. Rainbow Dash flew back in a moment later.

"Well, she wasn't on the roof or in the bedroom so--" She started wide eyed at Pinkie, who was hopping in place. "Wha--how did--she's--"

"See? It worked! I knew it would work! Didn't I tell you?" Twilight said in victory. They all looked around, shocked and surprised...and slightly worried.

"Well...I had us scared for a minute there..." Applejack said, rubbing her head.

"She didn't appear until just now..." Fluttershy quietly said.

"And another thing, technically she wasn't being the item, she was inside the item." Rarity added.


"She's right! At first it was suuuuper dark and creepy but then I appeared inside some sort of party paradise! There was cake and sweets and party favors and balloons and confetti and sarsaparilla and everything! I think it might still be in there!" She went back to the box and rummaged through it's contents.

"But that box isn't even that big!" Rainbow said, staring at it. There's no way Pinkie could have fit in there!" A party hat flew over her head, then Pinkie finally pulled out a full sized cake!

They stared at it, amazed and bewildered. Pinkie looked around at them in confusion.

"What? It's just a super awesome cake!" She took a big bite out of it. "Mmmm! Yummy!" She smiled.

"O...kay well, uh...who's next?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know if I want to do this..." Applejack said.

"Why not?" Twilight asked, disappointed.

"'s risky. I mean...she said she started in like, a dark and creepy place--"

"But then she went to party paradise in a box! Come on Applejack...nothing bad could come from this. That was the first time I had ever used that spell, and it was a complete success! What if you go to like, apple paradise, huh?" She tried to persuade.

She swayed her head, undecided. She could usually trust Twilight like a sister, but whole new spell thing, it was just too risky! She would be happy to do this if she was more experienced with the spell, but the fact that she had just started using it was--

"I'll go next! Maybe, I'll turn into a rainbow!" She laughed. Twilight looked at her disapprovingly.

"This is no laughing matter Rainbow. I think I might know a spell that sends you to a different country..." Twilight said.

That shut her up. She drooped her ears, defeated. "Yeah the stupid spell..." She muttered.

Twilight thought the sell through in her head, then her horn started glowing. She blasted a shot at Rainbow, with the room growing very bright, then after it was over, just like Pinkie, she disappeared.

"Okay, where did she go now?" Applejack asked.

Suddenly, outside, they could see a ray of different colors appear before them. The window opened, and the colors flowed inside. They were mesmerized. How in the name of Celestia was this happening? Suddenly, they could hear a voice coming from it...

"I...hate you...Twilight." Rainbow said.

They all realized what had just happened...and they started hysterically laughing. Wow. Karma really kicked her there! Twilight and Applejack fell on the floor, still laughing their poor, humiliated friend.

"I...I can't hahaha! I can't believe it--hahaha, worked!" Twilight closed her eyes, clutching her stomach from the lack of air in her lungs.

"Rainbow! Rainbow--haha! Your really are Rainbow Dash now! Hahaaaa!" Pinkie yelled, still laughing.

Rainbow couldn't even speak. This was soooooo humiliating. Darn Karma...she never should have joked about her spell skills. That seemed stupid, now that she thought about it.

"S-Stop laughing! Just...turn me back, now!" She yelled in demand. They didn't listen.

"But darling," Rarity piped in, standing next to her. "Isn't it interesting being the one thing that you were named after?" She asked, smiling, trying hard not to laugh straight in her face.

"No! It sucks! I want to be turned back!!!" She whined.

Twilight chuckled even more at that. "Hehe. Alright, alright. I'll turn you back...if I remember how..." She smirked at her.

"Twilight! Turn me back! Stop messing with me!" She whined some more.

"Okay! Jeez...can't take an honest joke..." The others chuckled. Twilight pointed her horn at the rainbow, and a moment later, Rainbow was back to her normal, Pegasus form. Everyone else smiled at her. She glanced around quickly, blushing in embarrassment.

"S-Stop staring at me!" She sat down on the floor, hiding her face.

