//------------------------------// // 10 - The rescues // Story: Just a day in Equestria // by dave89898989 //------------------------------// *Side note: This chapter contains some violence/gore, so be advised when reading. It had been a long time since I've seen the light of day. There was only white to be seen out of the windows. Food had run out a few days a go, and the boiler had frozen through the cold. I could only walk around if I was covered thick with blankets, otherwise the chill would freeze me, and oh how cold it is. Even worse, I felt starved, as I had forgotten to stock up on supplies when I could. Pinkie pie looks terrible. She is much paler, and sick, as all the food she's eaten has caught up with her, and now she's paying for it. If only there was something I could do for this poor mare. Through my isolated thoughts, I had half concluded that I was insane, through my endless doubting of petty things and countless note taking, of which I could not make out the writing, even though it was my own. I had written these 'notes' perhaps subconsciously, perhaps while sleeping, as I do not remember writing or drawing anything while awake. I had studied the orbs and the fruit as much as I could, but to no avail. All I could get out of the orbs is that they glowed slightly brighter when they were near to the matching pony, as I observed with Pinkie pie, but I couldn't see anything other than that. All I found with the fruit is that it may have been cut in half and shared with somepony. Wait. I think I'm starting to see sense now! The fruit resembled the one on the table from the flashback, and the other filly I was with showed a liking to it. Seeing as it was next to the thing from my cutie mark… maybe the fruit was the other filly's cutie mark in the future! That's it! I understand now! This pony I'm going to meet in Appleoosa definitely is my long lost friend! And this fruit… this fruit! I have to bring it with me, just in case, as this is one half of the whole, which she owns too! I laughed uncontrollably to myself, as I had discovered an end which I can finally tie up in my messed up mind. I kept laughing and coughing as I went back to bed, as I couldn't stand the cold anymore, even if I had loads of blankets on me. "Pinkie, are you okay?" I asked the sickly pony. "I'm… ooh… I feel dizzy and nauseous…" I felt Pinkie's head, and her temperature was wildly going from cold to hot. "Rest as much as you can Pinkie… I wish I could help you, but no matter how much I recite my magic, no spells work… I'm sorry…" "It's… not your fault… Blue…" "Please, hush now, save your energy, how much you have left." We could only sleep through the harsh conditions, as there was nothing else we could do. I couldn't help but think that we won't be able to make it. Especially when it came to Pinkie pie, as she didn't look like she had much hope of surviving either. I was drained of my magic somehow, maybe because the extreme cold took its toll, I can't focus anymore because of it. I wrapped my arms around Pinkie pie to keep her warm as well as me. I awoke to sounds of hammering, and digging. Faint as they were, I knew that they were coming from the door. I got out of bed, still with all the blankets on, and crept towards the door. I noticed that a big red stallion was clearing a path from my door by digging until it was safe to go outside. When he was done, he went to knock on the door, but I opened it before he could. "Hi uh… miss, we knew that you were snowed in, so ah just had to help ya out. Everypony's been snowed in, and since you were closest to us, ah offered to help ya'll out." Big macintosh said, panting as he spoke. "Well, thank you Big macintosh, I appreciate the help." I replied. "Ya don't seem too well, ya look kinda pale." "Oh yeah, our heating has broken down, and we have no food left." "We could help ya out if ya want, come stay at ours until the snow melts, what do ya say?" "Well, that would be a good choice for us, thank you for allowing us to stay with you." "No problem, now go get yer' things, and come quick, cause the cold's even freezin' me!" "Okay, wait there for a moment." I took the orange orb with me, and woke Pinkie pie up. "Come on now, we're going to Applejack's place." I said to her, and then picked her up with half of my remaining strength. I walked on my hind legs to the door, nodded at Big mac, and followed him to the farm. I looked around the walls of the snow alley. The snow is so high now that it must have been three times my height. How could it have gotten so high, in just a matter of days? When we got to Sweet apple acres, Applejack was standing by the gate to greet us. "Welcome home! How's everypony doin'?" She asked with whimsy. "Cold, starved, and isolated to be frank Applejack…" I said distantly. "Well, you better