//------------------------------// // Ouch...... // Story: Wedding Bells Hurt // by Crystal Light //------------------------------// My body slammed into the pink shield before it shattered into a million pieces. I glanced around to see my fellow changelings shoot down towards Canterlot. My name is #36675 and I was your regular average changeling. Invading a city was new to me but I had to do it. My Queen ordered it and I have to follow it. (Literally, I have to follow it. There was this one day she told #36528 to sing. It was scorned among all changelings. Our singing voice are like the most awful thing you will ever hear an- oh right, invasion.)I speed towards the ground at 50 fpm. A decent speed for a changeling. My wing buzzed as fast as they could, then I ignited the speed spell increasing my speed to 69 fpm. The ground was rushing towards me before I could deactivate the spell. I hit the ground with a thud before coming up hissing. I looked to see six mares looked shocked before stamping on me repeatedly. Oww.... that hurts. My entire body ached all over but I still had a job to do. A fellow changeling helped me up, I think his name was #36624, and we met at the rendezvous point. We began to fly but one of my wings was still sore. #36624 ignited his horn and teleported us to the place. Most of us were there, but there were few stragglers still flying up when I saw those six mares again. One drone leaned towards me and whispered, "Those are the powerful one Queen Chrysalis wants captured." I began to laugh nervously before one of my commanding officers shut me up. In my head he commanded me to engage first. I took the form of the brash, loud, multicolored maned one. "Looks like were gonna have to do this the hard way!" She said as she clapped her hooves together. This was definitely the annoying one. I rushed up to her as she began to rush up at us. She stopped to face with a sneer, then I copied her. She widened her eyes in shock seeing herself, before taking a step back. I quickly mimicked not wanting to her to notice and realize. She leaned in closer to get a better look, and I got a closer look at her. Her mane roots were real, surprisingly, and mimicking a rainbow mane saps a lot of energy. She cocked her head to the right and I, again mirrored her. I then raised my left hoof and she looked down at it. I then quickly jumped up into the air and whacked her in the gut. I smirked as she said "How did he-". Others copied the rainbow mare and then the others, the real mares widened their eyes in shock. The purple one talked to the rainbow one and said ,"They're changelings remember!" "They're changelings remember!" they mimicked, almost in unison, before going into a grin. "Don't let them distract you, we need to get to the Elements of Harmony! They are our only hope!" the purple unicorn. I think she might be their leader. My ears flicked as I heard dramatic music coming from somewhere. The mares leapt up into a battle stance - except for the yellow one, she looked scared, and easy - as we met them in a different stance. we then clashed together as we began to fight. Some of our own got confused and attacked us. I took the new shape of the wimpy yellow pegasus. Two changelings copied and we all went to find her. We then came across a third who looked scared but then looked sure with himself. I hate it when we have to take the form of a female. He then jabbed his right hoof, then his left hoof twice, before punching the air again with his right. He then paused before punch twice more with the right. It was weird and the others looked confused as I did. I shrugged and went with it as we went to the edge of the battle to find the wimpy pegasus. It took me a while to realize that she wasn't there and the one we saw earlier was in fact the real one. I then took of my disguise because a changeling tried to hit me. I began to walk towards the center of the fight where I saw a bright pink pony. I wasn't sure which shape I should take, so I went through the list ending with the yellow pegasus. The pink one giggled as I changed ponies. She jumped up in excitement and cried, "Do me! Do me!". I rolled my eyes before changing to look like her. I looked to see her face completely bored. She waved her hoof as she said, "Nah, I've seen better." She then took the leader as a something impossible to describe and I was the first to be hit by it. When most of us were knocked out, they fled. I shook my head, standing up before contacting the Queen.My Queen, the mares are going after the Elements of Harmony. Do you know where those things are so we might beat them to it?I received silence on her end before she replied. The library, they are going to the library. Tell a changeling they are going to the library. Do your bes- I AM GOING TO HURT THAT BLASTED PINK ALICORN! The communication was cut off like a piece of thread. I was tired already but it was my duty. I lit my horn prepping to talk to the entire hive mind. Calling all changelings, the 6 mares are headed to the library. I repeat the library. They are armed and dangerous, so finish what you are doing and go to the library. I got several answers, mostly copy that and roger. WHO THE HECK IS ROGER?! Must be a inside joke. I slowly opened my wings and leapt up into the air, racing to the library. Many changelings were up and in the air, all of them behind me. I heard in the back of my head What do you want us to do? Taking a deep breath I replied I want all those who can teleport with energy left over to do so. Teleport in the library. Others can fly behind them and cut of their escape routes. Popping noises and bright flashes began to flare out of the corners of my eyes. Leading the rest of the changelings, I followed the mares to the library. The mares reached the library and opened the door. I loved seeing the hope leave their eyes when they saw all those changelings. I landed behind them, grinning because I knew there was no way for them to escape. They bowed their heads in defeat as we stuck them in a green goo for extra protection. When we reached the castle, the pink pony princess was stuck in a layer of building glue, and her fiance, was still in the hypnosis spell. Drool was dripping out of his mouth. Gross. The sun monster was stuck in a hynococoon. Hopefully the ponies don't know much about it. "GO! feed!" The Queen shouted. We all left the queen to do what ever with the ponies. It is her business and hers alone, I have no say. I left the room, looking back one last time to see my Queen ranting. Turning around, I went to the café were the others were having some coffee and croissants. The café was quant but nice, with small tables with a few changelings sitting there. Their cups of coffee were still steaming and their croissants were gone. One waved to me with a smile on his face, sitting across from a mare stuck in the goo. When I entered the place a small bell ringed announcing my presence. The mare running the place tensed up as she saw another changeling enter her nice café. "I would like a croissant and one small hot chocolate. To go," I ordered. "Coming right up. And that would be 16 bits sir," The owner replied,"But for your currency that would be about...uhh... 12 bars". "WHAT! 12 BARS! THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS! WHAT KIND OF PRICES ARE THIS!?," I put my hooves on my head, shocked at the very high price. The mare sighed,"All of you did that, every single one. I swear, you all are clones". I snorted,"Actually, we are al-" "DON'T! I heard it already. Anyways, here is your order, now pay up". I hoofed over 12 bars, like the mare had requested. Taking the croissant and the hot chocolate, I went on my way. I then went up, before feeling a tremor of magic. A pinkish purple wall of magic slammed into me and it knocked the croissant and the hot chocolate right out of my hooves. I then felt a sharp pain as I was knocked in some bells. My last though before black was the most silliest ones i had ever had. Wedding bells hurt