"Hehe. Oh Rainbow..." Applejack rolled her eyes.

"I'm really interested to see where this experiment can take us all! This has been a very productive research."

"Yeah. Pinkie ended up in a party box..." Applejack said.

"And Rainbow turned into a...Rainbow..." Fluttershy added, scratching her head from the statement.

"...and that sucked..." Rainbow muttered.

Rarity chuckled. "I too am interested in the outcome of this, and that is why I volunteer myself to be the next...uh, test subject...ugh" She cringed. "I do not enjoy saying that..." She said.

"Well, then don't think of it in that sense; just think of it as...helping me out! Don't you want to be helpful?" Twilight asked.

"Yes...yes I do! Rarity is always of help to a friend in need!" The others had a different thought on their minds...

"Okay. Let's see what you turn into!" Her horn started glowing it's purple color, and a second later, the similar flashing light filled the room. When they looked, there was a small bucket in the middle of the room. They circled around it. They all poked there heads in the buckets view, and inside was a whole bunch of different gems, shining in their brilliant colors.

"I realize these are the things I love the most but this is ridiculous." Rarity's small, squeaky voice said from the bucket.

They absolutely lost it. Her voice had drastically changed from normal, to mouse like, and they could barley hear her. They couldn't even see if she was just one gem, or the whole bucket. They didn't really care, because they had just lost their composure completely.

"Oh wow! Hahaha! Your voice--" Rainbow chuckled.

"It's hilarious! Hahahahaha!" Pinkie yelled, rolling on the floor.

"Oh yes...I agree, hehe." Fluttershy softly said.

Rarity sighed. "Yes yes very funny. Now, since I have done what you have instructed, can I please be changed back?" She squeaked. They started laughing harder. "Hey, stop laughing! Change me back!" She tried.

The more she spoke, the harder it was to stop laughing. Her voice was golden, it was one of the funniest things that they have ever heard including when she started getting angry. Her angry squeaks were classic.

"Stop! Stop laughing! Turn me back!" She "yelled."

Twilight whipped her eyes. "Okay...okay, l-lets stop laughing, girls..." They continued chuckling lightly, or under their breath. "Here, I'll hehe...I'll change you back.

She was changed back to her good ol' pony self a moment later. She glanced around, flushing in embarrassment. "Well...I guess that was...successful..." She sighed. "Just...don't make me do that again." She muttered. Rainbow snickered, but Applejack nudged her to keep quiet.

"So...who's next?" Rainbow asked, smirking. She was really enjoying the others reactions, and Rarity's humiliation and embarrassment. She really should be more companionate, because she was in that same situation only a minute ago.

"Well, everyone has gone except for...Applejack and Fluttershy." She looked towards them. Applejack glanced around at them, then shrugged.

"Eh, what the hay. I'll do it." She suddenly smiled. "Hey, what's the worst that could happen?" Rainbow muttered something under her breath, and Rarity just sighed.

"Okay! Stand right there, Applejack..." Twilight instructed.

She walked over, stomping her hoof, telling Twilight to continue with a nod. Twilight shot the purple bolt, and when the light went away, they all stepped forward, staring at the new AJ.

"Well, what did ah turn into?" She asked, partially excited.

They didn't answer. They just kept staring.

"Uh...girls? What's wrong?" Now she was a little nervous. Was her spell a first time failure?

"Hm...very interesting..." Twilight said, rubbing her chin.

"Wha'? What's interesting?" She asked, concerned.

"Normally, I would never say this to anypony, and uh, don't take this the wrong way but..." She smiled. "You look delicious!" She said, laughing.

"What?!" She secretly blushed. "Why would you say such a thing?" She asked, flustered.

"Well, duh! Your a giant golden delicious apple!" Pinkie exclaimed, hopping around the room.

"Am I?" She gasped. "Really?"

"Yeah! The spell worked yet again!" Twilight raised her hooves triumphantly.