git yerselves inside, we got a roarin' fire goin', and we'll make ya some food and drinks!" All of us were pulled inside, and sat next to the fireplace. I and Pinkie were shivering like crazy, so I tried warming her up a bit by rubbing her arms and hooves, while soaking in the warmth of the fire. Applejack came back to us, and placed a platter of pies and hot drinks in front of us. We gulped it all down as fast as we could, and we started feeling better after. Pinkie luckily regained her colour, and she seemed as right as rain, much to my delight. Later that night, we were both provided with spare beds to sleep in, and we all tried resting as best as we could, even though the cold was running through the house too. Strangely, I was awoken in the middle of the night by Midnight sunset, as she had found her way to me. "Come quickly, we're in trouble!" She whispered to me, as I could only see her silhouette next to me, but I knew it was her. We ran outside, and I saw another demon pony. I was stunned as she was larger than a normal mare, and she had burning orange eyes, a red-orange coat, and a scarlet and yellow tail. I also noticed a red aura around her, symbolising danger for me. "It's… Firewing…" Midnight said with a frightened pausing. This Firewing had done something I had never seen before, which was breathing fire. The heat from it was intense, even from afar. After that, she produced massive balls of dark energy from out of nowhere, and launched them directly at me, which knocked me down before I could evade. That energy pierced my mind, and showed me horrible thoughts of darkness and morbidity. I suddenly realised the chilling cold of the snow covering me, as I watched Midnight and Firewing battle it out, with other demon ponies appearing from the skies, taking their own sides and opposing each other in the fight. Even Princess Luna is fighting beside Midnight, but it looks as though Firewing is having her way with the battlefield. Hope was slipping as Firewing herself and her demon army had swarmed the good side, and taken over the place, fighting off the local ponies' valiant struggles as they went. Midnight and Firewing flew into the air and waged their own private war, with lashing hooves, fire and allsorts. Midnight did appear to have more experience in flying, so she outmanoeuvred Firewing, and threw a snowball at her head to try and get away in the time that she had. But the moment Midnight thought she was safe, Firewing sped back down and stabbed Midnight in the leg with her great demon horns. Midnight had become weak, so she had partially collapsed, but she stubbornly carried on moving. Firewing had picked up Drutt, one of Midnight's friends, and bashed him against the nearby tree. Midnight shouted, "No! Stop that right now! Leave him alone!" in a husky tone. Firewing laughed to herself in pity. "Ha, why would I do that? I need to kill somepony here, and if I can't kill you that easily, I'll kill the others until I can get to you!" Midnight had risen back up to a normal pose, and something changed in her, which I couldn't put my mind over. She charged at Firewing, temporarily knocking her down, and flew as fast as she could away, beyond my seeing distance, holding Drutt. I tried crawling away from my resting place, but Firewing had trampled me under hoof again, while looking for Midnight. When she came back, Firewing immediately tore down Midnight's standing form. She then went for Berk, another one of Midnight's demon friends; Berk tried to counter by hitting Firewing with a stray piece of wood, but Firewing had bucked Berk straight to the weak point of his head, knocking him out cold completely. Midnight's slight change had suddenly transformed her into something different. Her coat faded to a jet black, everything else on her had faded in colour into a tint of grey on their original hues, and her eyes had changed into an orange gradient, with menacing pupils, that of a slit. I could see a dark aura around her, black sparks flying off of it. Firewing had stepped backwards in intimidation, but she tried to stand her ground firmly. Midnight shouted, "No! No more! You never hurt my friends! The only pony that shall die here will be you!" her voice was distorted and lower. "W-who… who are you?" Firewing said, trembling under her fear. "The sister you took from your parents and abandoned." Midnight walked closer to Firewing, and she started to decay and dissolve by the power of Midnight's dark, overly strong aura. Even I couldn't help but shudder in fright of this force that could just make a pony disappear. The bad demons had already fled for their own safety. Midnight slowly returned to her normal state, but fell in the snow, drained of all her energy. I crawled with all my might towards her, but I didn't get far. Princess