Applejack Through the Ages

by Paradise Oasis

A look back....

A look back....

"Think back, my friends..." Kimono told the two quietly, gazing into the flames. "Let us peer back down the path you have trodden, so that we may glimpse upon what the road ahead holds in store for you."

The three ponies were seated in a circle before the fire, cross-legged and gazing into the flames. The fire in the hearth crackled as Kimono tossed some oracle bones onto the blaze, while Applejack and Fluttershy watched the heated bones cracked into a myriad of split and jagged patterns. The three awaited the arrival of the visions which the fire would grant them, giving them the insight to solve their dilemma at hand.

After Applejack and Fluttershy had explained everything, and introductions had been made, Kimono had suggested that they use an ancient divination technique to uncover a solution to Fluttershy's obsessive need to photograph everything.

"The problem," Kimono noted. "obviously lies in something that occurred in Flutershy's past. In order to rectify matters with any certainty. Therefore, we must peer deep into that past to see what mysteries it holds."

Kimono had prepared a large fire, so that they could tap into that primal Earth pony magic, which gave both Pinkie Pie past and present their abilities to foretell future events. Applejack was unsure of that this little bit of eastern 'hoodoo' would produce any solid results, but for Fluttershy's sake she was willing to give it a try.

"Concentrate on the flames... let your minds focus on that point in time we must look upon...." The oriental mare gazed into the heart of the fire. "Concentrate..."

It took only a few moments, before the flames roared upward, and from the smoke cloud above them images of the past began to appear...

Little Filly fluttershy was playing in the backyard, bouncing around and trying to get her mother's attention.

"Mommy! Look at me! Look at me!" The little filly yelled, hopping after a rabbit she had spotted in the bushes.

"That's nice, dear...." The older mare commented, never looking away from her garden work with her flowers. "Now please keep it down, dear. Mommy has a lot of work to do."

"So you're mom didn't pay attention to you as a filly, and she never noticed anything you did?" AJ noted sympathetically. "It seems sad that you didn't get enough attention."

"Shhhh, be quiet, AJ!" Kimono chided her. "You need to keep concentrating!"

The image in the smoke changed again, and the three mares saw a slightly older Flutters being given a camera as a birthday gift.

"Wow, daddy!" The little filly exclaimed excitedly. "Is this really for me?"

"Yes honey, and it's got film, a flash, and everything!" Her father told her, as the little filly hugged him. "It'll let you capture everything going on around you, so you'll never miss a thing!"

"So, let me get this straight... you're father got you a camera, and told you that it would help you 'never miss anything', and you had issues with mommy missing all the special things you did?" Applejack snorted sarcastically. "Yep, I can totally see where this is going here!"

"Applejack, that is really insensitive and rude!" Kimono snapped at the older mare angrily. "Don't you care about Fluttershy's feelings at all?"

"Awww, come on, Kimono! Isn't it obvious?" The red mare replied, shaking her head knowingly. "I've been around long enough to see mommy issues being the source of the problem is the issue here!"

"She-she's right, Kimono. I do think it might be issues with my mom that cause me to want to obsessively photograph everything." Fluttershy thought aloud, looking down at her own hooves. "I-I think my picture-perfect obsession might be a desperate cry for attention."

"Flutters, I think you've been reading too many of those self-help books." Kimono replied with a sigh. "And Applejack, I really think that you should-"

The image in the clouds changed again, and the three mares found themselves looking at as farm. An older orange mare is bucking a bunch of apple trees. Suddenly, a yellow Pegasus mare with a pink mane came trotting up behind her, and started whispering timidly.

"Uh, um.... Applejack? I'm sorry to bother you, but..." The Pegasus stuttered timidly. "B-but I was wondering if you could h-help me with some runaway rabbits..."

"Huh? Oh Fluttershy, it's you!" The yellow earth mare in the cowpony hat smiled. "Of course I'll help you corral those critters, Sugar Cube. After all, what're friends for?"

The two mares embraced, clearly showing the three viewing ponies that these two were the closest of friends...

"Good gracious, what on earth was that?" Kimono asked in shock, standing up and looking at the fire in disbelief. "That didn't look like anything from Fluttershy's past. Was that vision yours, Applejack?"

"Ummm, well..." AJ began to look around nervously, as sweat trickled from her brow." Uhhh, well, that is..."


Kimono suddenly spun around, casting a murderous glance at the mare who had just snapped an up-close picture of her flank.

"Ummmm, hi.... kimono." Fluttershy said sheepishly, putting the pink Instamatic camera she had in her hooves away. "W-what's up?"

"That does it Fluttershy!" The justifiably angry mare roared. "Apple Spice told me she warned you, and now that camera of yours has taken it's last picture!"

"Wait, Kimono... what are you doing? No, stay back, don't put that- AIEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"Ouch, that looks painful..." A horrified AJ noted, her eye twitching from what she had just witnissed. "She's gonna have a really hard time getting that camera outta there...."