"Wow!" Applejack said. They couldn't see from her current form, but she was smiling bright and wide.

"Heh. Applejack, we should bake you into the biggest apple pie ever!" Rainbow said, rising into the air a bit.

"Shut up Rainbow..." She said lightly.

"Okay. I'm going to change you back before we start eating you like vicious fruit bats." Twilight said, her horn glowing.

Applejack wanted to yell "no!" but she was changed back before she could say anything.

"There we go." Twilight said, not sensing Applejacks obvious disappointment.

"What's wrong AJ?" Fluttershy asked from the top shelf.

"Just...I kinda' wanted to stay that way for a while..." She grounded the bottom of her hoof on the floor.

"Really?" Rainbow asked, a little surprised.

"Well, apples are my life! And since I was turned into one for a brief time, I was kinda' excited! Besides, apples are delicious and nutritious, and I love 'em." She said with pride.

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "True, true." She said.

"Uhm...If you don't mind...well, if I uh, have to would like to--"

"Wow! I'm surprised you're actually willing to do this!" Rainbow said, looking to her. She sunk a little.

"Oh, well...I w-wouldn't really say...willing--" She tried.

"Well, might as well do our last experiment! I thought this was pretty fun and..." She snorted in laughter. "F-Funny..." Applejack and Pinkie joined in, while Rainbow and Rarity stayed completely silent.

"Uh..." Fluttershy squeaked a little nervous.

"Don't worry Fluttershy. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Just think of what you want to be, and I'll do my best to make you into that object!" She said with a confident smile. Fluttershy glanced around. She didn't feel as safe as she really intended to be...

"Um...o-okay then..." She took a short breath and stood her ground. Twilight pointed her horn at her, and Fluttershy gulped before the light flashed again. They could hear something hit the roof, and when they looked, a large yellow tree with purple leaves and flowers was here before them. They looked up and down the tree, puzzled by why it was here.

"Um...Fluttershy? Are you...the tree?" Twilight asked.

"Oh...yes Twilight. I've always wanted to be a tree, to feel how it's like to be a part of nature--"

"Psh...lame!" Applejack kicked Rainbow in the knee. She shot daggers at her through slit eyes.

"Oh um...well, it feels interesting but...I uh, can't move..." She muttered softly.

"Really! Do you know any trees that grow legs and walk away?" Rainbow said in annoyance. Applejack kicked her again. "Ow! Stop that!" She faced her.

"Stop being so darn mean Rainbow!" She snapped. "Why are you actin like this?" Rainbow didn't answer. "Well?" They all looked towards her for an answer. She could feel all their eyes, staring into her emotions.

"Look, I'm sorry...I'm just...a little..." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was that? Speak up missy!" Applejack raised her ear.

She stared at her in disapproval, then sighed. "Huh...okay...I'm a little jealous, okay?" She admitted, blushing a little.

"Why are you jealous of Fluttershy bein' a tree?" Applejack asked. Twilight turned Fluttershy back to her former self.

She rubbed the bottom of her hooves on the ground. "Just...cause, she was turned into something that she enjoyed being and...I got turned into a Rainbow and...I got...laughed at..." She drooped her head. They all glanced around at each other in slight guilt. Twilight sighed.

"I thought you liked Rainbows though..."

"I do...I just...didn't really want to be turned into that..."

"Hm...well, I wasn't exactly thinking of become a bucket of gems dearie." Rarity put a hoof over her shoulder. "Maybe we were the ones that got the...odd side effects. I was actually thinking of becoming a royal princess." She smiled at the thought.

"Surprise surprise..." Applejack said with a smirk.

Rarity raised her eyebrow at her before continuing her speech. "Look Rainbow Dash, just be happy that nothing really...drastic happened to us. Be happy that were still here. I mean," She looked to Twilight. "We trust your magical skills, don't get me wrong but...when you're trying something new, it's kind of...almost, nerve-racking because..."

