Twilight and Cadence Ship Equestria

by Mani-Roar

Chapter 1 Ships Landing

Big Mac leaned over until Fluttershy could feel his warm breath on her muzzle.

“Nope?” Big Mac blushed, afraid that Fluttershy would be unwelcoming toward his sudden advance.

“Oh, no it’s ok. I mean, anything you want to do is fine.” Fluttershy shifted her weight, trying to get comfortable with her back against the soft dewy grass.

“Eeyup?” Big Mac nested his muzzle against Fluttershy’s cheek. The majority of his weight was placed on his front hooves as he tried not to smother her with his formidable hulk of a stallion body.

“Oh… my… I just, I… I…” Fluttershy paused to exhale a tiny squeak when Big Mac ran his tongue along the back side of her ear. No longer able to contain her inhibitions she…

“Twilight? Twilight are you down here?”

“Spike!” Twilight quickly rolled up the scroll she had been writing on and set the quill back into the ink.

“Oh there you are Twilight.” Spike started to open the door to the room Twilight was in but she sprung up and slammed it shut with her hooves before he could see inside. The door caught Spike’s leg.

“Ouch, Twilight that hurts.” Twilight locked the door as soon as Spike managed to retract his bruised leg.

“Sorry, I’m sorry Spike. Are you ok?”

Spike rubbed his thigh a little.

“Yeah I’m fine, I guess. Why did you close the door on me?”

“Sorry, sorry, it’s just you’re not allowed in here.” Twilight started hyperventilating.

“Why would I not be allowed in the library basement?” Spike was getting more irritated with Twilight. She turned and looked at the shelves full of scrolls stacked all the way to the ceiling. All of them written by her. She felt a tinge of embarrassment as her mind raced to find an excuse to give Spike. She made sure that her most recent scroll was properly tied and placed in its proper cataloged location before attempting to open the basement door.

“I’m coming out.” She exited the basement and shut the door behind her before Spike could get a good look at the room.

“What are you keeping in there that’s such a big secret I’m not even allowed in?” Spike was beginning to feel just a little betrayed.

“Nothing, nothing. It’s nothing really. Nothing at all, nope, not in there. Just an ordinary room, that’s right.” Twilight was possibly tied with Applejack for the worst liar in Equestria. Spike folded his arms and tapped his foot, waiting for Twilight to drop the obvious pretense. Twilight sighed, realizing she would have to come up with something better.

I wonder if Star Swirl the Bearded ever had this problem she wondered. That’s when the idea struck her.

“Oh um, actually there is a secret in that room. You see, now that we have this huge library castle thingy, princess Celestia has decided to move part of the Star Swirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot library to my library for safe keeping. You see, Star Swirl wrote a lot of really powerful magic and only a princess is allowed to look at and read the scrolls. So yeah, that’s why I couldn't let you in. Sorry for not telling you sooner.” Twilight smiled nervously and let out an uncomfortable chortle.

“Oh that’s all? Pssh, who cares about dusty old spells? One less room for me to clean am I right?”

Twilight felt as if a huge weight had been removed from her shoulders.

“Thank goodness.”

“What did you say Twilight?

“Nothing. Wait, didn’t you have something you needed to tell me?”

“Oh, yeah. Her royal honor princess Cadence is at the front door. Apparently you were supposed to meet her at the train station for her visit. I’ll go tell her to come back later if you’re busy?” Spike started to run up the staircase but Twilight levitated him and pulled him back toward her with her magic.

“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot. She’s supposed to oversee the additions to the Crystal Empire wing of the new library. Spike, you said she’s at the door, did you even let her in?”

“Nah I told her I’d be right back in a second as soon as I found you.” Twilight’s head drooped, afraid of the answer to her next question.

“And how long have you been looking for me?”

“About 20 minutes.” Spike remained completely matter of fact.

“You left Cadence outside for 20 minutes?” Twilight kicked out her back legs in frustration.

“Well yeah, I hadn’t found you yet, duh.” Spike threw his hands up. Twilight shot Spike a dirty look and then ran up the stairs at full trot.


Cadence and her small entourage of three royal guards were waiting patiently at the front door of Twilight’s library castle. The guards remained at attention but Cadence had given up on looking official. She was sitting casually propped up against the wall as she inspected the quality of her recent hoofacure for about the 27th time. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that a certain amber colored guard of her’s had a suspicious grin on his face.

“Hey Flash,” A crooked grin appeared on Cadence’s face. Flash Sentry broke out of his trance and looked over to his princess.

“Yes Ma’am?” Flash clicked his hooves and reset his stance of attention.

“You seem particularly pleased to be on this side of Equestria, Lieutenant” Cadence went back to examining her hooves as if she were bored.

“Always pleased to do my duty wherever it takes me, Ma’am,” Flash had a hard time suppressing his cheesy smile.

“Hmmm, I dunno about that, lieutenant. I’d almost say that there’s something special about this place to you?” The other two guards shot sideways glances at Flash. He was lucky that he was the ranking officer in the entourage. A superior would surely rip into him for this, possible even in front of the princess.

“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about ma’am,” Flash was unable to control the giant smile on his face.

“Uh huh.”

The double doors to the castle burst open so fast they slammed against the wall with a loud thud. If Cadence had been sitting any closer to the entrance, she probably would have been smacked in the face by hard crystal. The open entrance revealed Twilight standing on her hind legs with her front hooves stretched out from shoving the doors. She looked like she was having a panic attack.

“Cadence! I’m so sorry, I just found out you were here. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Have you really been waiting all this time?” Twilight offered Cadence her hoof and helped her stand up.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight, I’m sure you’ve been really busy today.” Cadence brushed her right side off and flipped her hair back into place.

