//------------------------------// // The Attack // Story: Forbidden Magic // by ChaosDragoon //------------------------------// he fillies screamed as they dangled over a large mouth with rows of razor sharp teeth and two spider-like fangs on either side of the mouth. The vines lifted the two fillies up to the very top of the tree as a flower bloomed and they were placed onto it. "Don't fret little ones, this flower will take you to safety," a voice said before the peddles spun like a propeller, lifted up, and flew towards the castle. --- "Why save them?" War asked as he walked next to Famine atop a roof top. "I can't bring myself to kill any filly or colt. However, I do make an exception to her," Famine said before she watched a mint colored unicorn with cyan mane and tail, sunglow eyes, and a cutie mark of a lyre stumbled towards the tree. She wheezed and coughed before the vines wrapped around her body and pulled her into the top of the tree before blood trickled down the tree's trunk. "Interesting," Famine said. "What's interesting," War asked. Famine walked to the other side of the roof top and watched as more ponies simply hacked and coughed in the green gas. "He's only making them cough and wheeze. Why not blister and be covered in puss filled sores?" Famine questioned. "I requested he not do that," Death said as he flew down towards them. He landed in front of them and added, "Can't rule over a kingdom of nothing." "So we can't kill anypony?" War questioned. A sadistic crooked smile formed on Death's face before he said, "Killing is ok, but don't go overboard and kill them all." War nodded and jumped down from the roof top. "Please accept my apology Death, I didn't want to kill those fillies," Famine said before she was interrupted by Death holding up his hoof. "I'm not angry sister. I understand your need to save the little ones. However, I will not make our comrades do the same. You do understand that?" Death said. Famine nodded and walked over to the edge of the roof. A vine extended from the tree and she climbed onto it. It lowered her to the ground as she jumped down and walked through the green gas. Death watched her before a cross-eyed Pegasus with a grey coat and blonde mane landed behind him. "Hey mister, what's going on?" she asked. Death turned to her and simple walked over to her. He stared at her with his glowing blood red eyes. She slowly took a step backwards before Death lifted his hoof and tapped her. Her body collapsed to the ground before she turned to ash. "Disgusting creature," Death said before he extended his wings and flew into the sky. --- The large window in the castle shattered as a large flower, peddles spinning like a helicopter flew through the hall and landed a few feet away from Twilight and her friends. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo clutching to the flower. "Apple Bloom!" Applejack screamed as she ran towards her sister and hugged her. Scootaloo opened her eyes and saw Applejack with her sister. "What are you doing here squirt?" Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo's eyes filled with tears before she made one big leap towards her, crying into her shoulder. The flower that had brought them here wilted and turned to mush. "They're already here," Luna said. Celestia ran towards the broken window. She saw ponyville incased in a thick green gas. "We're out of time," Celestia said. "What are we going to do now sister? The spell takes time to preform and the connection with each pony could take even more?" Luna said. Celestia turned to her sister and said, "I don't know. That gas will make anypony sick. We have nothing left." "I'll go," Discord spoke up. "What!" Fluttershy said. "That gas won't hurt me, since my chaos powers gave them life, the gas won't make me sick. I can give you enough time to perform the spell," Discord explained. "But there's four of them and one of you," Applejack said. Discord chuckled and said, "I beat all six of you at one time. I'm sure these four won't be a problem." "Yeah well, none of us had godly powers like they do and I doubt your chocolate rain will do anything against them," Rainbow Dash said. "Yes well, if you paid any attention, I did say I could use Destructive Chaos Magic as well as Trickster Chaos Magic," Discord said before he turned to Celestia and added, "Go and get the spell ready. I'll give you as much time as you need." With that he disappeared with a flash. --- War reared back and breathed out flames towards a group of ponies in front of him. The flames consumed everypony in them. Green gas lifted up and formed Pestilence's head as he cackled, "Isn't this fun?" War nodded before he noticed two fillies wheezing and coughing as they stumbled through town. War smiled before he reared back again and blasted flames towards them, making quick work of the two. He chuckled as he walked past the charred remains of a tiara and light blue glasses lying on the ground. --- A white unicorn's horn glowed as records quickly lifted up and flew towards vines slowly slither towers her and another mare. Her electric blue mane coated with green slime and sun glasses lay on the ground broken, exposing her red eyes. "Damn it Tavi! They just keep coming?" she said to the mare next to her. The mare had a light gray coat, a dark gray mane. She lifted her cello and began to wake at the vines near her while she said, "these overgrown weeds are everywhere!" "Weeds?" Famine protested as she stepped off a vine that slithered out the door before she added, "How dare you call my precious babies." She stopped and started as the white unicorn. She was mesmerized by her. "What?" the white unicorn asked. "They're marvelous!" Famine said as she licked her lips and added, "I've never seen such beauty, such elegance. I've never seen such a sight. I must have them!" The unicorn looked at her in confusion before she looked at the records floating around her. "You me my mix records? Sure, I'll even sign them for you," the unicorn gloated. "Vinyl! This is no time to gloat. Just give her the records!" Octavia said. Vinyl nodded and floated the records towards Famine. Two vines lifted up and suddenly sliced the two records in half. "Hey!" Vinyl yelled before she continued, "You know how long it took me to make those?" "I'm not into this newfangled music you ponies are listening to. No, what I was referring to where those," Famine said as she pointed to Vinyl. Vinyl cocked her head before she looked behind her and then back at Famine and said, "What are you pointing to?" "Those eyes of yours, never has a mare had such a gaze as you. I've never been so enticed by a mare like you. I must have those eyes in my collection," Famine said. The floor exploded as a large Nepenthes plant rose up, its skin see through as the two mares stood in shock. Inside where an array of eyeballs all different colors, shapes, and some still having their optical nerves attached as they floated in the juices of the plant. Famine walked over to the flower and rubbed it. It seemed to twitch at her touch as she added, "All of these beauties belong to all the different stallions I've come across that had such alluring eyes. Yours will be the first mare I add to my collection." "Like I'd let you take my eyes willingly!" Vinyl yelled. Famine shook her head and chuckled, "They all said the same thing." Vines came from behind Famine and slithered towards Vinyl. She levitated records around her as Octavia lifted her cello, holding it like a club as she said, "I concur, you will not be taking her eyes." "You say that like you have a choice," Famine chuckled before the vines lunged towards them.