"We never know the outcome of the spell. Anything could happen." Rainbow finished, smiling at Rarity. "I guess you're right. Being a Rainbow is better than being stuck in another state...or country..."

"I don't know though! I've always wanted to go to Manehatten!" Pinkie said, hopping up and down. They all just shook their heads, rolling their eyes at her silliness.

"Well, I think this experiment was a complete success!" They all spoke in agreement. "But...before we end this, I want to try one more spell..." She brought out another, bigger book. She started flipping through the pages with her magic. "Let's see, let's see..." They looked at each other, eyes glancing towards the door. Rarity shook her head, however.

"Okay! So, I'm trying to brush up on my teleporting skills, so, I've devised this spell that should bring us to each of our respective houses, except for Rainbow's, for obvious reasons." Rainbow nodded, thinking; Wings are awesome. "Okay...let's try it out!" Her horn started glowing it's purple color, and in a poof they were gone.


There was a flash of light, and the six ponies appeared somewhere unfamiliar. They looked around. There was a couple of trees, and a little road on a hill that led over it. They couldn't see over the hill.

"Uh...this doesn't look like Ponyville..." Applejack said, inspecting her surroundings.

"Yeah...I don't see any clouds either..." Rainbow said, looking up, flapping her wings to get some height.

"Um, Twilight dear? Where exactly did you put us?" Rarity said, trying to keep from becoming, unladylike.

"Well um...I..." Pinkie gasped from atop the hill.

"How did she get up there so--" Applejack started.

"Holy smokes guys! Look!" She pointed with a raised hoof. They all meted at the top of the hill, and the sight before them made them all gasp in shock.

"MANEHATTEN?!" They yelled in unison. Pinkie started jumping around in excitement.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ah-ha! I've always wanted to go here!" She started sprinting towards the large city, which wasn't very far from their position.

"Pinkie wait!" Rainbow flew after her. Applejack and Fluttershy joined. Rarity and Twilight were all that remained. They were both dead silent. Rarity's eye twitched a little. Twilight gave a sheepish smile, flushing at her major mistake. "Uh, well, I guess we know where we are now Rarity." She chuckled lightly, embarrassed. Rarity didn't answer. She just stared, opened eyed at the large city in front of her. Twilight scooted a little away, fearing her reaction. "Rarity? Uhhh...are you okay?" Twilight asked, cowering slightly.

She blinked, glancing at Twilight, then back at the city in front of her. She blew some hair out of her eyes, and took a deep, calming breath.

"Well, I might as well make the best of this opportunity, now that we are here. Hm...Twilight, darling, do you know a um...spell to get us back to Ponyville?" She asked.

"Well, I might know one, but I would need the right books, and--"

"Well, take your time then! I am in no rush to be sent back home..." She realized what she had just said. She wasn't expecting to be here, but now that she was, she was excited to start a little adventure down one of the most fashionable cities in Equestria.

"O-Okay Rarity. But, I'll try to make it quick, if I can..."

"Well please do then, but again, don't rush yourself. Take as much time as you need. I certainly don't think they will be in a rush to set off...especially Pinkie Pie. Oh, Celestia knows what she'll do here!" She smiled and starting running off, leaving Twilight to regain her thoughts on what they hay just happened. She sighed.

"I really need to work on my teleportation skills..." She shrugged. "Well, time to make a trip to the library." She smiled, trotting along down the hill and to the busy city ahead.


Spike opened the door to the big tree of a house, expecting Twilight to be waiting at the sound of his arrival.

"Hey, Twilight!" He nearly dropped the heavy objects in his hands. "Ergh...I got those new books from Canterlot just like you--"

The house was silent, and Twilight was nowhere to be found. he set the books down next to the table, glancing around the room.

"Twilight? Twiiiiiilight?" He called. No answer. "Hm...maybe she went to go meet with her friends or something." He shrugged. He was exhausted after carrying those books for such a long distance. He immediately went upstairs to his bed, covering himself with the soft blanket. She'll turn up soon... He thought before closing his eyes and falling asleep.