“That’s still no excuse. Here, come on in, Spike will bring us some tea.” Twilight looked over to Spike expectantly.

“Aw man, I just finished cataloging ‘R’ and was about to take a nap.” Spike folded his arms in protest. Twilight shot him a dirty glance.

“So yeah, Spike should be back with that tea any second, won’t you Spike? You helpful, punctual dragon you.”

“Sigh, fine,” Spike meandered off toward the kitchen. When Twilight turned to address Cadence again, her eye caught a certain golden armored stallion trying not to make direct eye contact with her.

“Oh, um, your guards are probably tired from the trip, we can probably arrange, um, lodging for them this evening. There are a lot of extra rooms in the castle.” Twilight fussed with her mane a bit. Cadence grew an evil smile that reminded Twilight of the time Chrysalis impersonated her.

“Oh that’s so kind of you princess Twilight. Was there any particular room you had in mind?” Twilight’s face turned bright red. Cadence grinned and put her hoof over her mouth as if she had just said something really naughty.

“Lets just go inside,” Twilight turned and led the entourage down the castle halls. She leaned over toward Cadence so that nopony else could hear her.

“How come he never says anything to me?” Twilight’s whisper voice was a little obvious.

“It’s protocol, he’s not allowed to address a princess unless he’s addressed first.” Cadence’s low speaking voice was much more subtle than Twilight’s. “So that means you’re going to have to start the conversations, don’t be such a little chicken filly.”

Twilight frowned at Cadence. Chicken filly is what she always called her when Cadence wanted to annoy Twilight. They continued walking down the hall and were nearly at the throne room of the castle.

“Well, are you gonna talk to him or what?” Cadence darted her eye’s in Flash’s direction.

“What? You mean right now?” Twilight lowered her head a little bit.

“Yes right now, cause I know you won’t do it if I let you wait till later.” Cadence bumped against Twilight which caught her off guard and caused her to stop walking for a second. By the time she started walking again, her stride was right next to Flash Sentry.

“Hey Flash, how are, uh, things?” Twilight made a face that she hoped looked like a smile.

“Hello princess Twilight. I’ve been well. Thank you for asking.” Flash bit his lower lip.

“We really have to stop bumping into each other like this.”

“Not this time princess, I saw you coming and got out of the way.”

Twilight let out such a dorky laugh that it made her blush.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Um, you know, you don’t have to call me princess all the time.” Twilight was finally starting to smile a little more naturally around Flash.

“Oh but I do princess Twilight, I could get in big trouble for breaking protocol like that.”

“Even if you’re off duty?” Twilight gasped a little at the realization that she may have inadvertently asked him to spend off duty time with her. Flash stopped his stride and looked at her surprised. Twilight stopped with him.

“Well, I suppose that would be an exception wouldn't it, princess?” Flash took off his sentry helmet and held it under his hoof. Twilight struggled to find something else to say.

“Do you like books?” Twilight felt so stupid. What kind of basic line is that? she thought.

“I love books.” Twilight’s hope returned with Flash’s response.

“Do you like reading them?” 0 for 2 Sparkle. Twilight wasn't feeling very pleased with her conversation skills.

“Alone or with somepony?” Flash cocked his eyebrow a little bit. Twilight felt as if she would melt into the floor.

“Well I usually read alone, but with somepony sounds much better.” Twilight smiled at Flash and lowered her ears, “Would you like me to show you some our library’s best titles? Uh, as soon as Cadence dismisses you for the evening, of course.” Twilight quickly looked away.

“Oh of course. No doubt; not till after, princess.” Flash looked away as well.

“Lieutenant Flash Sentry, you’re dismissed. Get out of my sight.” Twilight and Flash looked over at Cadence when she spoke. They hadn't noticed that the others had been waiting and watching their conversation. Flash tossed his helmet back on and saluted Cadence.

“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am.” Flash looked over to Twilight who was messing with her mane again.

“Well princess, shall we?” Flash Sentry extended his hoof to Twilight. She turned her head away with playful contempt.

“You promised to call me Twilight off duty.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

“Sorry, my bad. Ahem… Shall we, Twilight?” Something about hearing Flash say her first name out loud made Twilight feel giddy. She took his outstretched hoof into hers.

I wish that this moment would last

If only.

“Princess Twilight, princess Cadence, I've brought tea for everypony.” Spike came barreling into the hallway with a large tray of hot tea and cups. He tried to slip in between Twilight and Flash but when Twilight grabbed Flash’s hoof, it closed off his gap. He slammed into their hooves like a cruel game of red rover and fell backwards. His momentum caused the kettle of hot tea to splash all over Flash Sentry and the cups to shatter on the ground.

“Ahh! That’s hot!” Flash reeled back from the burn of the tea.

“Flash!” Twilight looked mortified that Flash had taken hot tea to the face.

“Sorry Flash, I didn't know Twilight was gonna stick her hoof out.” Spike rubbed his bruised forehead from the fall.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, Let me clean you up. I’ll go get a towel from kitchen.” Twilight ran down the hallway and ducked through a door.

“Twilight, the kitchen is the other way.” Spike’s advice was too late as she had already gone out of earshot.

“Come on Flash, follow me to the kitchen so that I can get you a towel, and maybe some burn cream.” Spike motioned for Flash to follow him.

“But what about Twilight?” Flash tried to wipe some of the excess tea off of himself.

“Don’t worry Flash, I’ll go calm down Twilight. You let Spike take care of you.” Cadence walked off in the direction that Twilight went and her other two guards followed her. Flash walked off to the kitchen with Spike.

A few seconds later, Twilight returned to the empty hallway with a towel and an ice pack.

“Where did everypony go?” Frustrated, Twilight laid down and started crying into the spilled tea, “Why am I so stupid?” She held her face in her hooves and continued to sob.

End Chapter 1