Luna had helped me get there though, so I thanked her. The rest of the remaining ponies had gone to check on Midnight too. "Princess Luna." Drutt said, "Midnight's gonna get up isn't she?" he asked. The Princess sighed. "We shall see." she replied. They went to see if Berk and the others were okay, but I stayed with midnight for a while. I looked over her body, and saw the flesh wound of Firewing's horns in her leg. I healed that with the same spell I used to fix my cuts from before, as that was the best I could do for now. Soon enough, I had regained my strength, and so I carried her to Fluttershy's cottage, as we were just outside. Fluttershy was luckily standing outside the door, so when I appeared with Midnight in my arms, she immediately pushed me inside, and I placed Midnight on an armchair. "She's much drained of her energy Fluttershy, after transforming into… perhaps a full demon, so she really needs some help. Since you know more about health than me, I don't suppose you could help me could you?" I asked with the utmost pleading. "Of course Blue, anything for a friend." She grabbed a large supply of medical equipment from the storage room next to us, and set to work doing what she could to fix up Midnight. Berk had entered the room hastily, to see if Midnight is still alive. "Don't worry; I can hear her still breathing." I reassured him. A long time passed, about two weeks to be precise, and so we travelled to Berk's place, as Midnight would feel more at home there, according to Berk. Finally, she came to. "What… happened?" she asked. "Well, when we were on the brink of being defeated, you transformed into what I think was your full demon form, and the dark aura that you possessed completely destroyed Firewing until she was gone." I replied. "How long have I been out?" "About two weeks…" Fluttershy answered with a small sigh, sounding of concern and relief. "You don't mind if we leave now do you? Our work is done here I think." I said to Midnight and Berk. "Of course, you can go; we need dome time together anyway." Berk said, looking at Midnight as he talked. As I and Fluttershy had walked outside into the rising sun and the melting snow, Twlight had passed us. "Hello girls, how are you on this fine day?" "We're fine thank you! Where are you going?" I said. "Oh, I'm just going to see Midnight, I have something important to tell her." "Oh I see, well send her my luck!" As we walked back to Fluttershy's cottage we caught up with each other's news. "How did you manage to get through the snow Fluttershy?" I asked, hoping that she survived better than me and Pinkie did. "Well, luckily I trained my animals to protect me before they went into hibernation, so they dug a small path out of my house so I could go outside every once in a while, and since I don't eat that much, food was good for me." She replied. "That's good; you got by much better than me then." "How did you do?" "Well, Pinkie visited me a while ago, and unfortunately we got snowed in, so both of us went kind of crazy…" "Ooh, that sounds bad… and your cuts! How did you get those?!" Fluttershy asked with grave unease as she saw my slightly showing cuts. "Oh them… they were from Pinkie. When she went crazy, she started chopping me up… but soon enough I made her stop, well I didn't, something else from me did, and after that, I tried healing us both as much as I could after that… sorry if I had to make you hear all that, knowing you're sensitive and all…" Fluttershy gave me a painfully hard kiss to show her extreme sympathy. "I hope you're okay! Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine now, thanks to my magic. Those cuts only stick out as my magic isn't fully accurate yet, but it worked out." She kissed me yet again. It felt good to kiss her again, as we haven't for such a long time. Her lips are still as soft as ever, which gives me a warm, comforting, detoxifying feeling with it. I didn't want to travel too far, so I asked to stay the night at Fluttershy's, and she quickly agreed, seeing as we are in love and everything. And now for my long awaited report to Princess Celestia. "Dear princess Celestia, It is time to give you a statement, which has been long overdue. Over these few weeks, I have learned that you can't always get away being happy all the time, you're going to face hardship from hard to time, sometimes involving physical harm if it comes to it. I have also learned that no matter how strong you think you may be, in some cases you will be weaker than you thought, sometimes much stronger, which I'm sure Princess Luna will explain to you, as she was amidst the battle of the demon ponies. And lastly, I have learned that friendship will always burn strong, and that lesson will carry on forever, as friends will last forever. Yours faithfully, Electric Blue."